Withdrawing cash, any advice?

I'm about to withdraw three grand in cash from a 4.5 grand financial aid check I recently deposited in my checking account. Will this amount raise any flags? What amounts have you guys withdrawn, or have you? $10k+ is federally required to be reported, however, couldn't the tellers report sums less than that (like three grand)?

Even sober I feel strongly as though the feds are loosely monitoring my behavior, just waiting for me to pop up my 4x8 tent and plant my seeds before they come knocking on my door with a warrant (or even without).


Well-Known Member
Paranoid much... They are only required to report deposits in excess of 9999$.

*Also advertising that your going to spend public tax dollars on a grow op is not very smart. I enjoy pot but ill be damned if I'm going to support someone elses habit with my tax dollars.
I received this money for school expenses I've paid for out-of-pocket; hence, I'm being reimbursed and it's as though I'm spending my own money.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone would be concerned with spending/taking advantage of government subsidies... It all cycles right back into the economy, right?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone would be concerned with spending/taking advantage of government subsidies... It all cycles right back into the economy, right?
The only thing the government can give you is what they take from someone else. I'm sure no one would have a problem taking advantage of government subsities if we lived in communist Russia, however we live in capitalist America, but you being from Canada which is very socialist I wouldn't expect you to understand.
The thing is, I'm not taking advantage of tax-funded federal aid. The bill for this semester's tuition was due before I could obtain my check because of pending paperwork needed by the financial aid office. Thus, I had to pay from my checking account. If all had gone as it should have, the check would've gone to tuition and I'd be paying for my grow op with my money directly.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone would be concerned with spending/taking advantage of government subsidies... It all cycles right back into the economy, right?
It's a little hard to explain. We have a lot of Libertarians on this site that feel government shouldn't be helping anyone in any way, shape or form. The political climate is very volatile right now and people get their panties in a twist over asinine shit. Don't sweat it. Like the man said, he is being reimbursed for money he spent on education. I guess the haters think he should have taken out a student loan and then owe some Corporate banking system his soul and half of his wages for the next 10 years.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather he spend "educational money" on growing and herbology than beer and parties like the average college student.

And I understand its not really money, its reimbursed funds. I get it. :)


Well-Known Member
Ferret explained that it isn't federal funds he is spending but money he has been reimbursed for his out of pocket tuition costs. I have no problem with that.

Although in his original post he did not make that clear so i called him out on it.


Well-Known Member
LOL - three grand isn't shit to pull out of checking, and no one watches withdraws anyway. Large deposits can create flags, but even then it only affects people with tons of money. If all you have is 10k, you are just going to put it in as 5k and 5k. For it to matter, you would literally have to be making money faster than you could put it in the bank, but even then the law is pretty pointless, because you don't have to put it in the bank to spend it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Ferret explained that it isn't federal funds he is spending but money he has been reimbursed for his out of pocket tuition costs. I have no problem with that.

Although in his original post he did not make that clear so i called him out on it.
That's called "jumping to conclusions." Asking a few questions would have avoided any misunderstandings and accusations.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
When you assume you make an ass of U and Me.... i get it.
No bro, I'm not busting your chops. Really. It's just disheartening to see how quick everyone is to condemn before they know all the facts. Just like the political bullshit that's going on in this nation. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. The worse this gets the more everyone forgets that fact.


Active Member
You guys are right.. I work at a college and 50 percent of the students don't pay a cent and I know a lady that got a boob job with her financial aid... So party on... I am working and paying for others college tuition but won't be able to send my own kids to college..... Good luck with your grow room....


Active Member
Even sober I feel strongly as though the feds are loosely monitoring my behavior, just waiting for me to pop up my 4x8 tent and plant my seeds before they come knocking on my door with a warrant (or even without).
There are MJ growers and dispensaries operating right out in the open from one end of California to the other and every single one of them is in violation of US Federal Law not to mention all the other states that have MMJ laws. You imagine the Feds are ignoring all of this activity in which tens of thousands of pounds of mj are being sold and are focussing on your 4x5 grow where, as yet, there's nothing actually growing? Like somewhere in Washington there's a team of men in black suits that meets every morning to review the status of your case and decide whether it's time to kick in your door?


Well-Known Member
I'd rather he spend "educational money" on growing and herbology than beer and parties like the average college student.

And I understand its not really money, its reimbursed funds. I get it. :)

Originally I was going to post a bitch about using grant money, but I came across your post and I have to agree with you on this one. Not to mention he will probably get more of an education by researching how MJ grows and everything else related to it than he will the entire semester in college.

Having only 14 months left before I earn my BA I can say that my exaggeration is not far off.


New Member
dont worry, will not even be noticed...i do that at least once a month for change dispensers.... and it is your money that you received so spend it as you wish