Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Quit acting like you do. You don't know the circumstances and you seem to be stuck on one aspect of what I shared. I couldn't claim his body or get on his insurance. I had no "beef" with him. I had a beef with the individuals who murdered him. His death is still unsolved. The cops just don't give a shit. My beef is with society and it's perception that because of who I love I have to take a second class status. My beef is with the police department that let his death go unsolved. All the things that married couples enjoy and take for granted are things that were/are denied me.

Of course he had no clue he was going to die. He was murdered. He was 23 years old. I was 21. You don't think about shit like that. The house he owned was his parents house that they left to him. I didn't have legal leg to stand on. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I am a second class citizen and I don't have the same rights that you enjoy and abuse on a whim. You have no idea what it's like to see people get married as a joke and divorce a week later. It's maddening.
You were whining you didn't get his stuff. Poor baby. My girlfriend won't get my house either. It will go to my family. Not a woman I've only known a year. She asked me to put her name on the deed. I said no. He had to know he was going to die eventually, unless he was retarded or something. He could have put your name on the deed, but he didn't, and I think I know why. You were never meant to be a permanent part of his life. Grow up and move on, whiner.
He didn't know he would someday die? I know it's painful, and I understand your feelings, but
I still say your beef was with him, not society. He could have provided for you if he wanted to. Don't delude yourself.

Little mix up
Im married and happily straight

You want to address carne seca
Rick Perry is not a christian, he has no christian values, the man is a fraud...

*Rick Perry sold children to the drug company's for only 30,000$ - FACT - Christians don't sell people for money - what kind of offers would he get the white house.

*Rick Perry thinks corporations are people also - he advocates for a corporate tax 'vacation'

*Rick Perry will continue the war - not christian

*Rick Perry executed 30 men, at least one who was later believed to be innocent, forgiveness is a christian value but Rick doesn't give a fuck, he has no remorse for any person he executed and would just as soon execute YOU for growing marijuana if he could. Murder/Capitol Punishment is not a christian value.
geez, i cant even keep up with you guys, but coming from a happily married strait man...why can't you guys just stay out of their bedrooms? why does it bother you so much to the point where you foam moonshine from the gaps in your teeth? face it, you hate them, at least be men and admit it......
Just tired of them shoving it at us. Don't have gaps in my teeth, don't drink moonshine. Not in their bedroom, they're the ones pushing it on the rest of us. Poor Mr. P.C. can't think for himself.
i asked a straightforward question.

While quoting the answer I had already given.

and in jeopardy, there is an answer and you reply in the form of a question, not the other way around. so no, certainly not playing jeopardy.
That was my point. A little slow are you?

you gonna cite your source already?
I already said no. You realy are slow.
for everyone saying that gays have all the rights a straight person does, shove it.

on tuesday, DADT went away and now gays are allowed to openly serve their country. the twist? their partners, legally married or not, do not get the same benefits that the partner of a straight person does.

i know the homo-haters here love to play semantics, so i thought i'd present a non-semantic, straightforward example of how gays are not treated equally, even as they lay their lives on the line for our nation.

refute that.
I already said no. You realy are slow.

so you cite statistics and fail to back them up?

i can do that too.

97.3% of people that oppose gay marriage are latently homosexual.

the remaining 2.7% have a small penis and/or are unable to satisfy their wife/partner, or have never had one beside their own hand.

for everyone saying that gays have all the rights a straight person does, shove it.

on tuesday, DADT went away and now gays are allowed to openly serve their country. the twist? their partners, legally married or not, do not get the same benefits that the partner of a straight person does.

i know the homo-haters here love to play semantics, so i thought i'd present a non-semantic, straightforward example of how gays are not treated equally, even as they lay their lives on the line for our nation.

refute that.
Wow, you finally came up with a valid point about the DADT. But, perhaps you weren't around Viet Nam era. Gays could avoid the draft, just by being gay. 50,000 service men DIED in Viet Nam. So gays got preferential treatment back then.
Wow, you finally came up with a valid point about the DADT. But, perhaps you weren't around Viet Nam era. Gays could avoid the draft, just by being gay. 50,000 service men DIED in Viet Nam. So gays got preferential treatment back then.

now youre trying to make them into cowards? i'm sure some didnt want to go and some did, just like everyone else. as for being cowards, i'm pretty sure a bisexual conquered half the known world in 300 BC, but perhaps you werent around then. o and the 300 spartans had sex with eachother to build morale in their ranks. bet that just turns your stomach....
now youre trying to make them into cowards? i'm sure some didnt want to go and some did, just like everyone else. as for being cowards, i'm pretty sure a bisexual conquered half the known world in 300 BC, but perhaps you werent around then. o and the 300 spartans had sex with eachother to build morale in their ranks. bet that just turns your stomach....
I didn't say that at all. You're little over defensive. You guys put words in my mouth I never said, and then argue that. Or label anything I, or anyone else, writes as "old, shit, canard". So there's really no point in continuing this. Go on pretending, You are a legend in your own mind. I'm done with you.
for everyone saying that gays have all the rights a straight person does, shove it.

on tuesday, DADT went away and now gays are allowed to openly serve their country. the twist? their partners, legally married or not, do not get the same benefits that the partner of a straight person does.

i know the homo-haters here love to play semantics, so i thought i'd present a non-semantic, straightforward example of how gays are not treated equally, even as they lay their lives on the line for our nation.

refute that.

Don't even bother UB. They're going to continue spewing their shit. Meanwhile, remember when O'Bama got so much shit over this?


I guess that means Rick Perry is a Muslim... or a Communist... or hates America (I'm going with the third choice).

On an unrelated topic... I never realized what a short little fucker he is.