At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
HAD the clear message that Ron Paul GAVE them.
too bad they latched onto that whole "muslims bad" vibe.

if they stuck to the message ron paul had, i.e. the constitution, they would have been in favor of the mosque near ground zero as it is clearly covered under the first amendment and property rights.

but no.....they have to bring in their version of christian sharia law and intolerance and misunderstanding of the constitution. they did it to themselves, and that's why their star is fading rapidly.


Well-Known Member
See you're the hypocrite now. Saying that all homosexuals should be part of your lying leftist liberal democrat ideals.
So he is not a hypocrite for publicly condemning homosexuality and then going home and taking a fat one in the ass? Do you understand what a hypocrite is? He is literally saying you shouldn't do something (be a homo) while he does that very same thing (be a homo)... That's a slam dunk, that's hypocrisy - and it has nothing to do with whether or not he is liberal.


King Tut
too bad they latched onto that whole "muslims bad" vibe.

if they stuck to the message ron paul had, i.e. the constitution, they would have been in favor of the mosque near ground zero as it is clearly covered under the first amendment and property rights.

but no.....they have to bring in their version of christian sharia law and intolerance and misunderstanding of the constitution. they did it to themselves, and that's why their star is fading rapidly.
I whole-heartedly agree UB.

Jack Fate

New Member
It's not his alleged homosexuality that's the problem, the problem is that if the allegations are true it makes him a HYPOCRITE.
And if they are not true, I'm sure the person who started the allegations and all those who helped spread the allegations will publicly apologize.......LOLOLOL.

It's stuff like this that causes me to call the left trash. When you spread trash to hurt people deliberately then that makes you a smear merchant and the left has made it their main tactic these days with their smears on good decent people simply because they don't like their political beliefs and not only want to defeat them but to destroy their lives.


Well-Known Member
It's not all homosexuals that do that, just the gays. We conservative homosexuals don't need the liberal left to do our thinking for us. We're not ALL in that boat. Please don't categorize homosexuals as liberal, socialist, or democrat. Some of us have our own minds to think for ourselves.
Yea,,,Your "conserative's",,,Will "Support Homosexual's",,,Next right...Your an angry "Conservative"....Is that a Penis in a diper?,,,Now that's Gay.


King Tut
And if they are not true, I'm sure the person who started the allegations and all those who helped spread the allegations will publicly apologize.......LOLOLOL.

It's stuff like this that causes me to call the left trash. When you spread trash to hurt people deliberately then that makes you a smear merchant and the left has made it their main tactic these days with their smears on good decent people simply because they don't like their political beliefs and not only want to defeat them but to destroy their lives.
To be fair, both parties participate in these shenanigans.


Well-Known Member
So he is not a hypocrite for publicly condemning homosexuality and then going home and taking a fat one in the ass? Do you understand what a hypocrite is? He is literally saying you shouldn't do something (be a homo) while he does that very same thing (be a homo)... That's a slam dunk, that's hypocrisy - and it has nothing to do with whether or not he is liberal.
You obviously don't know what you're reading or what you're saying. I never condemned it. I said the Iranians condemn it. The liberal left are the sympathizers of muslims which ultimately would be the controlling Ayatollas over the Iranian government which makes you all supporters of the ones that hate. It's your condemnation, not mine. Take ownership of it like Biden took ownership of all the economy problems for the current administration. Ha. So I have a husband to attend to now. He's more important that to blather here with the unenlightened. Keep hold of your beast and don't say I didn't warn you when the time comes for judgment.


New Member
You obviously don't know what you're reading or what you're saying. I never condemned it. I said the Iranians condemn it. The liberal left are the sympathizers of muslims which ultimately would be the controlling Ayatollas over the Iranian government which makes you all supporters of the ones that hate. It's your condemnation, not mine. Take ownership of it like Biden took ownership of all the economy problems for the current administration. Ha. So I have a husband to attend to now. He's more important that to blather here with the unenlightened. Keep hold of your beast and don't say I didn't warn you when the time comes for judgment.
I do take Ownership of Tolerance
I guess that makes you the rightful Owner of Bigotry and Racism
OH and if you are really a homosexual
I guess your a self Hating gay as well


Well-Known Member
I said the Iranians condemn it. The liberal left are the sympathizers of muslims which ultimately would be the controlling Ayatollas over the Iranian government which makes you all supporters of the ones that hate.
The left does NOT support Iran, or any other place that punishes people for driving, not wearing enough clothing, etc. I think you're confused with the argument.

The left supports freedom of religion, including islam, and the left despises the blantant xenophobia being expressed by the right. As UB said already, the TEA party was against that mosque being built - which suggests they have a problem with people excersizing their freedom of religion; The left, however, is committed to preserving social freedoms such as freedom of religion. what exactly is wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" – the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" – says the man. "Oh, what are you then? " The man says: - "I am a Saudi !" The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.


Well-Known Member
Wait, what? Money has nothing to do with freedom. Think back on your life and think of the best moments and the worst moments, now how many of them were about money? If you believe money will bring you happiness and that true freedom cannot be attained without being wealthy, then you, good sir, are a fool. The S. American Countries that i personally think would make great places to live have less poverty than the USA, Chile and Paraguay are both at 11% while the USA is at 12%. Argentina is also a good country, but has 24% poverty, probably due to the Crash in the currency they had.

BTW China has the lowest percent of people living below the Poverty line in the entire world. 2.3%. Lithuania is next at 4%.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Wait, what? Money has nothing to do with freedom. Think back on your life and think of the best moments and the worst moments, now how many of them were about money? If you believe money will bring you happiness and that true freedom cannot be attained without being wealthy, then you, good sir, are a fool. The S. American Countries that i personally think would make great places to live have less poverty than the USA, Chile and Paraguay are both at 11% while the USA is at 12%. Argentina is also a good country, but has 24% poverty, probably due to the Crash in the currency they had.

BTW China has the lowest percent of people living below the Poverty line in the entire world. 2.3%. Lithuania is next at 4%.
"poverty" is a pretty blanket term, and there are plenty of ways to quantify it. You can rattle off stats, but the reality is that until you quantify them from a singular definition, they mean nothing and can be easily skewed to favor one sided presentations.

Go visit Chile and renounce, it must be better there, then.


New Member
In Chile Poverty is defined as making less than 1.25 a day

Population below poverty line: 11.5% (2009)
Definition: National estimates of the percentage of the population falling below the poverty line are based on surveys of sub-groups, with the results weighted by the number of people in each group. Definitions of poverty vary considerably among nations. For example, rich nations generally employ more generous standards of poverty than poor nations.
Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of July 12, 2011

See Also
They used to define it as 90 bucks a month or less but they lowered it