All my plants got stolen :/ such a horrid feeling...

Im really sorry to hear that Brother, Im new here on this site but far from being a noob. There is little else in life worse than a thief. May the Bad karma queen go get the A-Holes and exact revenge on them, I hope they bake it into a brownie and choke to death on it. Amen.
You're always at risk from rippers if you grow outside. Fuckin squirrels ate mine. I saw the little bastards. Don't take a ball bat to a gunfight.
I agreed with ^^^...because you said its vitrually impossible to anyone to stumble your it must be an inside im truly sorry...with all your hard pretty sure it will be best to start indoor grow so no one can take your ladies again...

Nah it wasnt a inside job because I was absoloutly the only person who knew about it. The only thing I can possibly think of is when I had a plant snagged earlier in the year, a bigbud that was abt a foot tall. It was just one plant I set out about half the distance from my actual grow and it very well hidden. Im guessing someone found that and said "hey cant hurt to look for more".. Found my real spot and waited. Also they waited till I went out there and cut down one blue widow due to mold. Once they saw that they musta thought I was going to harvest soon and took me for it all. It was clean slices so someone was well prepared with tools.
they took allot so they must of had a big truck to put it all in or something

Thats what im sayin it kinda had to be atleast two ppl too just because the sheer amount of limbs they had to carry outta there...i was searching around the area and you can see where someone was dragging whatever they had it in. But as far as vehicles the only thing with a motor thats going out there is a atv or dirtbike but I woulda heard that since it is behind my house
That sucks man... Your best bet next year if you grow out doors is keep it to yourself and invest in some 5 gal buckets and throw them bitches in the top of a tree or trees... Just cover the buckets with burlap sacks and keep it away from the ground... I set booby traps too but it's highly illegal down here they got choppers flyin over all the time...
So sorry for your loss--you mentioned you have a home--is a privacy fence an option? This way you can grow closer to your home and really keep an eye on things.
That sucks man... Your best bet next year if you grow out doors is keep it to yourself and invest in some 5 gal buckets and throw them bitches in the top of a tree or trees... Just cover the buckets with burlap sacks and keep it away from the ground... I set booby traps too but it's highly illegal down here they got choppers flyin over all the time...

I was playing with that idea but its really only useful for a few plants cause its ALOT more work, id love to set some booby traps for next year, wont even bother growing anything there cause itll get ripped but I couldent tell you how great it would feel hearing that some jackwagon got his leg taken off out there (btw its on private property and nobody but a grower or ripper would be out there walking around seeing as there arent trails and its all thorns and thick brush) but id feel really bad if a deer wandered into it
Well I had a lil idea cuz I've got trespassers too but I'm gonna dig bout a 3 ft hole and build a little structure with hand carved wooden steaks and they are gonna be pointing bout like a porcupine... In my opinion if my grow gets busted I'm fucked anyways so might as well take the extra precautions and fuck this hermit that lives in the woods up...
Well I had a lil idea cuz I've got trespassers too but I'm gonna dig bout a 3 ft hole and build a little structure with hand carved wooden steaks and they are gonna be pointing bout like a porcupine... In my opinion if my grow gets busted I'm fucked anyways so might as well take the extra precautions and fuck this hermit that lives in the woods up...

Lmao this post is the first thing to make me laugh since I saw my bare stalks , but totally agree tho either way im fucked if its discovered wether it be a cop or a thieving fruitloop.Truth be told I kinda left thieves out of the factor this year because my spot was so remote and close to home but that wont happen again next year thats for sure
In fairness,as much as I hate thieves,when growing outdoors (in the public) it's to be expected.

It's also the reason most people dont plant everything in one spot...especially not in public places.

And booby traps? Seriously? What a fucking dick you must be,did you never think of innocent hikers? Are you Mexican and growing like a thousand plants? If so hire a guard,but don't be planting booby traps,it's just a offense but eat some rocks and harden the fuck up,it's not like you lost a family member.

If I'd a cent for every noob encouraging a noob to do something else stupid...

