Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

As promissed I have started this to consolidate questions from a few places where this topic has come up.

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They remain in flower the entire time require to mature. In the case of a pure indica this can be as fast as 43 days from the start of 12/12 until harvest. The fastest strain for me was 43 days, this was also the highest yielding strain producing over 11 lbs of medical grade cannabis in approximately 36 sq ft under 2,000 WATTS HPS.

Prof Mj

Your yield is incredible. Teach me, master.
1 gram per watt is the holy grail.. you have 4928 g/2k watts, so and you're getting 2.5 grams a watt!! In 43 days you double the holy grail. What indica strain is it? And I will pay you to teach me.
Peyote; one of my favorite ways of respecting the earth. Had a wonderful experience with the Hopie(sp?) Indians in the White Mountains of AZ long ago. 3 days in a Teepee that was the most enlightening experience of my life. My lady is 20 years my junior and has heard many times of that time. I would love to share that medicine on the high deserts some day. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be as abundant these days. I hope to share the experience with her some day. I digress, the MH will not effect the flowering time. If at all possible I would try and add the HPS instead of switching places. The buds in my avatar were grown under a combonation of MH and HPS from start to finnish. I am a big believer in light, can't have to much. If you must chose one or the other, of course HPS for flower. But I would take a greater amount of MH then less HPS if push came to shove. Light is getting cheaper, try to invest in more light if you can swing it. As far as conversions, anytime you cut corners to save money there is a trade off. If I were starting from scratch I would by as large an HPS as I could and go from there. You can veg or flower with either. One nice thing about my technique is I don't require a vegging room. I buy all HPS digital ballast with adjustable power settings.

i'm in mesa az. i had friends from the rez back in high school. we did the whole peyote out in the desert under a full moon thing a few times. sick as a dog and then high as a jet. a truly unique experience. i was more of a shrooms guy myself. no throwing up unless you can't stomach frozen shrooms! :)

i started reading castenada when i was 18. i am going to re-read the first couple of books. i'm curious if i'll still enjoy them decades later.
How refreshing to find another grower that really knows his stuff!! I'm pulling up a chair Professor.

i've got 18 years of indoor growing, and i'm pretty sure i'll be spending a couple of hours going through this thread! i've found that it never hurts to see what others are up to. :)
i've got 18 years of indoor growing, and i'm pretty sure i'll be spending a couple of hours going through this thread! i've found that it never hurts to see what others are up to. :)

I didn't see what the big deal was, he has no veg time and 45days flower time, normal 8 weeks is 56 days so he chooses an early flowering strain, selects the fastest mother and pushes everything whilst harvesting a little earlier than other growers. Big deal i say but well done for effort. Peace
I didn't see what the big deal was, he has no veg time and 45days flower time, normal 8 weeks is 56 days so he chooses an early flowering strain, selects the fastest mother and pushes everything whilst harvesting a little earlier than other growers. Big deal i say but well done for effort. Peace

no not that all that stuff. there are just some interesting things in this thread. i like the back and forth and frankly, as someone who has been waiting for pot to be decrim or legalized since 1969, i enjoy the thoughts of those who have been there and have done that.

i've gotten lazy over the years and have picked up some sloppy habits, it's good to be reminded about some things, and i'm really high; what else i gots to do? :)
professor! i see that you said you didn't check trichs. i searched and didn't find an explanation. how do you determine when to harvest for your personal stash if not looking at the trichs?
no not that all that stuff. there are just some interesting things in this thread. i like the back and forth and frankly, as someone who has been waiting for pot to be decrim or legalized since 1969, i enjoy the thoughts of those who have been there and have done that.

i've gotten lazy over the years and have picked up some sloppy habits, it's good to be reminded about some things, and i'm really high; what else i gots to do? :)

I agree dude except for legalizing weed, my town would be world war three if everyone was stoned, wish people were more chilled over here but legalizing weed would only add to the problems in my town, can be a rough town at the best of times and the kids here are like full grown mafia mobsters by the age of 16, please dont legalize weed here or we'll all have to barracade out doors and board up our windows, everyones on the sick too because there are no jobs not because there ill, even medical marijuana would be a bad idea here. Shame as it dose such a great job at healing.

