Question to Fat People!


Well-Known Member
It seems like you're trying to make an impression through being argumentative. I gained my reputation through being NICE to people and helping in the Newbie section... then I started flashing my underwear X3

Correct, post count is not the be all and end all. I do not know your age, level of experience or knowledge, but it is one of the few internet statistics I have to go by. It is a very loose, generalized reflection on the user.

Can you understand how it seems when someone new tries to perpetuate an argument? You are most likely twice my age and of the mightier gender but I think you know how new users generally come across. I wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms myself.


Active Member
i get where your coming from,
i was having what was at that time a amicable discussion with crypt,
i didnt see why you had to jump in the ring for him?
he seems more than able enough to talk his own corner.
if i really did upset you to the point of rage i apologise no true offense meant to you.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
usually bieng fat is a genetic thing, so i dont like to make fun of fattys. especially someone trying to eat better/exercise and better themselves. on the other hand i have no sympathy for the ones who just accept it and go on eating fast food every day and not making an effort to get healthy in any way.


Well-Known Member
i get where your coming from,
i was having what was at that time a amicable discussion with crypt,
i didnt see why you had to jump in the ring for him?
he seems more than able enough to talk his own corner.
if i really did upset you to the point of rage i apologise no true offense meant to you.
Okay :3

I'm quite happy to just hug everyone now.

Don't you mind me, I am a very 'black and white' sort of person, many people would say. If I did misinterpret your conversation with Crypt, I am sorry for butting in and hurting anyone in the process.

This wolf has an ASD you see. I have a knack for social failure.

So... have a cookie? <3


Pickle Queen
kuroi ur 2 damn loyal !!!!

Now down killer, claws in sweety and cover those pretty pearly whites ;)


Active Member
dont worry about it, it was for the most part in fun for me.
and on that bombshell night folks,
gotta get my fat ass up for work in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
i agree but when i say i was sick, i mean i was too sick to exercise. besides, i was too tired and i had dr appts every few days. some people really are sick, not everyone exaggerates or makes excuses.
Thats why I said Physically able to exercise .. I understand some people cant .. then you need to be even more disciplined with your eating habits.. and trust me that I am speaking from experience ..

I work a labor job.. and could eat whatever I want and never be over weight .. 4 years ago ... I had a spinal fusion and still have 2 more disc herniations I deal with to this day .. not including arthritis in my faucet joints ect... So now I am pretty much UNABLE to do the exercise I was accustomed to ..add to that depression and all other kinds of things that come with having this kind of health in your 20's.. I gained about 60lbs... BUT .. I learned to eat different .. and do what I could to keep myself in shape enough to function ... If your too sick to exercise you shouldnt need to consume much calories considering your burning hardly anything ..

Most people just want to justify their laziness and lack of effort with illnesses .... 80 percent of the obese people I know are there because of their personal choices.. not a illness or sickness.. There is exceptions.. but not many!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
dont worry about it, it was for the most part in fun for me.
and on that bombshell night folks,
gotta get my fat ass up for work in a few hours.
Good night. I should be getting to bed too. I start a new school tomorrow...

kuroi ur 2 damn loyal !!!!

Now down killer, claws in sweety and cover those pretty pearly whites ;)
I am a puppy, through and through. I can only mock myself sometimes.

The last person that upset me, I actually did take a chunk out of his arm *wolfy grin*

But I shall be quiet now... if I get a tummy scratch :3 *excited wagging*


New Member
What I don't understand is why doctors don't consider working getting exercise. You walk around for 8 hours besides your breaks. Whats the difference walking 8 hours or walking 20 minutes outside? Seriously doctors need to think for them self.


