Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes


Well-Known Member
all i seem to hear is people making excuses by trying to say christians "beat their wives".
you must have missed the part where i pointed out the thousands of priests raping kids and the others covering up for them for decades and decades.


Well-Known Member
and they are being rooted out, and there are priests, in the CATHOLIC churches, PREACHING on sundays against it.

there are also very high up people in the catholic church (not catholic so dont know what they are called, perhaps grand pubah or something) that regularly give sermons condemning the actions of the pedophiles and those who committed those crimes.

i believe even the pope has publicly condemned them.
how long did that take? how long did they just cover it up amongst themselves?

talk is cheap.


New Member
And you're what, an anthropologist because you've served somewhere over there? Er, what did that involve, besides I don't know, walking/driving/flying around mainly poor people and dropping bombs/shelling/shooting/ them? So now you're going to treat us to your profound insights on the various cultures of Islam? A rich repast indeed, let me pull up a seat! I have indeed lived and worked in many of such places, and wonder at your experiences in these lands!
I agree.....I appreciate the service of our miltary very much, but that does not mean I trust your opinion about "the enemy" you have been trained to kill, on order, without question. While I might take your word on how fast one can reload a clip into an M16, or how much damage a roadside bomb can do.......I will not be taking your word about the masses in the Middle East. If you were a grunt there, you were a grunt. No decisions made, you were told what to do and when to do it.

Now, if you had lived there amongst their people for years, been welcomed into their homes as a guest, and saw what the country looked like when there was not a huge American occupation......then I might take your word.

For now, thanks for serving over there. Honestly, I would have rather had all you guys home kicking it, smoking herb. Instead of fighting some bullshit war about oil and colonialism.


New Member
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait. Those are the ones I have actually been there and seen with my own eyes.

And what about all the boys lovers, thats right I saw on many occasions Muslim men that have young boys as lovers until they are married and then some of them keep them around. thats right savages!
Wow, a homophobe that served in our military.....isn't that strange.....


Well-Known Member
You're judging all muslims and all dogs from little info. Thats like me saying stay away from America because they are all obese...

Yeh my understanding of the black dog thing was ignorance passed down over the ages, due to dogs in hot countries and rabies epedemics.

Plus, even as a dog/animal lover, I have to say I have seen dogs do the most disgusting of things, like licking each other balls and ass, and eating other dogs shit. So i would never let a dogs mouth come near me, let alone snog my face like some owners allow.

The only thing I have seen with 'educated' muslims, is that they would wash themselves where a dog has touched them, so that they are clean before prayer.

This thread has made me remember the news story on places in Bulgaria, where the villagers still stab the heart of family members before burial, so they do not return as vampires...

Jack Fate

New Member
You're judging all muslims and all dogs from little info. Thats like me saying stay away from America because they are all obese...

Yeh my understanding of the black dog thing was ignorance passed down over the ages, due to dogs in hot countries and rabies epedemics.

Plus, even as a dog/animal lover, I have to say I have seen dogs do the most disgusting of things, like licking each other balls and ass, and eating other dogs shit. So i would never let a dogs mouth come near me, let alone snog my face like some owners allow.

The only thing I have seen with 'educated' muslims, is that they would wash themselves where a dog has touched them, so that they are clean before prayer.

This thread has made me remember the news story on places in Bulgaria, where the villagers still stab the heart of family members before burial, so they do not return as vampires...
Do muslims wash themselves where a cat has touched them, so that they are clean before prayer?


Well-Known Member
Do muslims wash themselves where a cat has touched them, so that they are clean before prayer?
they have to clean themselves for prayer anyway. but yeh i would say if an animal has touched their clothing, they would probably change their clothes, but i gave up peepingtomming a long time ago...


Active Member
You're judging all muslims and all dogs from little info. Thats like me saying stay away from America because they are all obese...

Yeh my understanding of the black dog thing was ignorance passed down over the ages, due to dogs in hot countries and rabies epedemics.

Plus, even as a dog/animal lover, I have to say I have seen dogs do the most disgusting of things, like licking each other balls and ass, and eating other dogs shit. So i would never let a dogs mouth come near me, let alone snog my face like some owners allow.

The only thing I have seen with 'educated' muslims, is that they would wash themselves where a dog has touched them, so that they are clean before prayer.

This thread has made me remember the news story on places in Bulgaria, where the villagers still stab the heart of family members before burial, so they do not return as vampires...
well said mate...+rep, those enveloped by ignorance wont understand...