At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
I don't even believe Obama is a citizen of the U.S., much less Christian. He is a muslim sympathizer, hence anti-Christian.

And as far as having my own say - Damn right I get my own say. I'm a U.S. citizen. Also, I'm entitled to spout out anything I want regarding facts. The liberal socialist in this country have been lying about statistics for years.

Also, Obama never stuck out his neck for compromise. It has always been his socialist ideology to drive the U.S. into a socialist democracy from the moment his mother died because she couldn't pay for medical treatment. Yep. . . that's how the U.S. should take care of people who aren't legal citizens of the U.S. Don't spend MY money on someone who isn't willing to put into the system.

You need to take a trip on the Right side of things to get a reality check. Life is NOT a party! It's an animalistic world where animalistic instincts kick in on the human brain when humans fight for their survival. The strongest and most aggresive humans are the ones that win. Not the ones living in some Shangri-la.
Yep, I need a reality check; thanks for clearing that up for me.

Jack Fate

New Member
In case you haven't noticed, Obama is a Christian.

Except that he has repeatedly stuck his neck out there in favor of compromise, and his base (you know, the left) is actually angry at him for being too CONSERVATIVE even as conservatives call him a socialist.

Seriously, people need to fact check their shit; You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Quoting the socialist, Lawrence O'Donnell, isn't going to make your argument.....You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts."

The church Obama attended for 20 years certainly wasn't Christian.


Well-Known Member
Quoting the socialist, Lawrence O'Donnell, isn't going to make your argument.....You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts."

The church Obama attended for 20 years certainly wasn't Christian.
I'm still waiting for the evidence regarding your claims in the other thread. Honestly, I'd gladly have a debate but you've failed to offer anything of substance.

hint: crying about Obama's church is pretty petty; It was indeed a Church and Obama is indeed Christian.

Jack Fate

New Member
I'm still waiting for the evidence regarding your claims in the other thread. Honestly, I'd gladly have a debate but you've failed to offer anything of substance.

hint: crying about Obama's church is pretty petty; It was indeed a Church and Obama is indeed Christian.
You don't want substance. You want to defend your President who is a failure. That's fine, but if you want me to provide "substance" to prove this President is a failure, then look at your President. The President is the one who has failed and you're defending his faillure. Not me.

Obama attended a racist church. Christianity is not racist. That's my opinion.

The administration told us that the stimulus was needed to keep unemployment under 8%. It went to 10 and is over 9 and looks like it's gonna be there a while. That is substance. You want more?


Well-Known Member
The administration told us that the stimulus was needed to keep unemployment under 8%. It went to 10 and is over 9 and looks like it's gonna be there a while. That is substance. You want more?
Finally, you give me something to sink my teeth into...

Your claim was that Obama's policies "made things worse", which is what I'll focus on. Now, first of all you're right on one thing - Obama promised 8% unemployment and unemployment is over 9% right now nationwide - but the stimulus policy did in fact have a net positive effect on the economy - and yes, that means what I'm saying is that without the stimulus unemployment would be even higher.

According to Bloomberg, the Obama stimulus saved or created as many as 3.3 million jobs; that makes out to a 1.8% decline in the unemployment rate compared to what it would have been without the stimulus (so it would've been over 10%, obviously). During it's peak (a three month span through June 2010), the Obama stimulus added between 1.7 percent and 4.5 percent to the GDP.

Now, the biggest problem with the Obama stimulus is that it was A) too small and B) was poorly built (40% tax cuts and a bunch of government aid... it should've been mostly infrastructure). Keynesian economists told the administration that 1.2-1.5 Trillion was needed to close the output gap(bolded for importance) and reach full employment, but Obama made a political calculation (a smaller package so that it could make it through congress) and that calculation has cost us dearly.

The Republican policy is officially "anti-stimulus" - and Austerity will only continue to make the global economy worse... Which only makes them much worse. And if you like, I can back up that claim - unlike you.

Jack Fate

New Member
Finally, you give me something to sink my teeth into...

Your claim was that Obama's policies "made things worse", which is what I'll focus on. Now, first of all you're right on one thing - Obama promised 8% unemployment and unemployment is over 9% right now nationwide - but the stimulus policy did in fact have a net positive effect on the economy - and yes, that means what I'm saying is that without the stimulus unemployment would be even higher.

According to Bloomberg, the Obama stimulus saved or created as many as 3.3 million jobs; that makes out to a 1.8% decline in the unemployment rate compared to what it would have been without the stimulus (so it would've been over 10%, obviously). During it's peak (a three month span through June 2010), the Obama stimulus added between 1.7 percent and 4.5 percent to the GDP.

Now, the biggest problem with the Obama stimulus is that it was A) too small and B) was poorly built (40% tax cuts and a bunch of government aid... it should've been mostly infrastructure). Keynesian economists told the administration that 1.2-1.5 Trillion was needed to close the output gap(bolded for importance) and reach full employment, but Obama made a political calculation (a smaller package so that it could make it through congress) and that calculation has cost us dearly.

The Republican policy is officially "anti-stimulus" - and Austerity will only continue to make the global economy worse... Which only makes them much worse. And if you like, I can back up that claim - unlike you.
The jobs he saved were govt/union jobs. He saved the jobs of those who support him.

Go over to the other thread and you'll see more examples. You can stop with your straw man that I don't back up my claims. I am and I have. Get over it. It's not my fault the President you support is going down. Grow up.


New Member
Finally, you give me something to sink my teeth into...

Your claim was that Obama's policies "made things worse", which is what I'll focus on. Now, first of all you're right on one thing - Obama promised 8% unemployment and unemployment is over 9% right now nationwide - but the stimulus policy did in fact have a net positive effect on the economy - and yes, that means what I'm saying is that without the stimulus unemployment would be even higher.
Please Find me a Quote where Obama said Unemployment would not go over 8%

Just trying to help


Well-Known Member
Please Find me a Quote where Obama said Unemployment would not go over 8%

Just trying to help
I'm just assuming he said that, I do remember the administrations estimate said something about it but I dont remember the details. It doesn't matter though anyway, the stimulus was a net positive and that's the only point I'm here to make.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting for the evidence regarding your claims in the other thread. Honestly, I'd gladly have a debate but you've failed to offer anything of substance.

hint: crying about Obama's church is pretty petty; It was indeed a Church and Obama is indeed Christian.
So are you Christian? Prove it!!


New Member
I'm just assuming he said that, I do remember the administrations estimate said something about it but I dont remember the details. It doesn't matter though anyway, the stimulus was a net positive and that's the only point I'm here to make.
Obama Never Said it. An Advisory board made a Forecast with Lots of Disclaimers. But everytime you hear the talking point it is always
"Obama promised Unemployment would not go over 8%"