Prof, you smoked that joint and chilled yet??? Peace
professor! i see that you said you didn't check trichs. i searched and didn't find an explanation. how do you determine when to harvest for your personal stash if not looking at the trichs?

Trichome coloration is of course the main stay for determining potency and harvest times. Because cannabis produces such a large percentage of it's trichomes in th last two weeks of the cycle, being off by only a dy or two can have a dramatic impact. Pick early and you lose potency, pick late and it starts to degrade. Not so important picking late unless you're a true Sativa man, like myself, the "up", or "high" aspect starts to change in to a more naroctic or "couch lock" high as it goes past it's peak. I wanted a more accurate wy to detrmine the exact moment it is ready, the folks in the wine making world had the answer. The Brix meter is used to measure sugar levels in grapes, it can also be used for many reasons in cannabis cultivation. Cannabis when it is healthy and thriving has a sugar percntage of between ten and twelve percent. When it has problems that will drop but it takes the plant three days or so to show it, you can know theres a issue 3 days sooner by tracking sugar levels. When cannabis has reached it's end of the life cycle the sugar levels will plummet, three days from the start of the decline is the perfect time to harvest. You can dial it in almost to the hour, great tool, about $100
Getting the juice from the plant to measure is the trick, good luck
no not that all that stuff. there are just some interesting things in this thread. i like the back and forth and frankly, as someone who has been waiting for pot to be decrim or legalized since 1969, i enjoy the thoughts of those who have been there and have done that.

i've gotten lazy over the years and have picked up some sloppy habits, it's good to be reminded about some things, and i'm really high; what else i gots to do? :)

When steam hasn't been blowing out my ears I am gnerally laughing about the shock over my yields. It isn't all that amazing to me, hell I'm pissed I don't have 15lb yields. I'll throw a pic up again, 30 days into the grow from 2 to 3 inch clones in this photo. 120 girls in about 13x7 foot space under 4,000w total. This is just a home grow of mine, not even close to one of my commercial facilities so it's a fair grow at best. If I take just half of the system, or 60 plants, in about 40 square feet, under 2,000w what would a guess on yield be? 60 plants about 2/3 complete in this pic, would 2 oz's per be unrealistic? 2x60=120* 16=7.5lbs in 45 days. Not mind blowing numbers to me at all. In perfect conditions 3 oz's per is absolutely doable. At 3 zips per that's 11.25lbs total, in 40 sq ft with a fast flowering pure Indica in 45 days, I don't understand why people are so put out by those numbers.

If you think what clones such as the ones that I grew my avatar buds from were used it could get down right scary what is possible. Practise, attention, perfect enviroment and pot will produce in spades. Not a mystery to me at all.

And King, YES, did smoke that. Rarely don't have the vape going. lol Only half way thru the bud bowl :-)

here this is on paper the bible now your goin to tell me earth is 6000 yrs old ???

The Bible provides a complete genealogy from Adam to Jesus. You can go through the genealogies and add up the years. You'll get a total that is just over 4,000 years. Add the 2,000 years since the time of Jesus and you get just over 6,000 years since God created everything.
Is there anything wrong with figuring out the age of the earth this way? No. There is nothing to indicate the genealogies are incomplete. There is nothing to indicate God left anything out. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates in any way that the world is much older than 6,000 years old.
professor, i just hooked up a second 600 in my 4x4 tent,im running 8 headband in a diy undercurrent system with 4.5 gallon square buckets. i can keep the hoods 8" off the plants without any problem. the temps lights on are rock solid at 76. the nute temps run about 70 as ive yet to get a chiller. i run a 6" air stone in every other bucket. 6" vortex cooling lights, n all equipment other than lights outside the tent.. what would be your next step in improving my set up?

edit: the plants have been tied down so the total heigth from bucket top is 12" total and uniform. just so you have a better understanding of my grow. thanks for your advice...4tat

Do you have the Professor's 45 Day Plan in short form or a how to document that you could post?? I've tried to wade through the BS of the boards to no avail so I thought I'd ask. Please share with us the Professor's 10 Commandments.

