Question to Fat People!


Well-Known Member
in order to gain weight you need to stuff something down your gullet. your body does not produce fat out of thin air.

have another donut while you cry about your "birth defect". :roll:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
See most women in my family are thicker women but not fat, i mean my cousin is 6"3 and she must weigh about 250lbs but she can still rock a bikini and look sexy, she's just tall and thick, lots of curves, but her skin is smooth, no dimples or ripples, even her big booty is tight lmfao

And congrats to ur wife 420God, 60 lbs is a lot to loose, she must feel wonderful about herself !!
Now if they could only sing opera we could put on a Wagner production. I would vote on Der Ring des Nibelungen. :D


New Member
I know right... If you have cancer, and are driving...maybe have a terrible pain spasm or something, and wreck... are you going to prison for driving under the influence of cancer? cause my beer disease got me a freakin DUI when I was 24 :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
in order to gain weight you need to stuff something down your gullet. your body does not produce fat out of thin air.

have another donut while you cry about your "birth defect". :roll:
As acidic as ever I see. Well I never said there wasn't fault attached to obesity. What I AM saying is there needs to be a little more compassion. Gaining weight can be prevented but once you've reached a certain body fat percentage it causes insulin problems. Your body will begin to store more fat, you will start craving more and more food because of malnutrition and fatigue will be a large factor in exercising. Plus the high levels of insulin will fight the body's ability to shed weight.

Limiting calories and exercising isn't the answer. Most obese people that lose the weight will gain it back and in most cases add more weight than before they started losing. The answer is the type of food you ingest. No sodas, processed sugars, breads of any kind, actually anything with sugar in it. Limit your fruit consumption. Increase your fat and protein and complex carbs. Stay away from starches like potatoes, rice, and pastas. Alcohol is a big no no as well.

That's all I'm saying. It's time you folks look past your bias and realize it is a physiological problem then less shame will be heaped on obese individuals (which creates a psychological component to problems with weight loss). I find making fun of fat people rather cruel considering what they go through day to day.


Well-Known Member
As acidic as ever I see. Well I never said there wasn't fault attached to obesity. What I AM saying is there needs to be a little more compassion. Gaining weight can be prevented but once you've reached a certain body fat percentage it causes insulin problems. Your body will begin to store more fat, you will start craving more and more food because of malnutrition and fatigue will be a large factor in exercising. Plus the high levels of insulin will fight the body's ability to shed weight.

Limiting calories and exercising isn't the answer. Most obese people that lose the weight will gain it back and in most cases add more weight than before they started losing. The answer is the type of food you ingest. No sodas, processed sugars, breads of any kind, actually anything with sugar in it. Limit your fruit consumption. Increase your fat and protein and complex carbs. Stay away from starches like potatoes, rice, and pastas. Alcohol is a big no no as well.

That's all I'm saying. It's time you folks look past your bias and realize it is a physiological problem then less shame will be heaped on obese individuals (which creates a psychological component to problems with weight loss). I find making fun of fat people rather cruel considering what they go through day to day.
have another donut fatty.

that's all I'M saying. ;)

i'm "crazy fat" now. :)


New Member
realize it is a physiological problem
Look how many ppl there are... If this was sparta, we would throw genetically weak people off a cliff and everyone would be smart and ripped. There are like 300 million people though and that kinda profiling aint really accepted. So isn't it fair to say if ANYTHING is wrong with someone its mental, or physiological... But to say disease...come on man... you can't walk off epilepsy, you can walk off fat.


Well-Known Member
i had an alcohol problem once, so i stopped drinking.
i was just being an idiot. to be honest i have had alcohol problems in my past as well, but it wasn't so much an alcohol problem as an environmental problem. i love drinkin and smokin, and BBQin and all that stuff

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Look how many ppl there are... If this was sparta, we would throw genetically weak people off a cliff and everyone would be smart and ripped. There are like 300 million people though and that kinda profiling aint really accepted. So isn't it fair to say if ANYTHING is wrong with someone its mental, or physiological... But to say disease...come on man... you can't walk off epilepsy, you can walk off fat.
That's your criteria for disease? So alcoholism is just weak genetics? Obesity like alcoholism IS a disease, folks. Anyway, I made my point. Hopefully people with weight issues will read it and know there is hope and a way to do this without causing irreparable harm or mutilation (gastric bypass). Anything else is just bullshit and prejudice.


Well-Known Member
i don't think alcoholism is a disease because I've been to tons of AA meetings, and they told me I can't drink responsibly, that I have no will power, etc.

i drink responsibly and it causes no problems in my life, besides the occasional hangover. beer it does my body good.