The UK Growers Thread!


Strongbow and coke,what a great mixture ! reminds me when ibongsmilie was single and actually had a fucking life.Now im a pipe and slippers man,and i dont mean crack pipe before you say.lolbongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You heard all the adverts on the radio etc of late trying to convince students to buy TV license for their laptops :lol: fucking bozo's, but chances are folk will start buying em as they're too thick to actually read a piece of legistlation and work out what is really what.


nice one kev,got em in the garden getting some free light before i put them under 18/6 later.Cant wait to see them when finished,they have got a good review in most cases. cheers


Well-Known Member
ive achieved the making of a cheese sandwich and ahm now considering the 6 litres of cider thats in the fridge


Just had to add another 4" intake to keep the temps down,roll on winter i say.I cant stand fucking hot weather,my bird loves it she lays there like a fucking lizard.


My girlfriend thought that the water in a camels hump was for the guy on its back to drink??????? Got to love scouse birds havent ya.


Well-Known Member
all gd mate, been up with baby since 630 so were jus sitting having a cuddle on the sofa watching cbeebies an having a cuppa, well we were im on the pc now lol, hows you n everyone else today?
thats normally how my day starts and i slowly get closer n closer to pc lol