Cartel Weed

What should I name this plant?

  • Un-Smuggled Snugglez

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Sexxxy! Mexxxy!

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • Machete` Haze

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • Green Agave Hashplant

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Make up ur own name and post.

    Votes: 19 28.4%

  • Total voters
a name is supposed to describe the finished product. unfortunately its fuck heads like you that slap a random name on a plant that probably already has a name.

I unfortunately ended up with "name" seeds but I am against naming bagseed anything special, unless the finished product is name worthy.
I think it's funny when people hate on bag seed. I want to grow it and make it awesome and be like the guy on breaking bad who cooks better meth than the mexicans lol.
a name is supposed to describe the finished product. unfortunately its fuck heads like you that slap a random name on a plant that probably already has a name.

I unfortunately ended up with "name" seeds but I am against naming bagseed anything special, unless the finished product is name worthy.

this guy has a bad attitude. this is what is known as a hater.
i dont like someone telling another how to do what they want to do. #'s isnt that high and mighty of a grower to spout that crap. SubCool ,Yes. #'s no.
this guy has a bad attitude. this is what is known as a hater.

Yer dude at first i was like can you make a strain from one seed and all the usual negative stuff but then i though hey this guys just having fun and enjoying himself and dreaming the dream so why bash on his parade.

The fact that he dosent like the name 'CHILLI BURGER' when it depicts its mexican american roots is really beyond me, i mean who the F*CK do you think you are you peice of cr*p sucking donkey turd, i go to all that effort for 5 seconds to come up with the perfect name for your precious little blood seed and you pay me no attention. I now have you on my ignore list you UGLY MOTHAF*UCKER.

Nah only joking im not some retard hater!lol! Still chilli burger gets my vote!lol! Peace
a name is supposed to describe the finished product. unfortunately its fuck heads like you that slap a random name on a plant that probably already has a name.

I unfortunately ended up with "name" seeds but I am against naming bagseed anything special, unless the finished product is name worthy.

No its slap headslike you who ruin our fun moron!
Seriously, this thread is extremely fun. I mean who doesn't want to be able to name their own strain? We don't all have the time and knowledge for all that breeding and selecting, and coming up with retarded names is always fun. So if you hate this, simply go fester somewhere else and let us have fun naming this one plant that, chances are, only him, his friends and family will enjoy.