Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

Well unless you live in Texas you gonna spend time dor killing someone outside your house. Especially over plants.

I HIGHLY doubt if I shoot an armed man pointing a gun at me I will get anything worse than self-defence. though the plants do complicate things.

as far as the whole 15 year old comment, that's what a warning shot is for.
nobody is creeping around at night with a gun to steal plants, maybe a garbage bag or two and some scissors but not a lets just say the thief that got shot was a 13 year old neighbor kid and not a grown would be really fucked...the last thing i want is the police at my garden for any reason...let alone for discharging a weapon and killing someone..this guy just panicked and did not he is going to serve a year n a half in prison and pay an attorney 10 k to represent him. he fucked up and when you fuck up there are consequences to your actions.
and this is basically assuming I'm a jumpy motherfucker who can't aim or see if someones got a gun or not.

a warning shot basically will tell you who the person is to you, if they shoot back at you you know what to do,

if they run let them run.

you guys make this seem so ridiculous. maybe if you didn't have any sense at all and no gun training yeah I'd be worried about you being in this position, but doubting the people who have put themselves into this position and are confident in their skills, is pretty lame imo. sure some people will fuck up, but you're telling us the strategies we have will never work, and I think that's bullshit.

I think keeping a strong front is important, and most people aren't willing to die over a garden unless you really pissed the wrong person off, that's why a warning shot is the essential tool here. they either run or they shoot back. I'd prefer they run 100% of the time but you never know one day that may change.
i don't care if you are a marksman or not man..the point is that it is foolish to have the police come to your garden for any reason..when you grow you need to not draw attention to yourself.. as far as your strategy goes it sounds like a bad b movie because people are not armed with a gun to steal plants...i agree a warning shot would have sent the thief running and this guy would be free to see his plants through the final stretch instead of being on the news and getting arrested and charged.
i don't care if you are a marksman or not man..the point is that it is foolish to have the police come to your garden for any reason..when you grow you need to not draw attention to yourself.. as far as your strategy goes it sounds like a bad b movie because people are not armed with a gun to steal plants...i agree a warning shot would have sent the thief running and this guy would be free to see his plants through the final stretch instead of being on the news and getting arrested and charged.

well I know my neighbors and everyone else is too far away to locate the shot so I'm not worried about getting a call for a warning shot. making the thief run away is all I care about.
Its odd they say the victim was found with trauma to upper body and gun shot wounds, though wasn't alone.Did his buddies watch while someone kicked his ass ?
according to the article (for now), they say it was the grandson that found the robbers ..
Its odd they say the victim was found with trauma to upper body and gun shot wounds, though wasn't alone.Did his buddies watch while someone kicked his ass ?
according to the article (for now), they say it was the grandson that found the robbers ..

yep if you look on the previous page someone said that it looks like they kicked his ass before they shot him

these guys are fucks, I would not handle it that way at all.............
warning shot is much smarter than shooting dude dead...if it were me that could have a legal garden in my yard i would .. have 4 or 5 motion lights with a green bulb..this is very cheap to buy and install..less than 30 dollars...i would also have my dogs in the yard..i know not everyone likes dogs so then maybe you have a goose or two to keep watch...but the thief can't get close to the garden without alerting his presence to the dogs/goose and the homeowner under the lights...thieves are like electricity and will take the path of least resistance
if I had extra money I'd do that... I like the green bulb idea.... as long as it's 100% green spectrum that's hella legit... 'll probably do that next year.
That's hilarious. Who cares Carne, stop arguing, some like me will shoot and kill you if you steal from me, others like you choose to be victims and get things stolen. End of discussion, no one cares if you think its not right.

Let me know when you go to jail for killing someone. I'll bake you a cake with a file in it.
.....Officer Laura Peck, Sacramento police spokeswoman, said Cheng was unarmed, the case is being investigated by the homicide unit and crime scene investigators were at the scene Thursday. "We haven't completed the investigation yet. It is still being investigated as a homicide," Peck said.

So they beat the fuck out of him and then shot him. An unarmed man. Seems like your hero has a little stank on him. :roll:
warning shot is much smarter than shooting dude dead...if it were me that could have a legal garden in my yard i would .. have 4 or 5 motion lights with a green bulb..this is very cheap to buy and install..less than 30 dollars...i would also have my dogs in the yard..i know not everyone likes dogs so then maybe you have a goose or two to keep watch...but the thief can't get close to the garden without alerting his presence to the dogs/goose and the homeowner under the lights...thieves are like electricity and will take the path of least resistance
Warning shot? That's how you get killed. When you shoot at someone its to kill. Shoot me or at me, better kill me.
Warning shot? That's how you get killed. When you shoot at someone its to kill. Shoot me or at me, better kill me.

How are you going to get shot if the guy was unarmed? Maybe he could have fired off a round from his butt and farted the homeowner to death.
Warning shot? That's how you get killed. When you shoot at someone its to kill. Shoot me or at me, better kill me.

i am going to say this slower so you understand...a guy in your back yard by your garden is not going to be armed with a gun, so no worries about getting shot a guy who breaks into your home may be armed maybe not but deadly force is well within your rights to kill an intruder...a guy standing in your yard by your garden is completely different
Warning shot? That's how you get killed. When you shoot at someone its to kill. Shoot me or at me, better kill me.

you have been watching too many charles bronson movies..warning shots are used frequently by skilled the guy who panicks and shoots maybe is too scared or nervous to pop off a warning shot and take aim