I have a $3k investment and have setup my grow with a lot of the info you have shared. I am using a 4x4x6.5 tent ( in my defense I had already purchased the tent and it is perfect for my spare bedroom). I have the Lumetek 1000w dimmable, 6" Magnum xxxl, 6 site DWC, CO2 with a Digigro meter and regulator setup, Titan digital timers, I have a 720 CFM fan blowing (should I be pulling the air?) across the bulb and vented outside. It's a short run to the window from the tent. I also have a Aqua chiller 1/10 that keeps the water the perfect temp. I also a Sony IP camera that I can access from my iphone & ipad remotely from my SECURED wireless network. I can see the CO2 meter, the temp and humidity without ever going in the room. I can keep the room temp controlled with my home a/c or later in the year by opening the window. The temp inside tent running on the ballast at 50% is 78 degrees. I have run it at 100% and the temp never got above 86-89. The water temp is 68 degrees +- 2-3 degrees. The humidity is 50-55% now but will drop to 40% when I turn up the bulb.

In a nutshell, I have spent the money, done my due diligence and bought the right equipment and educated myself in the process. I am a NEWBIE but am not deterred. 5 years ago I got a wild hair in my ass and decided I was going to be a beekeeper. After ordering a shit ton of equipment off ebay and reading everything I could about beekeeping I was in the beekeeping hobby! 1 year later I harvested 9 gallons of honey and was certified by the University of Georgia. I have done the same so far in my quest to grow for PERSONAL use. Unfortunately, all I have access to is low grade dirt weed where I am. Its overpriced and smokes like an old burning tire! I dont like the risk of going on a goose chase for shit weed and have decided I can do better. THE VERY FIRST TIME!!! I'm a college educated veteran will a great job and good life. I am happily unmarried and live alone in the country. I have a very nice setup for the grow area and feel very confident that I can grow undetected. I have told no one other than my GF who is my assistant. She is an attorney and know the consequences. She is also spoiled and likes to smoke the good stuff!...I do too!!!

I have this entire eco-system setup and eagerly await your advice on what I have done so far. I have 11 Swiss Cheese ( I also have Hypnotic, Swiss Cheese & G13 in a house plant pots. I'm going to use them as mother plants for clones later.)

On Wednesday evening 9/21 I soaked 10 Swiss Cheese seeds for 4 hours in room temp RO and then put the seeds in paper towels in a dome with a heat mat. 20 hours later ALL 10 had popped and the root was about 3/16" long. I put them in super plugs and put them in the 6 3.5 gal DWC buckets running lights at 50%. Some of the buckets have 2 plugs. These are feminized BTW. I will have some beauties in just a couple more days. I am running at 50% on the light and I have it 4-6 inches above. I am using RO water at 135 PPM. I have added nothing! The PH bounces a little and I have practiced a lot prior to ever germinating. I have done many 'test runs'. I'm ex-Navy AirCrew.. kinda ingrained ya know? The lights, timer, CO2, water, chiller, etc.. everything is operating and working 100%. I have all the kinks worked out and keep the PH 5-7. I have 3.5 gallon buckets and a total system capacity of 25 gallons. I also have PPM meter and PH meter.

I am concerned about NUTRIENTS & PPM!! I need the skinny on the House and Garden line you reccomend. Can you explain step by step the nutrients and feeding schedule as it applies to my setup and your guidelines? Do I need all that Big Bud Bubble Gum BULLSHIT I see in the hydro stores??? What do I need? I WILL ORDER IT ASAP!!! That's another thing . . . I WILL LISTEN TO WHAT YOU TELL ME AND DO WHAT YOU SAY!!!

I would greatly appreciate ANY 'remote assistance' you could provide! How about a "How To" document on The Professor's 45 Day Grow !!! I'm serious about this grow and would be honored if you could share your knowledge with me. I would even be willing to do a video journal using my ipad2 and you could see my setup and follow my grow. I could upload the videos to DropBox and you could view them. If you have a webcam you could respond and leave in dropbox or we could even Skype and do a live video call. If you don't have a webcam I'd be willing to purchase one for you!

I don't need hand holding and my ass wiped. I just need some solid advise and a little guidance. I promise I will find my way quickly. So what'll say? You up for the challenge? I think I can harvest 9 lbs in the setup my first time.

Have a great evening!!!

