Your Drug History


Well-Known Member
14- weed and tobacco
14- alcohol
18- acid and extasy (Molly)
19- coke (less than 10 times and never more than half a gram, don't really like it or addictive substances)

Everything is occasional and spread way out except weed, I did trip acid this weekend at day glo in Philly. Amazing

Also I quit tobacco and only smoke a cig or two while drinking or tripping but will never go back to my old pack a day

I will never do anything with a needle and I won't do anything I consider grimy like meth or h and I hate pills


Well-Known Member
4-first beer and hangover,i went and stole beer from people at my parents anniversary that year and got sh*%t faced
15-booze and beer,the beer came back up,sure the booze did to cant remember
19-pills vicadin,blues,xanex,blues have bad withdraw wont be doin those again
19-Coke,i hate the buzz from this sh*t no more for me thanks
20-Salvia, wont be doin this again either its crazy stuff

Mostly beer and weed these days,they are the good ones to stick with.:joint:


Well-Known Member
the most reality altering drug i've ever done was called life.

but seriously, i am on a drug, it's called jonblaze420. if you borrowed my brain for a second you'd be like "dude can't handle it"


Well-Known Member
12-Got drunk the first time
12-first cigarette
15-first time smoking weed

havent done anything harder than weed though i have been tempted

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
  1. Peyote - strictly religious in nature. It was at a wedding and the family was in the NAC. It was purely ritualistic so I didn't get high. :p
  2. Marijuana - medical cannabis
  3. Alcohol - Mostly tequila
  4. Salvia Divinorum - Tried it once. Never. Again.
That's it.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
15 - Marijuana/Alcohol/Tobacco
16 - MDMA/2-CI
17 - Mushrooms/"Methylphenidate"
18 - Salvia
19 - MDA

Quite a few random pills and such that clearly weren't what they were said to be. It was sure fun thinking back on the times. Might've forgot a few. My memory is really terrible for some odd reason.


Sector 5 Moderator
I started off with LSD back in 1972. I counted it up and my best estimate was about 60 acid "trips". Smoked pounds of pot, including some of the legendary strains, and several varieties of nice hash. Psilicybin (synthetic mushrooms), Mescalin (peyote buttons), all sorts of amphetamines, barbs, MDA (my favorite!!) and combinations of things - some of which really messed me up. My most memorable experience was the night our bands drummer was leaving the next day and we had him a party. I dropped some psilicybin and we all went to a concert. One of my friends had some good acid so I bought 2 hits. We stayed for about an hour at the concert and left to go to "Rusty's dream house", a place way out in the country. Rusty had the windows painted black and boarded up inside. Everything inside was psychedelic, including numerous black lights. I dropped one of the hits of acid when we got there. Larry, my best friend, and the towns biggest dealer, brought out a bag and started rolling joints, passing them left, then right, then left, etc. There was about 20 of us sitting on the floor in a circle. A couple of head fuckers were singing Zappa and Capt. Beefheart songs. I was sitting directly across from Larry and he kept looking at me, smiling. I didn't "get it" until somebody was handing me a joint on each side, one right after the other. I was soooooooooo fucked up!! For some stupid reason, around midnight I decided to do the other hit of acid. I wanted to get off quickly so I crushed it up, took out a dollar bill and snorted it. Holy shit... within 10 minutes I was out of my mind. The head fucking was getting to me; everything in the room started looking like cartoon characters. I grabbed Larry and another friend and we went outside. I told them I was too messed up and needed to come down. They both had cigarettes and when they flicked their ashes the trails went all the way to the ground and then back up, like a yo-yo. I was also have audio hallucinations; when one of them would talk, then the other, I would hear the first one say the same thing again - echoes! I had never experienced that before. Larry decided that he needed to get me out of Rusty's place so he suggested we go to his girls house. I had my dads Pontiac Bonneville. When I got in and started it up, it was like the fucking space shuttle. I got on the highway and was driving about 15 mph but it seemed like I was doing 100. We got to Larry's girlfriends house and he had to go find the key to get in. Meanwhile I'm standing there by the car, waiting. All of a sudden, Larry's girl's damn man-eating dog comes out, barking his head off at me, acting like he's going to attack me. I was about to shit my pants when he got back and took control of the dog. I remember listening to "DOA" by Bloodrock, several times (and the rest of the album); that was one freaky fucking night.


16 - First Cigarette, Last Cigarette
17 - First toke, became daily user of cannabis.
17 - Ecstasy(1)
18 - Adderall
18 - MDMA(200mg(1), 500mg(1), 700mg(1))
18 - Cannabis all the time

Not very seasoned in the world of drugs haha


Sector 5 Moderator
Shit had me rollin!

