Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

Jack Fate

New Member
It will take a few minutes to read all of it, but it's well worth it.

Actions, as they say, speak louder than words.

And whatever the fear-mongering from the American Left about Texas Governor Rick Perry's belief that America should be based on "Christian Values" (Perry believes in a Theocracy! Perry believes in a Christian Dominion! Oh My God Perry really believes in God!) -- when push comes to shove, like iron filings to a magnet, there are no more fervent Perryites in the land responding to Christian values than some celebrated members of the American Left. Including -- particularly including -- that notorious Christian Values group known as the American Civil Liberties Union.

Say what?

That's right. From one end of America to the other, the bluest of the blue turn positively crimson when the question is to live as Governor Perry suggests -- or not. Without fail the choices they make in both their personal and public lives have them choosing Perry's Christian Values over any other alternative.


There are names aplenty. They will be named here. And their actions are, thanks to their celebrity or political influence, well out there for all to see. No scurrilous, gossipy tidbits here. Just the facts ma'am. Just the facts.

So. Let's take a walk through this interesting list of liberals who exemplify Rick Perry's call for living life according to "Christian Values."

First, the Christian Values themselves.

Christian Values, or perhaps more accurately Judeo-Christian Values, are, to a considerable degree, based on a series of rules straight from the Bible. Rules that are considered such an outrageous violation of "separation of church and state" according to liberal talking points, that only last weekthe American Civil Liberties Union filed another of those famous liberal complaints regarding the posting of these unspeakable rules in a Virginia school district. This one was filed against the Giles County School Board for allowing the rules to surface in the Narrows High School, where a lone student and parent protested. Says the Associated Press: "The lawsuit says the display unconstitutionally promotes a specific religious faith and serves no secular purpose."

Catch that line? A "specific religious faith"? The display "serves no secular purpose."

Really? Really?

The rules, of course, are the Ten Commandments. And according to the ACLU they have "no secular purpose" -- a position with which American leftists everywhere are always nodding vigorously.

Or are they?

A most interesting fact of life -- if strangely never noted -- is that when the rubber hits the road all manner of celebrated American liberals, led by the ACLU itself, cling to the Ten Commandments with the tenaciousness of a dog discovering his last bone. Teeth bared, suddenly furiously aggressive, these liberals want their favorite Commandments obeyed NOW. Right NOW! Or there will be hell to pay. And there frequently is.

The rest of the article at this link:
I'm almost done with the article now, what's your point with this? It's a terribly written article for one, it barely makes any sense at all...
YIf you have something you want to discuss from the OP then go for it.
Well, I'm trying to discuss the OP. You're trying to expose some sort of liberal hypocrisy, right? That liberals decry religious activity but live by what the article tries to argue are solely christian values? Look bud, I'm not christian - I'm not religious at all actually - and I live by those same morals(respect your elders, do not commit adultery, etc), so what? You saying I'm a hypocrite because I believe adultery is a morally reprehensible act while also believing in the seperation of church and state? Are you trying to say "hey Perry isn't so bad just cuz he's a christian!"? I've got news for you... Liberals dont hate christianity.... But when you have a GOVERNOR who prays for rain, that's quite laughable to non-religious people - regardless of left/right.

Why dont you get to the point?
Well, I'm trying to discuss the OP. You're trying to expose some sort of liberal hypocrisy, right? That liberals decry religious activity but live by what the article tries to argue are solely christian values? Look bud, I'm not christian - I'm not religious at all actually - and I live by those same morals(respect your elders, do not commit adultery, etc), so what? You saying I'm a hypocrite because I believe adultery is a morally reprehensible act while also believing in the seperation of church and state? Are you trying to say "hey Perry isn't so bad just cuz he's a christian!"? I've got news for you... Liberals dont hate christianity.... But when you have a GOVERNOR who prays for rain, that's quite laughable to non-religious people - regardless of left/right.

Why dont you get to the point?

Whats wrong with praying for rain with 57 wildfires, 2.2 million acres burned? Firefighters and citizens throughout Texas suffered becasue the white house refused to declare it a disaster zone. We BETTER pray for rain. Since when is it ok to play politics with people's lives? With this president our country needs all the prayers it can get.
Whats wrong with praying for rain with 57 wildfires, 2.2 million acres burned? Firefighters and citizens throughout Texas suffered becasue the white house refused to declare it a disaster zone. We BETTER pray for rain. Since when is it ok to play politics with people's lives? With this president our country needs all the prayers it can get.
Perry's only solution was to pray; I'm sure there was more that could have been done, if there was the initative... Maybe if Texas didn't cut the firefighters' budget they'd be able to afford to fight those fires more effectively?
The state of Texas has been battling wildfires for almost a year now. The wildfire season began in November last year, and Gov. Rick Perry and cash-strapped state lawmakers took a stance against raising taxes and against putting their hands too deeply into the states rainy day fund.