Do you have the Professor's 45 Day Plan in short form or a how to document that you could post?? I've tried to wade through the BS of the boards to no avail so I thought I'd ask. Please share with us the Professor's 10 Commandments.

I have a $3k investment and have setup my grow with a lot of the info you have shared. I am using a 4x4x6.5 tent ( in my defense I had already purchased the tent and it is perfect for my spare bedroom). I have the Lumetek 1000w dimmable, 6" Magnum xxxl, 6 site DWC, CO2 with a Digigro meter and regulator setup, Titan digital timers, I have a 720 CFM fan blowing (should I be pulling the air?) across the bulb and vented outside. It's a short run to the window from the tent. I also have a Aqua chiller 1/10 that keeps the water the perfect temp. I also a Sony IP camera that I can access from my iphone & ipad remotely from my SECURED wireless network. I can see the CO2 meter, the temp and humidity without ever going in the room. I can keep the room temp controlled with my home a/c or later in the year by opening the window. The temp inside tent running on the ballast at 50% is 78 degrees. I have run it at 100% and the temp never got above 86-89. The water temp is 68 degrees +- 2-3 degrees. The humidity is 50-55% now but will drop to 40% when I turn up the bulb.

In a nutshell, I have spent the money, done my due diligence and bought the right equipment and educated myself in the process. I am a NEWBIE but am not deterred. 5 years ago I got a wild hair in my ass and decided I was going to be a beekeeper. After ordering a shit ton of equipment off ebay and reading everything I could about beekeeping I was in the beekeeping hobby! 1 year later I harvested 9 gallons of honey and was certified by the University of Georgia. I have done the same so far in my quest to grow for PERSONAL use. Unfortunately, all I have access to is low grade dirt weed where I am. Its overpriced and smokes like an old burning tire! I dont like the risk of going on a goose chase for shit weed and have decided I can do better. THE VERY FIRST TIME!!! I'm a college educated veteran will a great job and good life. I am happily unmarried and live alone in the country. I have a very nice setup for the grow area and feel very confident that I can grow undetected. I have told no one other than my GF who is my assistant. She is an attorney and know the consequences. She is also spoiled and likes to smoke the good stuff!...I do too!!!

I have this entire eco-system setup and eagerly await your advice on what I have done so far. I have 11 Swiss Cheese ( I also have Hypnotic, Swiss Cheese & G13 in a house plant pots. I'm going to use them as mother plants for clones later.)

On Wednesday evening 9/21 I soaked 10 Swiss Cheese seeds for 4 hours in room temp RO and then put the seeds in paper towels in a dome with a heat mat. 20 hours later ALL 10 had popped and the root was about 3/16" long. I put them in super plugs and put them in the 6 3.5 gal DWC buckets running lights at 50%. Some of the buckets have 2 plugs. These are feminized BTW. I will have some beauties in just a couple more days. I am running at 50% on the light and I have it 4-6 inches above. I am using RO water at 135 PPM. I have added nothing! The PH bounces a little and I have practiced a lot prior to ever germinating. I have done many 'test runs'. I'm ex-Navy AirCrew.. kinda ingrained ya know? The lights, timer, CO2, water, chiller, etc.. everything is operating and working 100%. I have all the kinks worked out and keep the PH 5-7. I have 3.5 gallon buckets and a total system capacity of 25 gallons. I also have PPM meter and PH meter.

I am concerned about NUTRIENTS & PPM!! I need the skinny on the House and Garden line you reccomend. Can you explain step by step the nutrients and feeding schedule as it applies to my setup and your guidelines? Do I need all that Big Bud Bubble Gum BULLSHIT I see in the hydro stores??? What do I need? I WILL ORDER IT ASAP!!! That's another thing . . . I WILL LISTEN TO WHAT YOU TELL ME AND DO WHAT YOU SAY!!!

I would greatly appreciate ANY 'remote assistance' you could provide! How about a "How To" document on The Professor's 45 Day Grow !!! I'm serious about this grow and would be honored if you could share your knowledge with me. I would even be willing to do a video journal using my ipad2 and you could see my setup and follow my grow. I could upload the videos to DropBox and you could view them. If you have a webcam you could respond and leave in dropbox or we could even Skype and do a live video call. If you don't have a webcam I'd be willing to purchase one for you!

