The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
afternoon shirt lifters, well ma wee dwc is going well, all plants have at least 4 true leaves and all over 3" in height and showing good root growth, the 3 in soil seem to be fine as well, temps are a little high today , about 31c but its a fuckin summers day outside so no worries, they usually sit almost bang on 28c and at nite are only dropping to 21c. happy days. just gave them a wee 1/4 strength feed and now its sit back and chill time. i just wandered past my hairdresser and he shouted me in for a free haircut and offered me oz's of smoke at a good price, its fuckin great being well connected!


RIU Bulldog
What I can't believe is that they actually got that many people to donate to the site to be part of the 'elite rolling society' lol. The thing people do to feel special lol.


Well-Known Member
Probably in your guy's case. For me it would probably have to be an OG.

Yeah man....fucking bored ass potpimp complained and got it closed. I swear he's got it out for the limeys or something lol
that potpimp is a fukin idiot ! proper mod power gone to his head!! why shut the breeders boutique page , it wasnt spam people where talking about the strains and how they have grown them!
if thats the case close every fucking strain report on this site !!!


Active Member
hey guys im livin in the south west and there is some nice gear around these parts but i dont wanna keep mixing with all the wrong people lol i wanna grow my own and get on with life :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Evening all, hope the days treated you well. I made macaroons, 60 of em, but i went a bit overboard on almond extract and the whole batch had a slight ethanol tang t em so the whole lot went to staff, 2 of us. Yay, get some beers in me and they'll taste right as rain.

Been peeking at my autopots and things look ok at last, my cheese went on a long droop but finally perked up. One of the trays has two corking looking plants, black rose which has fresh young budsites but are already lovely and red based, and a something, maybe BSB x Casey which is the same but deep purple :) I'll try grab some pics when lights are out, can't remove the autopots without going through a bit of issue, all diagonal and propped up by pennies :D


hello peeps....cant believe ive never seen this page before know, what a knumptie!!!!
east midlands here and total bs gear floating around these parts...and @ silly prices cheese = oz = £200, give me a break!!
after some decant clones if anyone knows anybody????



Well-Known Member
Evening all, hope the days treated you well. I made macaroons, 60 of em, but i went a bit overboard on almond extract and the whole batch had a slight ethanol tang t em so the whole lot went to staff, 2 of us. Yay, get some beers in me and they'll taste right as rain.

Been peeking at my autopots and things look ok at last, my cheese went on a long droop but finally perked up. One of the trays has two corking looking plants, black rose which has fresh young budsites but are already lovely and red based, and a something, maybe BSB x Casey which is the same but deep purple :) I'll try grab some pics when lights are out, can't remove the autopots without going through a bit of issue, all diagonal and propped up by pennies :D
Afternoon Mr tt ... i love macaroons :) just bought some massive coconut ones !
Having a look at DIY bubblers , thinking about those long storage containers ... not really sure though as it means running more electrics .. is it possible to get a air pump that can run 4 or so air stones ?? not very up to date on that stuff lol


Well-Known Member
200 an oz is good for cheese, london prices are around 240 an oz of the good stuff, 200 would get ya some average buds here.
Im from midlands all strains are no more than 200 a oz ... no one round here would pay more than that .. you can get some proper good weed for like 170's ! London can bollox ! lol


Active Member
Im from midlands all strains are no more than 200 a oz ... no one round here would pay more than that .. you can get some proper good weed for like 170's ! London can bollox ! lol
same here you cant sell it for more than 200 it just dont fly some prices are laffable gott a gram of tangerine dream last night n we was saying how that was expensive at 200 normally get blueberry,cheese,haze's going in at 180 , why would someone pay more than 200 go to someone else


Well-Known Member
Afternoon Mr tt ... i love macaroons :) just bought some massive coconut ones !
Having a look at DIY bubblers , thinking about those long storage containers ... not really sure though as it means running more electrics .. is it possible to get a air pump that can run 4 or so air stones ?? not very up to date on that stuff lol
ive got a pump running 4 airstones, theres two outlets on the pump and u just put a t- piece splitter in it. its an Hailea ACO-2204.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Afternoon Mr tt ... i love macaroons :) just bought some massive coconut ones !
Having a look at DIY bubblers , thinking about those long storage containers ... not really sure though as it means running more electrics .. is it possible to get a air pump that can run 4 or so air stones ?? not very up to date on that stuff lol
Sure you can, it's no different to aquariums and such. You can get them in all colours and sizes, they can be loud though, i had to stick mine in the attic it was such a buggar. You can also look at more compressors or somesuch. I got a bunh of these and they can be had for half the price they say, and are good if i say so. One of those and a crusty airstone would get me what my last scrogs were getting.


Well-Known Member
Im from midlands all strains are no more than 200 a oz ... no one round here would pay more than that .. you can get some proper good weed for like 170's ! London can bollox ! lol
i sell to lads that sell exo cheese at 240 an oz after buying it at 170 from me needless to say its dank and as dry as u can get it if not to dry at times but there are peeps out there buyin eighths 2g £25 so in all fairness u get wot u pay for even tho i do think its crazy!! by the way my shit goes all over brum black country east mids wales london peterbourough