500 Watt Blackstar Grow- 5 L.A. Confidential, 1 OG Herojuana (3rd LED Grow)


Well-Known Member
And I'll admit,that for practicality in a large scale grow hydro is the way to go. It shouldnt really be hydro vs soil per say, it all depends on your situation.

But ultimately hydro is less forgiving, it doesn't tolerate mistakes at all, but without mistakes it does give a small increase in overall speed/yield.

I'm gonna stop thread-jacking now tho :)


Well-Known Member
And I'll admit,that for practicality in a large scale grow hydro is the way to go. It shouldnt really be hydro vs soil per say, it all depends on your situation.

But ultimately hydro is less forgiving, it doesn't tolerate mistakes at all, but without mistakes it does give a small increase in overall speed/yield.

I'm gonna stop thread-jacking now tho :)
Okay, hydro is less forgiving. I concede. But increase is greater than small. Sorry for the hijack session, Sleeze.


Well-Known Member
Have you compared MH/HPS yields to LED? If so, what can you tell me about it. I am getting ready for my next grow. Just heard of LED's and was wondering if they are worth it. I have 11 green cracks under T5 Fluros atm. I am either going 1000 w MH or LED, if there is a yield signifigance. I already know of the energy savings but I rather yield more bud and spend the money on energy if that is the case. Thanks, nice grow. Cool lights. Anyone experiment with neon lights? I was thinking about doing that during the flower period, see if it picks up any of the color. Peace, love and weed.


Well-Known Member
I don't see LED's moving as far as large production. It's fantastic for the space some people work with, but would be too weak in larger spaces. If you have larger than a 4x4 feet area, go with the HID.


Well-Known Member
i have a buddy lighting a whole house up and he just switched from hps to led , a/c costs will kill you with hps they cost alot up front and alot to run over time. enough that he changed his mind and is happy with the results. he has grown for 10+ years and is stuborn as fuck too lol funny stuff. i also made the switch for myself same thing heat and energy benefits plus no problems with a possible fire.


Active Member
SO guys, here is my last update for at least a week. My house sitter will be watering the girls while I am gone, hopefully I will have plants when I get back :roll: The girls are all around 32-34 inches tall now.
looks to be on schedule ;-)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
when you get back take a look at my thread in my sig i had to chop my agent orange due to root rot, tiny ass nugs because of the rot but holy good god frosty as balls.


Well-Known Member
How'd they kill a plant with remeasured nutes and LEDs?! How come non-growers are so stupid?! My condolences for your loss...


Well-Known Member
amen that must have been hard to pull of haha , really sucks though man gotta smoke one for the loss :)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Just got word that my notorious house sitter killed another one of my plants the day before I get home! Now I'm down to 5 plants!
the fuck man, people these days are so damn dumb sometimes, its like you tell em EXACTLY what to do and the look at you and nod and then proceed to kill off somthing that could have given you 900$ worth of product... tards...


Well-Known Member
Good news guys! I came back yesterday and sprayed Magic Green Foliar spray on the dying plant and I saved it! I will post pics later today of the girls! They are looking great!


Well-Known Member
Aloha! I am back from another relaxing trip in Hawaii. I got in late last night and sprayed Magic Green Foliar on the one plant that was looking like it was about to die. Magically, this morning it perked up and looks healthy again! Boy have these ladies gotten hairy! They are all around 33 inches tall, and I believe the stretching has stopped. I had to do a trim and stake all the plants this morning. I took some before and after pics of trimming and staking. Everything looks great and on schedule! I am so happy I was able to salvage that one plant! Touched a few of the bud sites and I am getting immediate a stanky, pungent smell on my fingers. Should be some really good dank in 36 more days!:leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Magic green is a great product. I use it every other week during veg. Adds a nice boost of vitality and my ladies are always lush.


Well-Known Member
Wow,you kinda caught me off guard,those are exceeding my expectations for LEDs so far,they havnt started to fatten up at all yet but you've already got big clusters of pistils all the way to the bottom buds. When they fatten up they should get pretty big...looking forward to the next 36 days,they're gonna change alot.


Well-Known Member
Wow,you kinda caught me off guard,those are exceeding my expectations for LEDs so far,they havnt started to fatten up at all yet but you've already got big clusters of pistils all the way to the bottom buds. When they fatten up they should get pretty big...looking forward to the next 36 days,they're gonna change alot.
Ya im pretty happy with the amount of pistils and clusters on these girls! My last harvest I was very impressed with the amount these LEDs penetrate the top canopy and gave me solid, dense, dank buds even at the bottom! I am still smoking my last harvest with a big proud smile! That harvest is in a 2 month cure already and it is POTENT! I had problems with that harvest too, and lost a week in Veg and a week in Flower and it still came out very good! I am sure this harvest will be awesome!