Question to Fat People!


New Member
That's your criteria for disease? So alcoholism is just weak genetics? Obesity like alcoholism IS a disease, folks. Anyway, I made my point. Hopefully people with weight issues will read it and know there is hope and a way to do this without causing irreparable harm or mutilation (gastric bypass). Anything else is just bullshit and prejudice.
What is it if not weak genetics?? What is a disease? Healthiness?? Goodness... btw heres the def for disease... A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury... yea fat ppl fit right in there...


Well-Known Member
i don't think alcoholism is a disease because I've been to tons of AA meetings, and they told me I can't drink responsibly, that I have no will power, etc.

i drink responsibly and it causes no problems in my life, besides the occasional hangover. beer it does my body good.
i went to AA and they made me cry.

i can have a beer or two these days, but i KNOW when to stop and apply that KNOWLEDGE when needed. no EXCUSES here. :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What is it if not weak genetics?? What is a disease? Healthiness?? Goodness... btw heres the def for disease... A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury... yea fat ppl fit right in there...
You didn't even read my posts, did you? Or are you just ignoring the fact that I posted the physiological causes of obesity? Anyway, I'm done with this thread. It's just troll fodder now.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
That's your criteria for disease? So alcoholism is just weak genetics? Obesity like alcoholism IS a disease, folks. Anyway, I made my point. Hopefully people with weight issues will read it and know there is hope and a way to do this without causing irreparable harm or mutilation (gastric bypass). Anything else is just bullshit and prejudice.
LOL The physicians dont all agree with you. It's defined medically as a Medical Condition. Pregnancy is a medical condition. So is High Blood Pressure. =) It's not a disease, more of a disorder, if anything.


Well-Known Member
You didn't even read my posts, did you? Or are you just ignoring the fact that I posted the physiological causes of obesity? Anyway, I'm done with this thread. It's just troll fodder now.
so those who don't agree with you are simply labelled "trolls"?


New Member
I was just participating in the thread...and in case someone misread something and got the wrong idea, I wanted to put my 2 cents in... why try to get healthy if its a disease..I mean good Lord fat ppl are lazy already you think they need ANOTHER reason not to try to lose weight and STOP eating at burger king?! haha carne crazy ;)


Well-Known Member
i chimed in like ten pages back too. i hate it when people try to say that its something wrong with my body, or that i am sick. they say it in a patronizing way so that i dont feel so bad abut my terrible life choices when it comes to food. um, its not my body its the food i put down my gullet


Well-Known Member
i chimed in like ten pages back too. i hate it when people try to say that its something wrong with my body, or that i am sick. they say it in a patronizing way so that i dont feel so bad abut my terrible life choices when it comes to food. um, its not my body its the food i put down my gullet
i will agree that everyone's body operates a little differently. people may be "prone" to obesity. it is up to the individual to learn what their body needs and doesn't need though. seems you got a good grasp of all this. bongsmilie

kirstie alley just dropped down to a size 4. my wife and i are calling "cocaine".



Active Member
one of the biggest contributing factors for my weight gain is the fact i quit smoking a little over 3 years ago,
smoking in itself feeds sugar to the brain and can help maintain a better body,
known fact if your pekkish smoking a cigarette can help to fill your appetite some.
like i said i work pretty hard at my job digging, carrying steel, using machinery, even sometimes cycling to work.
my body will begin to balance itself from the sugar it used to get to the intake it gets now.


Active Member
Fat people are fat because humans dont have environmental factors pressuring them to be thin. You can sit on your ass all day and eat garbage and still live long enough to reproduce. I won't go as far as saying there is a specific gene for it, but I do believe genes factor into metabolism rates and other complex processes which contribute to obesity. This allows people to be naturally fatter than others even if they live the same lifestyle. Since there are no environmental pressures they can successfully pass on their genes so their kids can grow up with a high chance of having similar traits