Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

Pretty sure Carne would rather be just winged by the Cock farmer. Cocks everywhere. Ramming into things nonstop, all day.

You seem to obsess more about cock than I do. Is there something you're not telling us? Some skeletons in your CLOSET, maybe?
Well first of all I grow I don't rip off peoples plants but my cousin n his boy both carry stun guns n I don't care wat kinda dog u got that will stop em.
well they both better make sure that one shot maybe they can get a spot on that TV Show.."Top Shot"...
You seem to obsess more about cock than I do. Is there something you're not telling us? Some skeletons in your CLOSET, maybe?
so you would rather be mortally wounded then? Shame on you, you will miss out on all the cock.

Look at the size of the farmer's cock!!!!!

Well givin up cover n concealment seemed to work out alright for the homeowner... The ripper is dead n he's still alive n so r his plants so ya...
Yous still debating killing someone over stealing weed???? Good stuff... looking forward to reading the last 10 pages
Probably never see or hear the bullet that kills you
let the cops handle it

I'm good on that pussy-ass stance to it.

sorry but men take a harder route to achieve better security. that's all I'm doing here. if someone has the stupidity to tread on my land, which they have atleast an ACRE in each direction of warning that they are approaching.... they get what they get.

and I know my land better than anyone, you think I'm gonna be the one getting shot first?

really funny man, really funny. maybe that would be the case if I hadn't been shooting guns my whole life.....
and you know, I might as well mention it, I"m another one of those people that lives 30 minutes away from town, calling the cops is a fucking joke if I'm being robbed.

and by the way, cops aren't even allowed out here, only sheriffs.
and on top of that the sheriffs in this county could give a fuck about protecting our crops from robbers.

they're a LOT more worried about us growing too much then us losing our crop, so yeah your stance is basically shit in my county.

I don't see why this is so ridiculous. someone approaches your garden with a gun, shoot at them/shoot them. what is so confusing about this?

why must I be inside and lose a whole year of work and over 1000 dollars? and a whole years worth of weed and supplemental income/primary income???

I"m totally good on that bro, to me, that is worth risking my life to have another year just like the last. it's called having something worth dieing for.
NO ONE should worry about another wreck less human being trying to invade your privacy. such should get killed.

I don't kow that they should be killed, BUT I think if they all knew we had free reign to shoot them if we pleased they would think a LOT differently about robbing us. though this could be a bad thing regardless... it's a war...
Pretty sure Carne would rather be just winged by the Cock farmer. Cocks everywhere. Ramming into things nonstop, all day.
That's hilarious. Who cares Carne, stop arguing, some like me will shoot and kill you if you steal from me, others like you choose to be victims and get things stolen. End of discussion, no one cares if you think its not right.
nobody is creeping around at night with a gun to steal plants, maybe a garbage bag or two and some scissors but not a lets just say the thief that got shot was a 13 year old neighbor kid and not a grown would be really fucked...the last thing i want is the police at my garden for any reason...let alone for discharging a weapon and killing someone..this guy just panicked and did not he is going to serve a year n a half in prison and pay an attorney 10 k to represent him. he fucked up and when you fuck up there are consequences to your actions.
nobody is creeping around at night with a gun to steal plants, maybe a garbage bag or two and some scissors but not a lets just say the thief that got shot was a 13 year old neighbor kid and not a grown would be really fucked...the last thing i want is the police at my garden for any reason...let alone for discharging a weapon and killing someone..this guy just panicked and did not he is going to serve a year n a half in prison and pay an attorney 10 k to represent him. he fucked up and when you fuck up there are consequences to your actions.
Actually it looks like they kicked his ass before they shot him. Its going to be more than a year and a half