I don't need hand holding and my ass wiped. I just need some solid advise and a little guidance. I promise I will find my way quickly. So what'll say? You up for the challenge? I think I can harvest 9 lbs in the setup my first time.

Have a great evening!!!

WOW! Keep us updated with that! Everything sounds great!
Trichome coloration is of course the main stay for determining potency and harvest times. Because cannabis produces such a large percentage of it's trichomes in th last two weeks of the cycle, being off by only a dy or two can have a dramatic impact. Pick early and you lose potency, pick late and it starts to degrade. Not so important picking late unless you're a true Sativa man, like myself, the "up", or "high" aspect starts to change in to a more naroctic or "couch lock" high as it goes past it's peak. I wanted a more accurate wy to detrmine the exact moment it is ready, the folks in the wine making world had the answer. The Brix meter is used to measure sugar levels in grapes, it can also be used for many reasons in cannabis cultivation. Cannabis when it is healthy and thriving has a sugar percntage of between ten and twelve percent. When it has problems that will drop but it takes the plant three days or so to show it, you can know theres a issue 3 days sooner by tracking sugar levels. When cannabis has reached it's end of the life cycle the sugar levels will plummet, three days from the start of the decline is the perfect time to harvest. You can dial it in almost to the hour, great tool, about $100
Getting the juice from the plant to measure is the trick, good luck

what an interesting idea! did it come to you while high on some fine sativa? i always love new ideas so i'm going to be spending the next few days reading. getting juice from a that is a bit of a bump in the road. i'll have to ponder and google and ponder some more. there is a solution, i just don't know it yet! :)

most of my genetics are sativa/indicas. i love sativas but i can't flower for 100 plus days. i always lose it around 90 and cut them!
When steam hasn't been blowing out my ears I am gnerally laughing about the shock over my yields. It isn't all that amazing to me, hell I'm pissed I don't have 15lb yields. I'll throw a pic up again, 30 days into the grow from 2 to 3 inch clones in this photo. 120 girls in about 13x7 foot space under 4,000w total. This is just a home grow of mine, not even close to one of my commercial facilities so it's a fair grow at best. If I take just half of the system, or 60 plants, in about 40 square feet, under 2,000w what would a guess on yield be? 60 plants about 2/3 complete in this pic, would 2 oz's per be unrealistic? 2x60=120* 16=7.5lbs in 45 days. Not mind blowing numbers to me at all. In perfect conditions 3 oz's per is absolutely doable. At 3 zips per that's 11.25lbs total, in 40 sq ft with a fast flowering pure Indica in 45 days, I don't understand why people are so put out by those numbers.

If you think what clones such as the ones that I grew my avatar buds from were used it could get down right scary what is possible. Practise, attention, perfect enviroment and pot will produce in spades. Not a mystery to me at all.

And King, YES, did smoke that. Rarely don't have the vape going. lol Only half way thru the bud bowl :-)

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don't get me wrong, i'm not disputing your numbers at all. i'm very impressed. it's just that your way is very intense and always on the small details, i'm very laid back (lazy) and usually ignore the small but important things, which is why i'm only averaging 1 OZ per plant (although i'm getting an average of 16 OZ per grow with a 600 watt).

what i was saying is that i'm not interested in a 45 day indica crop, i prefer something with more sativa in it and less intense attention to the ladies. because i got interested and started reading your threads, over the last day i have lowered my flower lights by close to 9", and tied down several plants that are a foot or more taller than the rest, to make a more uniform canopy. in addition, although i already altered how much water i use on the plants in order to allow the pots to dry out quicker, you stating that this was the best thing was very encouraging. between being more aware of how long it takes a pot to dry out, and using smart pots the next time, i'm excited to see an increase in my yeilds. i knew all these things but over the years i've gotten complacent, sloppy and lazy with my grows. your posts have inspired me to expend a bit more time and energy. not a lot but some! :)

i'm in AZ and we have a 12 plant limit. i need to stop being so lazy and start producing more than 1 oz per plant. i tried hydro (bubbling buckets) and lost a whole crop the day i flipped those beauties into flower (i overfed them and they looked like someone took a blow torch to them) so i'm purely a soil guy although i think i'm going to try some coco coir one of these days. old, comfortable habits are hard to break!

