Police are racist as shit


Well-Known Member
"Marijuana can so destroy a man's character that he mixes freely with persons of another race." SA Criminology textbook, 1966.

But it's still ok to beat down our doors, and tear apart our families. All so a crazy badge and gun wielding lunatic can feel the thrill of chasing a flower.


Active Member
police are just bullies for adults that how i look at them. They never helped me in my life only made things worst for me. Thats just my experience though.
i like the cops, i invited them over to see my grow so they know i am here and i know they are there, simple. stay small and stay legal and you wont get hassled. and dont lip off to the cops, always be polite.


Well-Known Member
police are just bullies for adults that how i look at them. They never helped me in my life only made things worst for me. Thats just my experience though.
Same experience for me. Except where I'm from adults don't do too much stuff bad, and kids don't do much more than party and drink. And a lot of money goes to policing, so a lot of kids that don't deserve trouble get caught up in a lot of stupid stuff.


Active Member
i like the cops, i invited them over to see my grow so they know i am here and i know they are there, simple. stay small and stay legal and you wont get hassled. and dont lip off to the cops, always be polite.
reading your post i just picture chappelle doing a skit with a black guy thry this and they beat him up and sprinkle crack on him. just wanted to share that with you not sure if your a chappelle fan.


Well-Known Member
"Marijuana can so destroy a man's character that he mixes freely with persons of another race." SA Criminology textbook, 1966.

But it's still ok to beat down our doors, and tear apart our families. All so a crazy badge and gun wielding lunatic can feel the thrill of chasing a flower.
1966 textbook. what do you expect?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
It's 2011 now, and they still feel the same way towards the drug, due to this racist heritage behind their badge.
i think they're just plain ol' racist. they don't use mj as a weapon for race wars any more. it's all about crack now.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not all are bad. But in a group, the good ones will back down from the others. And that's called indifference. And indifference is the true evil. When you recognize evil, but do nothing. You are a kind of evil in yourself.


Well-Known Member
talked with a former police sargent once.

a dude that for years tried to reform the police.

told him i thought 90% of cops were bullies and shitheads with about 10% genuinely nice guys in the force (force, says it all)

well, he didnt hesitate bit before agreeing with me.


Well-Known Member
And it's not JUST about crack. I was put through BULLSHIT for 5 years from the age of 14 because of my preference in flower. Thank god green states exist.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Jaque rousseau said something to the effect of that you can mark the progress of a society by the difference, or lack there of, between the police and its citizens... Interesting thougjt I think

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
fcking kiss ass
I feel the same way. I have a good friend that's a sheriff. I let him look at my grow all the time. He knows I'm legal and doesn't give a shit. His main concern is meth. It's rampant on the rez and the surrounding area.


Well-Known Member
We all recognize evil everyday & do nothing about it.
Maybe we should all OFF ourselves because it is a grimy world. <3
^_^ All the Evil Religious nut jobs can go first.
Maybe not all are bad. But in a group, the good ones will back down from the others. And that's called indifference. And indifference is the true evil. When you recognize evil, but do nothing. You are a kind of evil in yourself.


Well-Known Member
We don't all see evil everyday. Maybe an injustice, but not straight evil treatment of another human being. Everyday? If guns started getting pulled out by the public en mass, as often as it happens with police officers. THEN the world will have fallen completely into evil. Police see and allow evil treatment of fellow citizens every day. If not everyday, at least once a week. Other people do fight against it. There are protests for specific evil, brutal acts all the time.

And I involve myself in evil things I see happening, by trying to stop it.


Well-Known Member
I did not say we literally see it, But we recognize it.. . We know what Evil is going on, do you need to witness it & not do anything for it to be a bad thing?
We don't all see evil everyday. Maybe an injustice, but not straight evil treatment of another human being. Everyday? If guns started getting pulled out by the public en mass, as often as it happens with police officers. THEN the world will have fallen completely into evil. Police see and allow evil treatment of fellow citizens every day. If not everyday, at least once a week. Other people do fight against it. There are protests for specific evil, brutal acts all the time.

And I involve myself in evil things I see happening, by trying to stop it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you have to have it within your direct power to act against thins recognized evil, ot you are just another victim of the evil. But to allow evil with no resistance, and to stand idly by and watch evil with your own eyes, IS evil. That is my point.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
We all recognize evil everyday & do nothing about it.
Maybe we should all OFF ourselves because it is a grimy world. <3
^_^ All the Evil Religious nut jobs can go first.

be that as it may, not all of us are entrusted with the protection of the weak. i agree 100% with the indifference being an issue. i might not step up every time i see an injustice, but i don't have a badge and a force of colleagues to back me up, either.