The Federal Reserve does something Bold!


Well-Known Member
name a strong nation without a central bank, please.
Name one nation with a central bank that isn't in the same boat our country is in?

Oh and in case you wanted to play that opened ended question shit, I mean unemployment through the roof, lack of a middle class, dollar still loosing value....

gahh, has anyone here seen Idiocracy ? I am getting the feeling we are all moving towards exactly what was depicted in that movie, scary to say.

i noticed something the other day. Not one person who works a blue collar job, 8, 9, and 10 hours a day to keep afloat is an Obama supporter or believer is Keynesian economics. Maybe because they realize that America way is to EARN your own way, pay for your mistakes, and pave your own path. Not fight each-other over government handouts with is really your money being regurgitated.

Tis' a sad day indeed. I only wish I could say i was totally independent and off the gird, all in due time I guess, I'm not going to go down with this sinking ship.


New Member
Name one nation with a central bank that isn't in the same boat our country is in?

Oh and in case you wanted to play that opened ended question shit, I mean unemployment through the roof, lack of a middle class, dollar still loosing value....

gahh, has anyone here seen Idiocracy ? I am getting the feeling we are all moving towards exactly what was depicted in that movie, scary to say.

i noticed something the other day. Not one person who works a blue collar job, 8, 9, and 10 hours a day to keep afloat is an Obama supporter or believer is Keynesian economics. Maybe because they realize that America way is to EARN your own way, pay for your mistakes, and pave your own path. Not fight each-other over government handouts with is really your money being regurgitated.

Tis' a sad day indeed. I only wish I could say i was totally independent and off the gird, all in due time I guess, I'm not going to go down with this sinking ship.
I doubt you notice jack shit that doesnt jibe with your personal "beliefs" I am a CNC Machinist. one of those blue collar workers. I support Obama. Your a Corporate lacky and your too stupid to even notice it


Well-Known Member
Mhmm guys, nevermind that American and European banks are inseparable, intertwined institutions and more largely the world economy depends on the Eurozone just as much as the world economy depends on the U.S. economy... This move is in our national interest, it can bring growth to the Eurozone and therefore the world... and most importantly the United States.
Will the average U.S, citizen will do better with a strong Europe?


Well-Known Member
Gold Bubble? there is a grand total of about 5 billion ounces that have been taken out of earth in the past million years. At $1800 per ounce that would give us a grand total of about $9trillion. By contrast there is a total value of US treasuries in excess of 15 trillion. It only took 100 years to get the 15 trillion in debt, it took a million years to accumulate the gold. You tell me, which one you think is going to crash and burn? How much derivative exposure is there on US treasuries? Over $1 quadrillion. Don't worry, a quadrillion is only a thousand trillion. Not much at all, the Fed could print enough money in one second to cover it all. Good times ahead!


New Member
Gold Bubble? there is a grand total of about 5 billion ounces that have been taken out of earth in the past million years. At $1800 per ounce that would give us a grand total of about $9trillion. By contrast there is a total value of US treasuries in excess of 15 trillion. It only took 100 years to get the 15 trillion in debt, it took a million years to accumulate the gold. You tell me, which one you think is going to crash and burn? How much derivative exposure is there on US treasuries? Over $1 quadrillion. Don't worry, a quadrillion is only a thousand trillion. Not much at all, the Fed could print enough money in one second to cover it all. Good times ahead!
So the FEDS are into Diravatives?
ya dont say
hey nothing wrong with that in the Ron Paul Economic model


Well-Known Member
Will the average U.S, citizen will do better with a strong Europe?
considering most of the Eurozone are important trade partners that we export to, yes. The sooner the Eurozone is at full strength the sooner the U.S. can get to full strength. inversly we could let their banks fail, which would lead to more of our banks failing and it'll be like 2008 Lehman brothers all over again... The Federal Reserve will not let that happen, and neither will the rest of the worlds central banks... Which is why they acted together to avert further economic contraction.


Well-Known Member
considering most of the Eurozone are important trade partners that we export to, yes. The sooner the Eurozone is at full strength the sooner the U.S. can get to full strength. inversly we could let their banks fail, which would lead to more of our banks failing and it'll be like 2008 Lehman brothers all over again... The Federal Reserve will not let that happen, and neither will the rest of the worlds central banks... Which is why they acted together to avert further economic contraction.
I thought the U.S. was quite prosperous after WWI & WWII when our competitors in Europe and Asia were destroyed, I thought it gave our country and more importantly our citizens quite an atvantage and a high standard of living...


Well-Known Member

Somewhat correct, do you know how it happened? Germany 6 years ago had 10% unemployment, now its at less than 6%. Mostly due to conservative policies enacted by Gerhard Shroeder. which included tax cuts, Unemployment benefit cuts and less regulations.

Germany is getting tired of Bailing out the rest of the Euro Zone, I often wonder just how long they will bear the brunt of other people's debts.


Well-Known Member
Just say your Wrong. most of my co-workers support Obama
Going By the bumper stickers on the Cars in the Parking lot the Nepotistic managers support Mccain
Ohh I know I'm wrong, but I am talking in my area at least, and that's the honest truth, in fact I've met some better off people who did vote obama and are disappointed in the results, albeit congress has a role as well this country is not going in the wrong direction and when your president you are the figurehead of America and when the America is failing is reflect poorly upon you ( the President) . In narrative I will say congress has done a sweel job fucking up Obama's plans, for better or worse I don not know, I do know are country is only gauged by how bad things are.

I would continue preaching about how Americans shouldlook at their country as a neutral 4rd party and examine our omnetray system by people are so opinionated that they can not accept any thing other than their own ideas, I may disagree with many of your ideas but at least I understand them, people don't do that enough now and that is a root of our problems, but I just can't keep repeating the same things over and over like a broken record, this thread is spiraling downwards and i only foresee many angry posts to come.

Ohh and btw, nice avatar, looks like a rip off of the Obama-Joker picture.....


Well-Known Member

So one country of all the many countries with a central bank managed to keep it's head over the water, and a private central bank is still a good thing?

Statistically I would have to disagree if that's all I'm getting to work with.


New Member
Ohh I know I'm wrong, but I am talking in my area at least, and that's the honest truth, in fact I've met some better off people who did vote obama and are disappointed in the results, albeit congress has a role as well this country is not going in the wrong direction and when your president you are the figurehead of America and when the America is failing is reflect poorly upon you ( the President) . In narrative I will say congress has done a sweel job fucking up Obama's plans, for better or worse I don not know, I do know are country is only gauged by how bad things are.

I would continue preaching about how Americans shouldlook at their country as a neutral 4rd party and examine our omnetray system by people are so opinionated that they can not accept any thing other than their own ideas, I may disagree with many of your ideas but at least I understand them, people don't do that enough now and that is a root of our problems, but I just can't keep repeating the same things over and over like a broken record, this thread is spiraling downwards and i only foresee many angry posts to come.

Ohh and btw, nice avatar, looks like a rip off of the Obama-Joker picture.....
I suddenly have gained a Lot of respect for you


New Member
Somewhat correct, do you know how it happened? Germany 6 years ago had 10% unemployment, now its at less than 6%. Mostly due to conservative policies enacted by Gerhard Shroeder. which included tax cuts, Unemployment benefit cuts and less regulations.

Germany is getting tired of Bailing out the rest of the Euro Zone, I often wonder just how long they will bear the brunt of other people's debts.
Central banks by country
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[edit] De facto independent countries

[edit] Countries without central banks
