Liberals Embrace Perry's Christian Values

gays do not have the same rights as straight people.

a straight person has the liberty to marry the partner of their choice, gays do not have the liberty to marry the partner of their choice.

I'm straight. I want to marry a woman who is filthy rich and has no family. She refuses. The state says I can not. So I obviously do not have this "liberty" you speak of. You keep spouting "liberty" when it does fit in the discussion, in order to bestow a new "right" that has never existed.

do i have to explain what "gay" is to adults all day?

We all know what "gay" is.

it's a canard.
Labeling a fact as a canard does not negate its truth.
You know that argument is old an tired. Anti-gay advocates have been spouting that shit for years. And that's exactly what it is. Shit. That's like saying African slaves had the same rights as their owners only they didn't because they wouldn't paint themselves white.
Maybe old, but still true. Truth is shit? And it's not anything at all like your nonsense statement about slaves.
excellent rebuttal.
Thank you, glad to see you're admitting defeat.

"you're wrong!"
If you're quoting me, I didn't actually say that.
allow me a rejoinder: you're wrong.
That's only your opinion.
see how awesome i am?
Again, that's only your opinion.
i'd love to see a citation for that.
It's 11:00 pm, I'm not going to research it. If you'd love to see it, I'm sure you can find it. Ask your gay friends how many have been married.

such as?
One is straights have the "liberty" to marry anyone they choose.

calling your argument a canard, the one where you proclaim that "gays have equal rights as straights because both can marry someone of the opposite sex" does not negate anything. it points out a canard
The labeling thing again, but glad to see you agree that gays have equal rights.

you'll have to find me the post where i declared myself the winner. i do recall, however, where you tried to tell me i was wrong without making any argument as to why, which i rightly mocked you for.
If I copied and pasted all the times you've declared yourself the winner, I'd be at it all night. "You're welcome"
I don't think I ever said "you're wrong", I tried to make logical arguments against your statements. So that claim is completely uncalled for.

not at all. i used to be on your side of this issue.
Really? REALLY?

also not true. i have admitted to being wrong often on this site. ask around.
O.K. Anyone ever see Uncle Buck admit he was wrong? Sit down Carne Seca.

i'm convinced of the constitution.
Once again, the Constitution makes no mention of gay marriage
and until someone can make the case that prohibiting someone from marrying the partner of their choice is NOT a deprivation of liberty, i will remain steadfast in my belief.
So incest, polygamy, beastiality, pedophilia, all that other weird shit should be a right? Well, then I give up. I thought we were arguing about EQUAL RIGHTS. You're wanting something totally different.
notice how i left open the possibility for ANYONE to convince me otherwise? i wonder if anybody will actually have the juice to do it, instead of just saying "you're wrong".
Once again, I don't think I ever said simply "you're wrong"
Labeling a fact as a canard does not negate its truth.

it's not fact because gays don't have the same rights as straight people. you are ignoring that gays want marry same sex partners.

i didn't think i'd have to explain to adults, but here i am.

straight people have the liberty to marry the partner of their choice, gays do not. how is that equal?
Once again, I don't think I ever said simply "you're wrong"

that was the sum of the substance in your statement. see?

"O.K. Now that had no bearing at all on the subject. But I'll bet you think it does. You're reading something into that quote that isn't in there at all, if you think that somehow supports your argument."

you can't cite your own stat, how nifty.

i did used to be on the other side of this issue. any vet of this board can tell you i admit when i am wrong, too.

as far as your slippery slope (logical fallacy) that marriage equality will lead to "incest, polygamy, bestiality, and pedophilia"....

i am actually for polygamy.
children can't give consent, so take a breath and forget about that.
animals can't give consent, so take another breath and forget about that.
there are already laws against incest, throw that out.

i can't believe you didn't mention necrophilia or marrying your left shoe.

what you just did above is not a sound or logical argument against the 14th amendment, it was a poorly thought out slippery slope.

again, if you believe that prohibiting someone from marrying the partner of their choice is not a deprivation of liberty, then you must also accept that we could pass a law tomorrow making it compulsory that straights marry only fat midgets (or, if that is their partner of choice, anyone but a fat midget) and that it would be alright.
Wow... I had to go finish roasting, stemming and bagging green chili and this thread explodes. :p

Twenty five pounds UB. I have another twenty five to go tomorrow.

And then I have ristras to tie and hang. Harvest season is busy.
He could of not foreseen his death and therefore died without a will or changing a deed
Unfortunalty for his survivor Probate court wont give the partner shit except maybe a couple weeks notice to move and not take anything

He didn't know he would someday die? I know it's painful, and I understand your feelings, but
I still say your beef was with him, not society. He could have provided for you if he wanted to. Don't delude yourself.
Are we playing "Jeopardy" now?

i asked a straightforward question.

and in jeopardy, there is an answer and you reply in the form of a question, not the other way around. so no, certainly not playing jeopardy.

you gonna cite your source already?
it's not fact because gays don't have the same rights as straight people. you are ignoring that gays want marry same sex partners.

i didn't think i'd have to explain to adults, but here i am.

straight people have the liberty to marry the partner of their choice, gays do not. how is that equal?
Again with the "liberty" misnomer.
Straight people can only marry a consenting, unrelated adult of the opposite gender.
Gay people can only marry a consenting, unrelated adult of the opposite gender.
You keeping claiming straights can marry the partner choice of choice. They can't.
I'm not ignoring that gays want to marry same sex partners, straights can't marry same sex either. EXACTLY EQUAL. If you want a totally new right, just say so. But quit crying about equal rights. They already are equal.
Sorry, never heard of a gay baby.

