Police are racist as shit

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
So cops are supposed to protect and serve, has anyone even been protected by cops or have you only been served?
You're protected by cops all the time. Well, not just cops, but courts, jails and prisons as well. And there you have a few of the rare legitimate functions of the government you pay for son.

feff f

Active Member
So cops are supposed to protect and serve, has anyone even been protected by cops or have you only been served?
i just usually hurl insults at them until they go away. then when they are walking away i will yell something like, "thats right you racist pig, get back on the reservation tonto" works everytime.


Active Member
I'm personally very grateful for all the officers in my community. I don't "disturb the peace" and I fill my time with my job, kids, wife, volunteer work, and hobbies.

It's funny how I viewed the police when I was a high schooler and how I view them now! ha ha

feff f

Active Member
I'm personally very grateful for all the officers in my community. I don't "disturb the peace" and I fill my time with my job, kids, wife, volunteer work, and hobbies.

It's funny how I viewed the police when I was a high schooler and how I view them now! ha ha

for sure! obviously there are some cops that are bad. but to call them all racist pigs is like saying blacks like watermelon and chicken. just plain stupid


King Tut
for sure! obviously there are some cops that are bad. but to call them all racist pigs is like saying *ALL* blacks like watermelon and chicken. just plain stupid
Gotta admit, most of the black (and white) people i know like both lol.


Well-Known Member
You're protected by cops all the time. Well, not just cops, but courts, jails and prisons as well. And there you have a few of the rare legitimate functions of the government you pay for son.
yea i get that part, i was more wondering if anyone has been in a situation where a cop actually protected them- maybe running down a purse theif/mugger, or maybe while being caught in crossfire they ran and gave you cover, or if you got jumped and looked shitty but not hospital status hoook you up with a ride home, maybe hook you up if you wasted w a ride, or give you a nice talking too to teach you lesson rather then arresting you.


Well-Known Member
Dude, there are many more people who could bring a gun and help besides the cops. And yes an illiterate hippie with a gun that is willing to shoot someone for me is better than a cop that may take time to get there if you don't live in a good place.


Well-Known Member
for sure! obviously there are some cops that are bad. but to call them all racist pigs is like saying blacks like watermelon and chicken. just plain stupid
They do like Watermelon and fried chicken, it's stupid to say they don't. But both of those things are awesome, every race loves them generally.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
So cops are supposed to protect and serve, has anyone even been protected by cops or have you only been served?
my mother is a landlord. she is 67 years old and lives in the building she rents out. one particular tenant (to whom we are related :roll:)went off his meds for a week and long story short he made a lot of trouble for everyone. one day my mother calls me and says he's threatening to kill her and banging on the walls and ceiling. i tell her to call the cops and i get my ass over there (he's followed through on threats before when off meds). i can't touch the guy because he's mental and his mother is my aunt (also lived there) and she's screaming bloody murder for me to leave him alone and my mother doesn't want me to touch him and blah blah family drama blah. so the cops get there, HEAR HIM telling my mother he's going to kill her (while blasting music loud enough to wake the dead at midnight), and i swear on my eternal soul this is how the conversation went:

"did you hear what he said?"
"yes ma'am. you need to take that to housing court"
"it's friday night. court opens on monday. are you fucking serious?"
"yes ma'am"
"ok but he's been threataning me all night and yelling vulgar things at me making all kinds of noise and probably dystroying the apartment. at what point do you take this seriously?"
"we take it very seriously ma'am but you need to follow the proper channels"

then they fucking left. the judge at tenant court was appalled at the entire story and said that's not at all how that should have went down. basically the cunt cops were to pussy to deal with a mental guy. i don't know if they were afraid of the guy or afraid to get sued, but they basically refused to do their job. so when someone says to me "wait till you need them, you'll sing a different tune then", i chuckle on the inside. by the way, this guy was arrested twice in 8 months after evicted, once for violence. my mother lived in fear for 4 months while the court shit went on. fuck the police.


Active Member
Maybe not all are bad. But in a group, the good ones will back down from the others. And that's called indifference. And indifference is the true evil. When you recognize evil, but do nothing. You are a kind of evil in yourself.
You really think there are MORE racist cops than cops that don't care? Come on bro, next you're gonna say the aliens are watching and the government has cameras like Big Brother. It's all bullshit. There are racist people in the world, and they're wrong. Some of those people become cops, and that's even more wrong. But if you think there's some sign in the police station, or they cover in their morning briefing "OK GUYS GO TARGET BLACKS", then you're plain stupid.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there are more racist cops, than cops that don't care. OVER ALL. I'm from TX, so definitley more racist cops there. More racist people in general. Even if your not racist, you have stereotypes in your mind from your parents in most TX families. My mom was walked home from school by a black boy 1 time. My great grandma chased him off with a broom, and that was really the closest she ever got. And we only had a couple black friends that were allowed to be over. Now nothing is said anymore, except an occasional joke. But racist comments were heavy before. And that's a 50% Mexican woman. She's not too fond of Mexican's either.

What I was saying in my comment from the past post was that cops come from a racist background. And what they do stems from racist heritage. The badge carries a lot of racist history.
They may not BE racist individually. But they are fighting a racist fight with racist men.
Like do you know WHY people were so ready to make weed illegal back in the day?? They were starting to call it MARIJUANA and that means "Mexican's taking American money". Just like now "Mexican's are taking American jobs". They DID NOT want Mexican's getting their money, so they all thought it was a good idea to make illegal.
And cocaine. Even MORE racist reason.
When there was a proposition to make some drugs illegal, and some drugs prescription, the southern politicians saw this as an opprotunity. I don't know what there reason for disliking coca was, probably simply because black people liked it. But they went up there and told that committee of people that was deciding "Black men are getting high on cocaine. Raping our wives, and murdering our families."
And the committee was like, "Well we can't have that" And that was that.

They ARE RACIST. Whether they know it or not.