So in order to save some money, Perry and GOP allies slashed funding for the agency responsible for fighting wildfires ‑ in the midst of a historic wildfire season that's seen more than 2 million acres burned by fire.

The Texas Forest Service is slapped with about $34 million in budget cuts over a two-year period, which is roughly a third of the agency's total budget. The Forest Service reportedly has about 200 firefighters and offers assistance grants to volunteer fire departments.
Perry could raise taxes to pay for fighting fires, he can take from the rainy day fund, OR he can cut the Forest services budget by 33%.... HMMMMM... He chose to cut the forest service. I have no sympathy for Texas, they dont need Federal help, they had choices and they made the wrong one...
I see it like racism in the 70's, If a white guy and a black guy both like fishing together then i see no reason why they shouldnt be friends just because one is black and one is white, just like how 2 ppl can agree on how everyhintg should be but can't be friends because one is Christian and one is something else.

and too the guy above me, a lot of ppl would ask why a bunch of idiots would live in a city below sea level and then cry when it gets flooded, but not all of us are cynical ass holes and would be willing to lend a hand even if they did make a bonehead move that landed them in the situation.
Perry's only solution was to pray; I'm sure there was more that could have been done, if there was the initative... Maybe if Texas didn't cut the firefighters' budget they'd be able to afford to fight those fires more effectively?..

Are you saying that its not the presidents job to deliver aid in the event of a national disaster? I'm not talking about a city block. (57 fires, 2.2 million acres torched is a disaster IMO)Or are you saying his time is much better spent working on his golf swing? He was in Martha's Vineyard on vacation while thousands of lives were being destroyed.

Obama hates Texas , Rick Perry, Bush and Ron Paul so bad he wants to see the whole state burn to the ground. Even people in Houston are starting to talk shit.
Christian values... that's funny. These same values are echoed in other religions throughout the world. It's not a Christian patent. It's common sense. Any society has rules and taboos to prevent total chaos and those rules and taboos usually cover all the things that are detrimental to that society. Granted some are stricter than others and some are truly bizarre but the core values are the same. To say otherwise is ignorant and short-sighted.
Well, I'm trying to discuss the OP. You're trying to expose some sort of liberal hypocrisy, right? That liberals decry religious activity but live by what the article tries to argue are solely christian values? Look bud, I'm not christian - I'm not religious at all actually - and I live by those same morals(respect your elders, do not commit adultery, etc), so what? You saying I'm a hypocrite because I believe adultery is a morally reprehensible act while also believing in the seperation of church and state? Are you trying to say "hey Perry isn't so bad just cuz he's a christian!"? I've got news for you... Liberals dont hate christianity.... But when you have a GOVERNOR who prays for rain, that's quite laughable to non-religious people - regardless of left/right.

Why dont you get to the point?

I'm saying you embrace Judeo/Christian values and don't know it.
"thou shall not kill"

how's perry doing on that one?

You're confused, as usual. A jury and a judge found the criminals guilty in a court of law, not Rick Perry. However, it is so much easier for you to blame someone you dislike than actually facing the truth and the facts.
You're confused, as usual. A jury and a judge found the criminals guilty in a court of law, not Rick Perry. However, it is so much easier for you to blame someone you dislike than actually facing the truth and the facts.

who has the power to stop any one of those executions?

face the "truth and facts"
The difference is that the state of Texas does in fact have the power to stop the fires themselves. It's not a 'national disaster' it's forest fires, which states across the nation deal with every year... Sure, it's a lot of burnt land but the State of Texas has the power to stop the burning if it so chooses; The state has a rainy day fund, for example, or they could borrow, tax, etc... There is a plethora of options for Texas, but they're CHOOSING to CUT forest services instead. That's on the Republican governor, and the Republican legislator; If it were Oregon funding our firefighters during a bad dry season it wouldn't be an issue... Texas just has to have the political will to do something...
who has the power to stop any one of those executions?

face the "truth and facts"

Many would argue thats an abuse of power. Polling regularly shows over 75 percent of self-reported registered voters support the death penalty either strongly or somewhat for those convicted of violent crimes. And there isn’t much ambivalence lurking in the distinction in support — the strong support is routinely over 50 percent. The overall levels of support in Texas are 10 to 15 percentage points higher than support for similar items in national polls.
I'm saying you embrace Judeo/Christian values and don't know it.
I am aware of the role faith has had in shaping our societies moral values - but faith is just one of the driving forces that got us there; That people have a general sense of morality is a product of all that comes with being social creatures, IMO. I mean, you find societal structures in nature all the time - they aren't likely as complex - but they're there... Many species living in pods, schools, packs etc and it at least seems like they have some sort of rules, loyalty to each other, etc... My point being that Religion isn't solely responsible for civilization as we know it.