The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning all its a beautiful day..............................bud box or dark room you decide........which is best?


Well-Known Member
mornin homosexuals all. the weather is lovely over here in bandit country although it's playing bloody havoc with my temps; 31c.


Active Member
Good morning fellow uk growers!!!

Sorry i not been on checking the pages lately...... doing the catch up, but it has recently been chop time, and i guess i have just been ABUSING the stash, and havent realy had any time to do anything ..(mainly cos i been on my ass on the sofa!!lol)..anyways... going to have a change around in systems this run. but my god do i miss the bubble buckets already simple!!!!!lol

This time i am going for nft tray 424, with 5 lil ladies to try n bang a quick grow in before christmas.
Got 5 ladies in there now , thinking more plants and less veg time should get a half decent yield?? any thoughts??

Running Canna range again , hydro vega and flores,..need some cannazyme n rhizo too
....hhhmmm reminder. Ta.
also i got sold Canna AKTrivator?? soil mould thing...he did say that i could use it in hydro but its says soil all over it??!!?? have no idea what it was,
but i was bit smashed, so it went in the bag anyway . Any info from u guys on this product would be great!!

anyways got a mate round to help, its all up n runnig ladies in, just being fed wtaer till they are fully out the big blocks.?? correct/ wrong??

The main reasin why i am telling so much info on this, is i am a virgin at this method, and i know all you guys got bags of info and dont mind sharing

So i will be asking many questions chaps.

Happy Growin Every1
