Question to Fat People!


Well-Known Member
Short-term diet cycling during a weight loss and exercise program may be an effective way to promote weight loss without associated reductions in REE. In addition, preliminary findings indicate that the HP and HC diet approaches employed were equally effective.
HP - high protein HC - high carbohydrate REE - resting energy expenditure
I just want to say if you don't do construction or do some type of exercise a day you should not be eating carbohydrates.

carbs are simple sugars and you need to use those sugars before the day is done or it will turn to fat.


Active Member
Several years ago, I was pretty fat. I drank too much and would order a bacon cheeseburger with fries rather than a salad or seafood entree. I did not have a disease, I had a problem with self control. One day I looked in the mirror and realized I didn't like the way I looked so I lost close to 50 lbs and have kept it off.

It is a huge, huge mistake to let fat people become "victims", so that they can stop working, collect disability and get special rights because of a condition that is completely self-induced. We already did this with substance abuse and it has only enable more and more of this type of irresponsible behavior. It's time for fatties to lose weight. It's as simple as that. No special rights for those who choose to over-eat.


Well-Known Member
our brain needs about 400-600 calories a day which only come from carbohydrates. Simple sugars of course, simple sugars come from candy, cookies in some veggies and fruits, but the carbs im talking about are complex carbs are used for many things within our body.

That is where a nutritional program comes into play and guides to which carbs you are better off with and which you dont want in your diet.

I just want to say if you don't do construction or do some type of exercise a day you should not be eating carbohydrates.

carbs are simple sugars and you need to use those sugars before the day is done or it will turn to fat.


Active Member
I'm not fat. But I'd put on weight if I quit smoking, that's for sure. Then again, whenever I've quit smoking the desire to workout is INTENSE. I don't think I'd ever get obese. Too much drinking,drugging, and cigarettes for that. HAHA.


Well-Known Member
i have a question for fat people is being fat uncomfortable? i remember riding with my dad one day and their was this fat dude waiting at the bus stop and my dad out of nowhere say is uncomfortable being fat and i tried my best not to laff but i was high and that was some random shit


Well-Known Member
There are all kinds of reasons for people been overweight. Physical and emotional. It's best not to judge.


Well-Known Member
Why are you so fat?

Seems like a weird question, but is food really that good?
Yes, yes it is :)

Seriously, I go to work in the hot ass sun for hours. By the time I come home I am in no mood to work out and I'm starving. Bad combination. My routine is basically work, smoke, eat, sleep Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun I just smoke, eat, sleep.

There's no doubt in my mind that if I cut back on food and exercise more, I will lose weight. It's common sense. And I had no idea people could get government assistance because they are fat (WTF).

As for genetics, my brother is pretty much lazy and eats the same stuff I do, but he is skinny. Goddamn high metabolism.


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes it is :)

Seriously, I go to work in the hot ass sun for hours. By the time I come home I am in no mood to work out and I'm starving. Bad combination. My routine is basically work, smoke, eat, sleep Mon-Fri, Sat-Sun I just smoke, eat, sleep.

There's no doubt in my mind that if I cut back on food and exercise more, I will lose weight. It's common sense. And I had no idea people could get government assistance because they are fat (WTF).

As for genetics, my brother is pretty much lazy and eats the same stuff I do, but he is skinny. Goddamn high metabolism.

you can build up your metabolism


Well-Known Member
Several years ago, I was pretty fat. I drank too much and would order a bacon cheeseburger with fries rather than a salad or seafood entree. I did not have a disease, I had a problem with self control. One day I looked in the mirror and realized I didn't like the way I looked so I lost close to 50 lbs and have kept it off.

It is a huge, huge mistake to let fat people become "victims", so that they can stop working, collect disability and get special rights because of a condition that is completely self-induced. We already did this with substance abuse and it has only enable more and more of this type of irresponsible behavior. It's time for fatties to lose weight. It's as simple as that. No special rights for those who choose to over-eat.
Speaking of that, ever sit beside a fattie on an airplane? It is a nightmare. I am 6'1 with long legs and it is already uncomfortable, but when the guy asks me if he can put the arm rest up, I always say no lol.


Active Member
because they eat all the pies, there wern't many fat people released from nazi concentration camps after ww2, the question is a no brainer, bottom line is they are greedy bastards


Well-Known Member
You have a horrible experience with a fatty 420God? =-O
Yeah, my wife was one for 6 years after she had our daughter. Last year she didn't like the way she looked anymore and didn't want any health issues down the road so she went on a diet and exercised and lost over 60 lbs.


Pickle Queen
See most women in my family are thicker women but not fat, i mean my cousin is 6"3 and she must weigh about 250lbs but she can still rock a bikini and look sexy, she's just tall and thick, lots of curves, but her skin is smooth, no dimples or ripples, even her big booty is tight lmfao

And congrats to ur wife 420God, 60 lbs is a lot to loose, she must feel wonderful about herself !!


New Member
Making fun of people because they lack common sense, ignorant or being stupid is fine by me.

When you pick on someones physical attributes without knowing the whole story is not. I mean some people are over weight because of eating, and some because of other issues.

I mean how do you think that dude feels? You think he is proud to be that big hanging over a seat, do you think he is comfortable? It's sad and I can understand people "Well he can lose weight"! Can he or she? I pick on a lot of people for lack of common sense or stupidity, but I would never think of making fun of someone over a physical attribute like birth defects, over weight, mentally handicap etc. I guess one of the few morals I have left that I will never lose.

Especially in a community that is supposed to be about helping people with such problems (not overweight or maybe so but other issues with people) with the plant we love, kind of hypocritical.


New Member
I am not obese or skinny... I don't have anything against anyone, but am I the only one who is sick of everything being a freaking disease?! I have a disease that causes lymphnodes in my chest to swell up and gives me crippling pain in my knees and feet... When I see a man weighing 400 pounds riding around kroger in a electric cart full of candy and chips, that aint the same shit man! I can't change my lifestyle and lose some disease... sorry, I'm not tryin to be a hater, but when will it end?! LOL I have a "slapping women" disease... its not my fault... its my disease ;)