Well-Known Member
No, you don't sound like a dick. Just an ignorant and inexperienced person.
If you ever get to that level of meditation, you will know. But since you aren't at that level, you can't claim that it doesn't exist. We can't say that something doesn't exist because we haven't experienced it yet. That makes no sense.
Psychoactive substances are tools. They are instruments. They are doors. These substances lead your soul through ancient pathways. Pathways that are less traveled nowadays... But when you're done using those tools, you don't forget those paths. You remember them. You now have a spiritual map. Now you can travel the paths without those tools. And then you can branch of into new paths. And then you can eventually find THE path....
so have you had an hallucination by meditating? Maybe you're the ignorant one for dropping shrooms because you just believe they are tools. Maybe they are more than just tools. IDK no point in arguing with you.