The measurement of time is a human construct. We have created a way to measure and divide one revolution of the earth on it's axis. Also know as "a day." And one revolution of the earth around the sun. Also known as "a year". This is not some cosmic rule of thumb. It's something we, as humans, created. To say you can use this division of time to predict the future is fucking ridiculous. Numerology is nothing but horse shit.
I know that. time completely irrelevant to science? Or does it serve to gauge?
"Helios was seen as the heart of the celestial pattern, and his physical
aspect was considered as the lower manifestation of a higher principle
which we may characterize as the Idea of the Solar Logos."
". . . the sun itself was never taken to represent the First Cause, and was
merely seen as its image and manifestation on a lower level of being,
within the confines of space and time."
". . . Philo of Alexandria, (was) a Jewish philosopher who sought to
reconcile the spiritual traditions of Judaism with the light of Greek
learning. Born around 30 B.C.E., Philo describes in his main works
a comprehensive worldview based on the central idea of the Logos.
In this emanationist cosmology, Philo refers to God as the Intelligible
or Spiritual Sun, and the Logos, his offspring, as "the Son of God."
This theology, which is independently found in the Egyptian Hermetica
from the same time period and the writings of Plutarch, was chosen by
the first Christian intellectuals as the vehicle for their own spiritual