How did you snort LSD?
Crush it up first. :) Oh, it wasn't windowpane or on a sugar cube; it was put on I think a sacaryn tablet.

I've got lots of stories. One about acid and a moronic friend suggesting we do "the bag", dropping a can of Bactine into a plastic bread bag and huffing it. That really fucked me up in a bad way. One of my best stories was when I went to one of my best friends house and he had a date (which was very unusual), and I had 2 joints rolled up, very good Jamaican pot. So I took a drive and smoked half a joint, put the roach and the other joint on the console and popped about 3 pieces of grape bubblegum in my cotton mouth. There was something going on at the library so I went there, pulled up on the side of the brick building and sat there for a few seconds. I forgot where I was and if I was coming or leaving. While I was pondering that, all of a sudden there are red and blue lights flashing right behind my van. I grab the joint and roach, stuff it into my mouth, not thinking about the damn huge mass of bubblegum, and it starts to mix. Two pigs come up to the window and I roll my window down and one of them asks to see my license. I'm chewing away, trying to swallow but it's too much and now my mouth just became a lot drier than it already was. I pull out my wallet, flip it open to where the bills are kept and I'm thinking "Did he ask me for money?" Somehow some shred of logic kicked in and said "no, that is not logical", so I started freaking out, wondering what he asked for and why the hell I was fumbling through my wallet. All of a sudden I saw my drivers license and the light went on; I remembered him asking to see it. So I handed it to him, still chewing the grape, shitty tasting mess. He told me I had a tail light out. I was so relieved I thought I was going to levitate. I tried to act all concerned and told him I would get it fixed immediately. He told me just to get it fixed tomorrow, gave me my license back and they went back to their car. I was still sitting there chewing that nasty wad of grape pot paper burnt roach gum. They drove off and I spit it out.
12~ciggs, still smoke
12~huffing gasoline, sister convinced me to quit, I think i had started thinking she was a weeble wobble toy
13~drinking, I still do socially
14~weed, my favorite
16~nyquil got out of control, drinking it between classes @ school
19~acid, tricked into it
23~ pain meds, hydrocodone ect..valid prescriptions quit them for a good job that screened
35~xanax, cant take it, makes me not give a shit to an extreme


Well-Known Member
Crush it up first. :) Oh, it wasn't windowpane or on a sugar cube; it was put on I think a sacaryn tablet.

I've got lots of stories. One about acid and a moronic friend suggesting we do "the bag", dropping a can of Bactine into a plastic bread bag and huffing it. That really fucked me up in a bad way. One of my best stories was when I went to one of my best friends house and he had a date (which was very unusual), and I had 2 joints rolled up, very good Jamaican pot. So I took a drive and smoked half a joint, put the roach and the other joint on the console and popped about 3 pieces of grape bubblegum in my cotton mouth. There was something going on at the library so I went there, pulled up on the side of the brick building and sat there for a few seconds. I forgot where I was and if I was coming or leaving. While I was pondering that, all of a sudden there are red and blue lights flashing right behind my van. I grab the joint and roach, stuff it into my mouth, not thinking about the damn huge mass of bubblegum, and it starts to mix. Two pigs come up to the window and I roll my window down and one of them asks to see my license. I'm chewing away, trying to swallow but it's too much and now my mouth just became a lot drier than it already was. I pull out my wallet, flip it open to where the bills are kept and I'm thinking "Did he ask me for money?" Somehow some shred of logic kicked in and said "no, that is not logical", so I started freaking out, wondering what he asked for and why the hell I was fumbling through my wallet. All of a sudden I saw my drivers license and the light went on; I remembered him asking to see it. So I handed it to him, still chewing the grape, shitty tasting mess. He told me I had a tail light out. I was so relieved I thought I was going to levitate. I tried to act all concerned and told him I would get it fixed immediately. He told me just to get it fixed tomorrow, gave me my license back and they went back to their car. I was still sitting there chewing that nasty wad of grape pot paper burnt roach gum. They drove off and I spit it out.
lmfao man way to play it cool hahaha

Did he ask what the hell was in your mouth?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I aint done much.

12 started drinking moonshine (my family is all alcoholics and make moonshine)
13 smoked pot
17 smoked salvia

Still to this day I drink and smoke pot and if I get my hands on salvia i'll smoke it. I have smoked catnip, wild dagga, and skullcap when i couldnt get any weed.


Sector 5 Moderator
lmfao man way to play it cool hahaha

Did he ask what the hell was in your mouth?
No, and it was fucking reeking!! It smelled like a nasty wet, charred roach. The grape bubblegum didn't help it either; you know like when you take a shit and spray some pine scent to cover it up and all it does is smell like you took a shit in the woods? ...oh fuck, the things I come up with when I'm baked. This is some good pot.