At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


New Member
I fight for liberty everyday and will comit more of myself to fighting for liberty soon
Try fighting for Liberty on Tuesday and Wednesday
If you get arrested ON friday or saturday you aint gonna see a judge until monday or tuesday at the earliest


Well-Known Member
Fighting for liberty one keystroke at a time...
FUCKING BOSS COMMENT BRO, i've been saying this to everyone who thinks their fucking che guevara behind a forum or a fucking blog. like if you want what people are constantly preaching about then go get a gun and do something about it, because when it comes down to it thats the only way anything will change. same with these freedom fighting tea party douchers who rally side by side with one sign saying "Obama, stop sending jobs over seas!" and the other saying "revolt against socalism."

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
FUCKING BOSS COMMENT BRO, i've been saying this to everyone who thinks their fucking che guevara behind a forum or a fucking blog. like if you want what people are constantly preaching about then go get a gun and do something about it, because when it comes down to it thats the only way anything will change. same with these freedom fighting tea party douchers who rally side by side with one sign saying "Obama, stop sending jobs over seas!" and the other saying "revolt against socalism."
Teeshirt activism, perhaps? Say you're against consumerism, by buying a brand new shirt to say it...Or maybe "revolt against socialism, but not against National Socialism"

strange message to send, no? "What is your platform exactly?"


Well-Known Member
Teeshirt activism, perhaps? Say you're against consumerism, by buying a brand new shirt to say it...Or maybe "revolt against socialism, but not against National Socialism"

strange message to send, no? "What is your platform exactly?"
they want government out of private business, but then they want the government to regulate what a business can and can't do. fucking pick one.

Jack Fate

New Member
I think the people who are scared of the Tea Party have been drinking the Kool Aid and watching too much MSNBC. Watch out. That stuff will give you a headache all day and nightmares at night.


New Member
Fighting for liberty one keystroke at a time...

Damn right one keystroke at a time, I ban chinaman everyday, If it wasn't for me you'd be out of about 1% of your precious Internet here, it would be taken over by viagra advertisements, and I also spread the philosophy of freedom through the Internet. Additionally I live well below my means and Ive never borrowed a dime and came up slowly from poverty, so I do practice what I preach.

FUCKING BOSS COMMENT BRO, i've been saying this to everyone who thinks their fucking che guevara behind a forum or a fucking blog. like if you want what people are constantly preaching about then go get a gun and do something about it, because when it comes down to it thats the only way anything will change. same with these freedom fighting tea party douchers who rally side by side with one sign saying "Obama, stop sending jobs over seas!" and the other saying "revolt against socalism."

I see you watch cable news and saw some Tea Party propaganda, first off, I have to disagree with advocating violence or getting a gun. I am a pacifist and I use my brain to change things not bullets. I see you really don't understand the concept or philosophy of the tea party....or liberty...or what I will dub here 'constitutionalist'..'constiutionalist' are the one that actually do form militias so its a bit odd those are the people you are telling to take up arms. (I do not align myself with the tea party btw, only the initial philosophy before it was hijacked by bureaucrats and puppets like sarah palin)


Well-Known Member

Damn right one keystroke at a time, I ban chinaman everyday, If it wasn't for me you'd be out of about 1% of your precious Internet here, it would be taken over by viagra advertisements, and I also spread the philosophy of freedom through the Internet. Additionally I live well below my means and Ive never borrowed a dime and came up slowly from poverty, so I do practice what I preach.


I see you watch cable news and saw some Tea Party propaganda, first off, I have to disagree with advocating violence or getting a gun. I am a pacifist and I use my brain to change things not bullets. I see you really don't understand the concept or philosophy of the tea party....or liberty...or what I will dub here 'constitutionalist'..'constiutionalist' are the one that actually do form militias so its a bit odd those are the people you are telling to take up arms. (I do not align myself with the tea party btw, only the initial philosophy before it was hijacked by bureaucrats and puppets like sarah palin)
dude theirs been numerous tea party rallies in my county. i've seen these people, i've talked to these people. their generally stupid. all under the same ticket that is just so bland and mind numbing it boils down to watching to much tv. reduction in taxation is a main focul point of these people......well now is one hell of a time to say stop taxing. its 2011, not 1950. Trying to take a step back in time to a strict following of the constitution is damn near impossible. i don't understand they think its "that easy" because its not. its just not. not the way world economics works today. everything has an effect on everything. where not just america, we have ends tied into many different contries. by flicking a swtich, which most tea party members think is a simple easy way to change, would be devastating on american and world economics. you think you have it bad now. i would LOVE to see you get what you wanted. i think sometimes you libertarians scratch the surface of problems. cause and effect is bigger than what your little mind can comprehend. and if you look in a history book, any major overthrowing of a government happens with bullets not brains. but if you think posting your opinions on rollitup with change the governments mind about its policies than.......well fuck i don't know lol.

One Love - and thats humanity baby - heal with herb - lower taxes - free the people - stop the drug war - bring the troops home RON

^^^^^yeah bro, theres alot more to that. and if you think ron paul is the second coming of jesus, than your terribly terribly wrong.


Well-Known Member
i have yet to say ron paul is an insane nut job or any shit like that, from what i know about him he's actually had his main beliefs for decades. which is nice to see a non flip flopping politician, (i could be wrong, im just going off of what i know). I just think he's "style" could have fit this country much better 25 years ago. today i think he's ideas are a just a bit to radical to throw into the mix. the snowball is far to big now. but what do i know right? lol


Freedom is a mindset, a piece of paper, politician, or government can not give you freedom. If you want to be free you have to accept the fact that you may be killed or imprisoned for it. Free people scare the sheeple.


