Question to Fat People!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Haha does seem that way huh? x) Im gonna stay in with April friday night and hide from the big bad inbred redneck in his drunk rampage. =P


Well-Known Member
obesity is a symptom of underlying psychological health and environmental problems, so get off your ass and do something about your life


Do you laugh at people with schizophrenia, or depression, or anxiety, or diabetes? Same fucking thing dick wad.
It is not the same thing. They both may be classified as diseases, but the last time I checked... being fat usually comes from the end of a fork. Sure, there are exceptions to this rule. Some people have insulin issues, thyroid problems, genetic predispositions, etc. But for the most part, people are fat because they eat too much. For example, mississippi is the fatest state in the nation and they eat a lot of fried food. I mean a LOT. Direct correlation? I think so.

People who are depressed, schizophrenic, etc., don't chose to be that way. I've dealt with depression and I sure as fuck didn't ask for it.