EDIT: Forgot to say,you not considered the fact it could've been the police? They leave hidden cameras sometimes to catch the grower coming back...
Hey riu just got home from my spot to find all 9 of my monster red dragons snipped at the stalk with the exception of the popcorn nugs still left. Also had 2 medium sized (3ft-5ft) blue widow that also got clipped. They were jus beggining to purple :( I havent told a soul about this spot abd its about a 3mi walk in thick brush just to get to it. I had made sure not to leave a visible foottrail by walking in various entrences. I dont know how the fuckin thieves do it but they mange to always fuck it up for me. Thanks for listening while I vented aaaaaarrrgghhhhhggg!!!

That fucking hurts just hearing about it. My first outdoor grow as a teenager got found, but at least they had the decency to leave me a third of my plants untouched. With some effort you can hang them up in trees. I did it using some old khaki pants, after a few waterings they blend in really really well, but taking care of them is a bitch. An old schooler told me they would take a jug, several strands of rop rope, fill it with water, stuff the ends in, seal it as good as the could, and run the ropes to the different plants. Alot of work, but if this has happened more then once, it may be your best bet.
Dang Man that SUCKS!

As we speak I am on my droid with my old school T ball Baseball bat sitting about 10 feet from my Fat garden.

10 days til harvest, its as if its my job to ensure my first grow is a success.

Lurkin in the darkness.. listening to any footsteps.
If I ever get ripped, I know who I'm goin for. Full head on assault. Fuck him up, if he don't stay in jail for his stupidity, then physical rehab or SFU bound, he is.
Anyone who said they'd "go after" someone (who had the balls to rip off a patch of cannabis plants) is pretty retarded and will probably end up dead from their endeavor.

If they're willing to rip you off theyre probably gonna defend themselves, as they have already made the choice to take the plants regardless of the fact someone could emerge from a bush with an AK47 at any stage.

If you get ripped off it sucks, and it sucks really hard, but "going after" people or setting booby traps is just asking for trouble you didnt need.

Point is, if an outdoor grow gets ripped off (in summary):
a. it probably wasnt that much or you'd be minding it yourself/pay someone else to mind it all the time
b. that spot is now compromised and useless in the future
c. walk away thankful you werent arrested/kidnapped/shot by the person/people who "ripped you off".
d. take it on the chin, harden the fuck up and try next year. If you think thats the biggest disappointment you'll ever come across in life (and you're willing to plant traps/go after people), you need to get out of the woods and into the real world, cos in the scale of things its not that big a deal at all.
Sorry for your loss :-(

I can't grow outdoors, but I always thought if I could I would plant autoflowers off season. Start them inside and finishing cropping outside before anyone would think to be looking.

Better luck next year!!
I'm thinking of pulling one of the smaller plants of the two early just in case they do get punk'd, Its got 1 week left so it should be ok...
JUST had my plants stolen aswell this shit sucks and the bad part is im pretty sure my own brother stole them because he is the only one i let see the grow
I'm stayin on guard as well... gonna be staying up till 3:30-4AM every night till harvest. naps are your best friend.

sorry for your loss, luckilly I haven't seen any thief threads yet since I posted up that sticky... if any of you see anyone posting about thieving plants in the outdoor section send me a PM and I will take care of it immediately if I am online.
In fairness,as much as I hate thieves,when growing outdoors (in the public) it's to be expected.

It's also the reason most people dont plant everything in one spot...especially not in public places.

And booby traps? Seriously? What a fucking dick you must be,did you never think of innocent hikers? Are you Mexican and growing like a thousand plants? If so hire a guard,but don't be planting booby traps,it's just a offense but eat some rocks and harden the fuck up,it's not like you lost a family member.

If I'd a cent for every noob encouraging a noob to do something else stupid...

EDIT: Forgot to say,you not considered the fact it could've been the police? They leave hidden cameras sometimes to catch the grower coming back...

This wasnt on public property it was privately owned by a family friend of whom's permission I have to be out there.I had a second plot that was ravaged by deer leaving 1 plot. And your also have the IQ of a dolt. I clearly posted above that this is solid brush for 3mi with no trails there would not be any reason (besides ripping) for anybody but me or the land owner being out there.I may not have a thousand plants but the 11 I did have would have made me a couple thousand and if somebody takes money out of my pocket I get revenge.And youve obviosly never had your hard earned plants stolen from you cause its a heartwrenching feeling knowing you worked for someone else all summer, for free. So go eat a dick and some rocks