Well-Known Member
Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta/bone morphogenetic protein (TGF-[beta]/BMP) super-family of secreted factors that functions as a potent inhibitor of skeletal muscle growth. Moreover, considerable evidence has accumulated that myostatin also regulates metabolism and that its inhibition can significantly attenuate the progression of obesity and diabetes. While at least part of these effects on metabolism can be attributable to myostatin's influence over skeletal muscle growth and therefore on the total volume of metabolically active lean body mass, there is mounting evidence that myostatin affects the growth and metabolic state of other tissues, including the adipose and the liver. In addition, recent work has explored the role of myostatin in substrate mobilization, uptake and/or utilization of muscle independent of its effects on body composition. Finally, the effects of both endurance and resistance exercise on myostatin expression, as well as the potential role of myostatin in the beneficial metabolic adaptations occurring in response to exercise, have also begun to be delineated in greater detail. The purpose of this review is to summarize the work to date on the expression and function of myostatin in obesity, diabetes, and exercise adaptation.


Well-Known Member
Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta/bone morphogenetic protein (TGF-[beta]/BMP) super-family of secreted factors that functions as a potent inhibitor of skeletal muscle growth. Moreover, considerable evidence has accumulated that myostatin also regulates metabolism and that its inhibition can significantly attenuate the progression of obesity and diabetes. While at least part of these effects on metabolism can be attributable to myostatin's influence over skeletal muscle growth and therefore on the total volume of metabolically active lean body mass, there is mounting evidence that myostatin affects the growth and metabolic state of other tissues, including the adipose and the liver. In addition, recent work has explored the role of myostatin in substrate mobilization, uptake and/or utilization of muscle independent of its effects on body composition. Finally, the effects of both endurance and resistance exercise on myostatin expression, as well as the potential role of myostatin in the beneficial metabolic adaptations occurring in response to exercise, have also begun to be delineated in greater detail. The purpose of this review is to summarize the work to date on the expression and function of myostatin in obesity, diabetes, and exercise adaptation.
so fat people... are fat?


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is why doctors don't consider working getting exercise. You walk around for 8 hours besides your breaks. Whats the difference walking 8 hours or walking 20 minutes outside? Seriously doctors need to think for them self.
i think people think of work as sitting at a desk. if you work on your feet, i think that's a workout. when i waited tables, i was always on the go.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
no one wants drama least of all me and whats with the post count reference?
i dont see the relevance
What's the other purpose of this forum? I'm 6'1 165 and I don't do shit :grin:



Well-Known Member
im on the fat side. i think alot of my over eating is due to stress. fighting a case getting ready to go to prison so it will all come off anyways.but if you dont want to be fat you have to work at it. either you have the will power to be hungry or you dont. id say that most people that are fat choose to be fat.


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is why doctors don't consider working getting exercise. You walk around for 8 hours besides your breaks. Whats the difference walking 8 hours or walking 20 minutes outside? Seriously doctors need to think for them self.
I think it's because it's in short bursts and not really getting your heart pumping. Cardio burns calories. Racewalking is the way to go, rather than pottering to and from your desk. Also, your muscle groups are targeted more effectively when you are doing controlled movements with a disciplined attitude. A lazy stretch in the morning will not strengthen you or make you as flexible as actually attending a yoga class for example.

If you work on a farm doing a 50 hour week like I did, then sure, that's exercise ^^;


Well-Known Member
Eat less calories than your body uses each day.

I'm 5'9" 165lbs and do strength training every other day and I run occasionally... My body uses like 1600 calories a day to maintain weight - it'd be less if I wasn't active...

a McDonalds Big Mac meal with fries and a drink is over 2000 calories, right? It's insane... Hell, at Burgerville a few months ago I noticed they print out calories on the receipt; I got a burger, fries and a milkshake and it was like 3300 calories... I didn't even look at fat content or carbs, I was sort of ashamed...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
If you really want to lose weight dont starve your BODY.... it needs the calories. lol Starve the fat. Cut back to a quarter of the carbs you were getting normally, and drop out all the fat in your diet. Well, most of it. That way you wont take on more fat, and you'll starve the fat you already have. =)