The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn fred you could recycle that chronic stem and use it as a ships mast. ive got one of those big ass spiders strutting round my bins. ive asked him to shift but i'm not telling him....


Well-Known Member
Man, that spider looks nasty. I got bit by a brown recluse and had to spend a couple weeks in the hospital a few years back. That was fun, the damn think crawled into my britches next to my bed at night and I pulled it right up into position. Within two days there was a square foot of swelling centered about 2 inches from my junk...... oh ya.... good times! Hope the little lady gets to feeling better and the swell goes away bud!


Well-Known Member
does anyone know what section the Breeders Boutique thread was in. I've sent a pm to E M a couple days ago, but he hasn't responded.


Well-Known Member
probably something to do with how badly he got his fukken ass handed to him when he tried to shut down the uk thread.. lol

sour grapes...

really, that was considerate of him, lol.

One wonders why potpimp has got a bee in his bonet.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
How's it going godfather. Got a couple of minutes before the cracken comes over just wanted to see how the family was. Poor princess, did I hear she got bit by a spider on her face ooooh ouch poor baby is it getting better I hope. Tell HA unkie HC says hi!

Gotta run talk to ya mate

mr west

Well-Known Member
haha we went to see the health visitor today at 420 pm. She asked the princess if id hit her lmao.. Miss Harriet weighs 8lbs 3oz now and is in proportion hight and weight


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the proportiantly correct baby. Are you guys gonna be super health nuts with her? my sisters the kind, and my nephew has never eaten a burger n fries, and worst of all.. no chinese food(lastnight) for fucks sake. Hope its all good with you and all your female counterparts, have good one.

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah i cant see us being health nuts lol. we are nature nuts tho so will be naming all the animals we see lol


Well-Known Member
nah i cant see us being health nuts lol. we are nature nuts tho so will be naming all the animals we see lol
Lol, i'm the nature nut in my house. when that time comes my child can have whatever pet he/she wants or brings home. It's just gonna take a little talking with the ol' lady.