Well-Known Member
dude theirs been numerous tea party rallies in my county. i've seen these people, i've talked to these people. their generally stupid. all under the same ticket that is just so bland and mind numbing it boils down to watching to much tv. reduction in taxation is a main focul point of these people......well now is one hell of a time to say stop taxing. its 2011, not 1950. Trying to take a step back in time to a strict following of the constitution is damn near impossible. i don't understand they think its "that easy" because its not. its just not. not the way world economics works today. everything has an effect on everything. where not just america, we have ends tied into many different contries. by flicking a swtich, which most tea party members think is a simple easy way to change, would be devastating on american and world economics. you think you have it bad now. i would LOVE to see you get what you wanted. i think sometimes you libertarians scratch the surface of problems. cause and effect is bigger than what your little mind can comprehend. and if you look in a history book, any major overthrowing of a government happens with bullets not brains. but if you think posting your opinions on rollitup with change the governments mind about its policies than.......well fuck i don't know lol.

One Love - and thats humanity baby - heal with herb - lower taxes - free the people - stop the drug war - bring the troops home RON

^^^^^yeah bro, theres alot more to that. and if you think ron paul is the second coming of jesus, than your terribly terribly wrong.
The taxation thing isn't the only thing the Tea Party stands for. Other things central to the Tea Party philosophy are............well, I'll just let them tell you in their own words:;-)

Tea Party Patriots Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement

The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Core Values

  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Constitutionally Limited Government
  • Free Markets
Fiscal Responsibility: Fiscal Responsibility by government honors and respects the freedom of the individual to spend the money that is the fruit of their own labor. A constitutionally limited government, designed to protect the blessings of liberty, must be fiscally responsible or it must subject its citizenry to high levels of taxation that unjustly restrict the liberty our Constitution was designed to protect. Such runaway deficit spending as we now see in Washington D.C. compels us to take action as the increasing national debt is a grave threat to our national sovereignty and the personal and economic liberty of future generations.​

Constitutionally Limited Government: We, the members of The Tea Party Patriots, are inspired by our founding documents and regard the Constitution of the United States to be the supreme law of the land. We believe that it is possible to know the original intent of the government our founders set forth, and stand in support of that intent. Like the founders, we support states' rights for those powers not expressly stated in the Constitution. As the government is of the people, by the people and for the people, in all other matters we support the personal liberty of the individual, within the rule of law.

Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business.

Our Philosophy

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. as an organization believes in the Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a non-partisan grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers. We recognize and support the strength of grassroots organization powered by activism and civic responsibility at a local level. We hold that the United States is a republic conceived by its architects as a nation whose people were granted "unalienable rights" by our Creator. Chiefly among these are the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Tea Party Patriots stand with our founders, as heirs to the republic, to claim our rights and duties which preserve their legacy and our own. We hold, as did the founders, that there exists an inherent benefit to our country when private property and prosperity are secured by natural law and the rights of the individual. As an organization we do not take stances on social issues. We urge members to engage fully on the social issues they consider important and aligned with their beliefs.

They don't seem like the 6 headed monster many on the left are portraying them as to me, but I haven't met or talked to all 67,000 some odd members, not to mention the numerous other supporters of the movement who aren't members, so I can't say for sure. :cool:


Active Member
"My way or the highway" is Obamas thought, not mine. Stupid people shouldn't have a say, unfortunately they do. That's why we're stuck in the situation we are in now. My thought is. . . if you don't have brains enough to understand that whenever the government "creates" jobs, all it is really doing is floating a big fat check that anybody with money isn't going to even consider cashing. Taking money from a tax payer and giving it to someone who even if they pay taxes is just basically recycling (or floating) taxes is not creating jobs. Creating jobs is when an investor uses their own resources to PRODUCE more wealth, not using tax payer resources to sustain socialist/government jobs.

All this comment did was tell us how uneducated you really are. I’m no huge fan of Obama but it was clear to see that he is and was the only one compromising so he can't possibly have the mind set his way or the highway. Your wrong our government got us in this problem and there damn sure going to get us out. Are you really that naive to believe the government has this much power to destroy our economy completely but they cannot make it better it’s been done before, now grated never this bad but we as a country has been in situations like this before and we did it and it wasn’t even the best we could have done. People like you make me sick you don’t care because you’re doing fine and better off you only care when it’s your problem. What you don’t understand is that if something is not done and soon this will be the last time our country is in a situation like this because we won’t ever bounce back and soon that means my problems will be yours to but then it will be too late and then you will be felling like those stupid people that shouldn’t have a say that you were talking about because apparently stupid people shouldn’t have a say. You do know that if you had it your way black people would still be slaves and stupid, there was once a law black people couldn’t read, now who’s stupid the black people or the people that created the law to make them stupid.


Well-Known Member
The taxation thing isn't the only thing the Tea Party stands for. Other things central to the Tea Party philosophy are............well, I'll just let them tell you in their own words:;-)

They don't seem like the 6 headed monster many on the left are portraying them as to me, but I haven't met or talked to all 67,000 some odd members, not to mention the numerous other supporters of the movement who aren't members, so I can't say for sure. :cool:
free market is evil. america did this shit already why is it always forgotten? im pretty sure THE FOUNDERS thought free market was all fine and dandy when there was one fucking shoe shop on the corner street. ITS 2011!!! this is the educational gap between these people and whats going on today. its not 1790 anymore.........jesus christ.