At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
Cannabineer -

The relevance is only to Mame's comments that he/she can somehow prove someone is of a certain faith. Isn't faith itself a question of proof? Obama is a muslim sympathizer, hence, in my eyes, he is anti-Christian. If he were truly Christian he would see the flaw in other beliefs. I don't ever remember Christ forcing himself onto girls who were under the age of 16 or to blond haired, blue eyed boys to "service" him.


Well-Known Member
You don't want substance. You want to defend your President who is a failure. That's fine, but if you want me to provide "substance" to prove this President is a failure, then look at your President. The President is the one who has failed and you're defending his faillure. Not me.

Obama attended a racist church. Christianity is not racist. That's my opinion.

The administration told us that the stimulus was needed to keep unemployment under 8%. It went to 10 and is over 9 and looks like it's gonna be there a while. That is substance. You want more?
how so racist?

the 'god damn america' speech was speaking out against things like interring japanese americans and segregating blacks. i wonder why you think that sort of thing is racist.


New Member
Cannabineer -

The relevance is only to Mame's comments that he/she can somehow prove someone is of a certain faith. Isn't faith itself a question of proof? Obama is a muslim sympathizer, hence, in my eyes, he is anti-Christian. If he were truly Christian he would see the flaw in other beliefs. I don't ever remember Christ forcing himself onto girls who were under the age of 16 or to blond haired, blue eyed boys to "service" him.
Bigot Much?

Aren't you a nasty piece of work


Ursus marijanus
Cannabineer -

The relevance is only to Mame's comments that he/she can somehow prove someone is of a certain faith. Isn't faith itself a question of proof? Obama is a muslim sympathizer, hence, in my eyes, he is anti-Christian. If he were truly Christian he would see the flaw in other beliefs. I don't ever remember Christ forcing himself onto girls who were under the age of 16 or to blond haired, blue eyed boys to "service" him.
Iirc Mame's comments were regarding to what church Obama went. Church membership and faith are apples and oranges imo. Questioning Mame's faith in pursuit of an answer about Obama is taking the argument ad hominem. cn

Jack Fate

New Member
Obama Never Said it. An Advisory board made a Forecast with Lots of Disclaimers. But everytime you hear the talking point it is always
"Obama promised Unemployment would not go over 8%"
Obama is responsible for what those who work for him say and do. He's the boss.


Well-Known Member
No, I am not a christian; I'm not religious at all, actually.

Maybe you should do a little research on Obama, he is quite christian.
Once again. . . prove it. How do you prove this? Do you love a certain person? Prove it. How do you prove it. These are simple questions. You need to think a little more deeply than just defending your socialist leader. We conservatives think about the future, not just about trying to keep a failed leader in charge.


Well-Known Member
Cannabineer -

The relevance is only to Mame's comments that he/she can somehow prove someone is of a certain faith. Isn't faith itself a question of proof? Obama is a muslim sympathizer, hence, in my eyes, he is anti-Christian. If he were truly Christian he would see the flaw in other beliefs. I don't ever remember Christ forcing himself onto girls who were under the age of 16 or to blond haired, blue eyed boys to "service" him.
so in order to be christian you have to harbor a hatred for muslims?

some people really make me wonder.


Well-Known Member
...your socialist leader. We conservatives think about the future....
name the top 3 most socialist bills passed by the 111th and 112th congress. this should be GRAND.

thinking about the future? LOL!

more like differentiating between what rape is forcible or not.


Well-Known Member
Iirc Mame's comments were regarding to what church Obama went. Church membership and faith are apples and oranges imo. Questioning Mame's faith in pursuit of an answer about Obama is taking the argument ad hominem. cn

Oh I see we must have a liar (lawyer) in our midst. You guys are all the same, just different lying faces. I know. . . I worked for a group of 'em. I MOVE FOR TORTE REFORM!!! LET'S GET RID OF ALL THE LAWYERS!!! THEY ALL LIE FOR THEIR OWN GAIN ANYHOW. <---- Yet another reason of how the leftists liberals are destroying this country.

Jack Fate

New Member
Oh I see we must have a liar (lawyer) in our midst. You guys are all the same, just different lying faces. I know. . . I worked for a group of 'em. I MOVE FOR TORTE REFORM!!! LET'S GET RID OF ALL THE LAWYERS!!! THEY ALL LIE FOR THEIR OWN GAIN ANYHOW. <---- Yet another reason of how the leftists liberals are destroying this country.
I like the way you talk.


Well-Known Member
so in order to be christian you have to harbor a hatred for muslims?

some people really make me wonder.
Buck the question is pertaining to Obama and his failure to lead or give the American people anything for their hard earned tax wages that were stole from them. In order to be a Christian leader of the U.S., one must harbor a hatred for all things evil (including muslimism).