call the thing what it is, bagseed bro.
Damn "Bro." Good job at being a total "stick in the mud." We're trying to be funny here and you are not helping.
can't name a flower that hasn't bloomed...
a name is supposed to describe the finished product. unfortunately its fuck heads like you that slap a random name on a plant that probably already has a name.
I unfortunately ended up with "name" seeds but I am against naming bagseed anything special, unless the finished product is name worthy.
this guy has a bad attitude. this is what is known as a hater.
a name is supposed to describe the finished product. unfortunately its fuck heads like you that slap a random name on a plant that probably already has a name.
I unfortunately ended up with "name" seeds but I am against naming bagseed anything special, unless the finished product is name worthy.