Al where are you exhausting your cool tubes to? Are you exhausting to the outdoors or to the attic?
I have a very unusual installation because I have a very unusual house. The op both sources air from and vents into a crawl space under the house. That crawl space happens to be the attic for the op, as it is above it. Is my op in a cave? Pretty darn close. It IS under the house and half its walls are naked bedrock. It'd be nearly impossible to explain properly without showing you photos of how my house is built... and
how it is built is a deadly obvious clue as to
where it is built... so I can't really put that sort of detail online here.
The volume of the crawlspace airmass is about 6000 cu ft. As bedrock is exposed in this crawlspace, the air temp in the crawlspace is between 14C-21C all year round. The large, 6000cu ft airmass soaks up the heat that I dump in the crawlspace and sinks it in the exposed bedrock.
i know im not al b, but im pretty sure he said his intake was from outside and hes also exhausting the air outside too! it was some pages back somewhere in this never ending thread! sorry al, you can yell at me if you want! lol heh
actual comment was:
"I did opt for a closed loop, drawing cooling air for the tubes from outside the room's airmass and also dumping outside."
I intended to convey that the cooltubes get and dump their air outside the growroom's airmass- but not necessarily to outdoors
per se.
OK, I'm yelling at you. Please don't fill in my blanks unless you're quoting from something I wrote. Mind, even that isn't an entirely safe bet. Sometimes I've changed a process or something... and may not have issued the ECN (engineering change notice) as yet!
Thanks, Fuct, this is information I have really needed. I have a tiny space - about 5x6 feet, financial constraints, health issues, but could probably do two plants every two weeks with the right set-up. That's about 3/4 oz average per plant? I suppose it depends on the variety. But that's probably at least a couple of ounces per month as I calculate it.
Depends as much on the op and you as the DNA, but good genes put you miles ahead. If the op maintains a 24-26C @ 30-50% RH and you are consistent in your maintenance regime, 3/4oz per (presuming 400HPS flowering 8 indica dominant hybrid plants) is probably low once you're in the swing of things.
This is my first grow (sort of lumped together with a second since I only got one female from seven seeds in my first) Can I turn my blooming OB into a clone mother when she is done blooming? How long would it take to go back to veg and be usable for cloning? I don't want to take one of my three pre-blooming females for a mother because I badly need stash. But suddenly maybe a better answer comes to me - I could clone from a lower branch of the largest female seedling and put it back into veg, right? And then keep it there, and when I am close to having the room, start clones from that. Am I thinking straight about this, noob that I am?
Revegging a plant previously in flower takes a LONG time, 6-8 weeks before growth fully returns to a normal vegetative habit. If you think you're low on weed now, you'll be much more annoyed while waiting for a plant to reveg.
Your best bet is to take cuttings from your plants which you are keeping in veg at present and establish the mum/s you need.