They read this or hear it on TV from someone who is promoting the gay agenda and they think it must be true. They hear someone they like or respect say gays are born that way or there is a gay gene and they just accept it. They're very closed minded. They claim to be open minded and tolerant, but the truth is they're more rigid in their thinking than the most rigid fundamentalist. Funny little creatures.
He didn't know he would someday die? I know it's painful, and I understand your feelings, but
I still say your beef was with him, not society. He could have provided for you if he wanted to. Don't delude yourself.

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Quit acting like you do. You don't know the circumstances and you seem to be stuck on one aspect of what I shared. I couldn't claim his body or get on his insurance. I had no "beef" with him. I had a beef with the individuals who murdered him. His death is still unsolved. The cops just don't give a shit. My beef is with society and it's perception that because of who I love I have to take a second class status. My beef is with the police department that let his death go unsolved. All the things that married couples enjoy and take for granted are things that were/are denied me.

Of course he had no clue he was going to die. He was murdered. He was 23 years old. I was 21. You don't think about shit like that. The house he owned was his parents house that they left to him. I didn't have legal leg to stand on. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I am a second class citizen and I don't have the same rights that you enjoy and abuse on a whim. You have no idea what it's like to see people get married as a joke and divorce a week later. It's maddening.
Again with the "liberty" misnomer.
Straight people can only marry a consenting, unrelated adult of the opposite gender.
Gay people can only marry a consenting, unrelated adult of the opposite gender.
You keeping claiming straights can marry the partner choice of choice. They can't.
I'm not ignoring that gays want to marry same sex partners, straights can't marry same sex either. EXACTLY EQUAL. If you want a totally new right, just say so. But quit crying about equal rights. They already are equal.

This has to be the most asinine post I've ever read. It's insulting and it's total bullshit.
that was the sum of the substance in your statement. see?
So you're saying all the words I typed somehow came out as only "you're wrong"?

"O.K. Now that had no bearing at all on the subject. But I'll bet you think it does. You're reading something into that quote that isn't in there at all, if you think that somehow supports your argument."

you can't cite your own stat, how nifty.
Didn't say "can't", said "won't". Don't have time to research it.
Once again, ask your gay friends.
i did used to be on the other side of this issue. any vet of this board can tell you i admit when i am wrong, too.
Nobody but you has said so as yet.
as far as your slippery slope (logical fallacy) that marriage equality will lead to "incest, polygamy, bestiality, and pedophilia"....
I didn't make that argument, are you?
i am actually for polygamy.
It seems you are!
children can't give consent, so take a breath and forget about that.
animals can't give consent, so take another breath and forget about that.
You said "partner of choice", now it's just "gay partner of choice"?
there are already laws against incest, throw that out.
there are already laws against gay marriage, throw that out.
i can't believe you didn't mention necrophilia or marrying your left shoe.
I was in a hurry
what you just did above is not a sound or logical argument against the 14th amendment, it was a poorly thought out slippery slope.
wasn't arguing against the 14th amendment, you're the one who keeps trying to insert it in here when it doesn't fit
again, if you believe that prohibiting someone from marrying the partner of their choice is not a deprivation of liberty, then you must also accept that we could pass a law tomorrow making it compulsory that straights marry only fat midgets (or, if that is their partner of choice, anyone but a fat midget) and that it would be alright.
So now we're going to a new subject? Forced marriage? I've spent waaay too much time here. Good night!
geez, i cant even keep up with you guys, but coming from a happily married strait man...why can't you guys just stay out of their bedrooms? why does it bother you so much to the point where you foam moonshine from the gaps in your teeth? face it, you hate them, at least be men and admit it......
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Quit acting like you do. You don't know the circumstances and you seem to be stuck on one aspect of what I shared. I couldn't claim his body or get on his insurance. I had no "beef" with him. I had a beef with the individuals who murdered him. His death is still unsolved. The cops just don't give a shit. My beef is with society and it's perception that because of who I love I have to take a second class status. My beef is with the police department that let his death go unsolved. All the things that married couples enjoy and take for granted are things that were/are denied me.

Of course he had no clue he was going to die. He was murdered. He was 23 years old. I was 21. You don't think about shit like that. The house he owned was his parents house that they left to him. I didn't have legal leg to stand on. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I am a second class citizen and I don't have the same rights that you enjoy and abuse on a whim. You have no idea what it's like to see people get married as a joke and divorce a week later. It's maddening.

You're not gonna have a very happy life being angry at society. How about you stop feeling sorry for yourself and your lot in life. Try being grateful. It helps to be positive.