keep up the good work!
I agree too fatboy, is a viscious circle, you get everything right and when its going well you get lazy again, then the whole thing repeats itself especially straight after harvest time when your too stoned to care for the new crop!lol! Peace
I agree too fatboy, is a viscious circle, you get everything right and when its going well you get lazy again, then the whole thing repeats itself especially straight after harvest time when your too stoned to care for the new crop!lol! Peace

that's me exactly. i read until my brains melted before i planted my first indoor. i bought the best equipment and did everything to the best of my ability. i was always pampering the plants. fussing over this and that. after a couple of years, i got to a point where they were lucky if i watered them! i still got enough to meet my needs and it was less work! :)

i am definately going to spend more time and attention to this next batch! i'm thinking of going legit and right now, the 12 plant limit doesn't work for me! :joint:
If the Professor just didnt reply to all the negative comments then he wouldnt have this problem, the more you reply the more negativety you get back.

Sure and if cats could bark we wouldn't need dogs. It's unrealistic. How much of that shit can a man take before responding? I've been in similar situations myself and I can only ignore it for so long. It's not just the hater himself, what gets to you is that there is a large silent audience following the thread and you want to set the record straight with them.

Even if you have the self restraint of a saint and hold your tongue it wont stop the war. The anti haters will take your part and fight on your behalf. It would require everyone to hold his tongue for this to work.

Other than that, why the hell should he take it lying down? If someone talks smack to me, I confront them directly. It's even more outrageous if you are offering help and you get that shit thrown in your face.

Everything he is saying can be found on the internet. I bet that's true. Problem is everything anyone says can be found on the internet. It's like a broken clock. Sure it might be right twice a day but when? A mix of facts and bullshit is all bullshit unless you can separate the wheat from the chaff. Try asking for help on a sick plant in this forum. "It's overwatered" "It's underwatered" "It's N def" "It's Mg def" "It's a ph problem" "Spider mites, definitely spider mites".... all diagnoses for the same plant. When an expert grower sorts this out for you and tells you what works and in what combination, thats gold!

I can write every single word that Shakespeare wrote but I can't string them together the way he did.
Sure and if cats could bark we wouldn't need dogs. It's unrealistic. How much of that shit can a man take before responding? I've been in similar situations myself and I can only ignore it for so long. It's not just the hater himself, what gets to you is that there is a large silent audience following the thread and you want to set the record straight with them.

Even if you have the self restraint of a saint and hold your tongue it wont stop the war. The anti haters will take your part and fight on your behalf. It would require everyone to hold his tongue for this to work.

Other than that, why the hell should he take it lying down? If someone talks smack to me, I confront them directly. It's even more outrageous if you are offering help and you get that shit thrown in your face.

Everything he is saying can be found on the internet. I bet that's true. Problem is everything anyone says can be found on the internet. It's like a broken clock. Sure it might be right twice a day but when? A mix of facts and bullshit is all bullshit unless you can separate the wheat from the chaff. Try asking for help on a sick plant in this forum. "It's overwatered" "It's underwatered" "It's N def" "It's Mg def" "It's a ph problem" "Spider mites, definitely spider mites".... all diagnoses for the same plant. When an expert grower sorts this out for you and tells you what works and in what combination, thats gold!

I can write every single word that Shakespeare wrote but I can't string them together the way he did.

Sorry dude i have to disagree and somewhere deep down is a part of you that wants to let the hate go too you just havent connected with it yet. This is how wars begin and no war is right.

Seriously the min the prof backed down he got some good talk out of us all and i only seen the odd hater here now and again, i daren't check how his other thread is going but hope he has learnt to chill.

So dont be stupid bro, i worship Bob Marley and other great potheads who always turned the other cheeck and fought the silent battle. Hate back all you want but emancipate yourself at the same time, really the choice is yours.

And lets not dispute that i am a violent person in real life who finds it hard to turn the other cheeck but am learning to do so and it feels brilliant so screw what the silent audience think as im my own person and thats whats really COOL!

Where do you expect this bickering to end anyway, seriously let it go and learn your lesson -

"We cant change someone else unless we first change ourselves" Notorious RIP