Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Yup, this isn't insulting at all really, just a nice warm welcome.

And i thought dickhead when i read some of the other posts, does that make it true? I'm sure you'd wish to argue that it's not true....

See what i mean about making these assumptions? All i have stated is "excited about what the yield might be like" but you're somehow telling me that this is ME stating that i think he's a drug dealer. No, this is me saying he might be excited about what the yield might be. Don't try and make an argument on an incorrect assumption.

The last sentence reads like it is heavily sarcastic and taking the piss out of you as indicated by the "....." i wrote it, i think i know what it means :D If you don't understand what someone has stated, don't try and use it against them as an arguing point :D

Its funny how i got you and now you turn your story around dont goota be a about it! hahaha
I gotcha and you know it! truth hurts but its all good. Hahahaha dont seem like sarcasm to me!
I wouldn't be risking 10 years in prison. Where I live we don't have such harsh penalties.

Tip Top is right man, you should listen to him. Personally, I think you come across as a bully, which is never good for a forum. People come to forums to meet like minded people. Most people are of the opinion "the more the merrier", but you are like a big dog barking at the gates shouting people away. I stand up for myself.
I wouldn't be risking 10 years in prison. Where I live we don't have such harsh penalties.

Tip Top is right man, you should listen to him. Personally, I think you come across as a bully, which is never good for a forum. People come to forums to meet like minded people. Most people are of the opinion "the more the merrier", but you are like a big dog barking at the gates shouting people away. I stand up for myself.

Oh and by the way, you're a faggot.

hahahaha thanks thats why i help kids al the time! hahahaha
Im only a bully cuz you got those pretty little feeling hurt huh cupcake!
Slim and This noobie grower comes here for answers and you guys show him nothing but disrespect. Like the moderator said.... Weed isn't free, get real. When people grow outside they're taking the chance of their plants being pollinated, if you want high quality buds then grow inside. Anyways, who cares if his main goal was to make money or make a friend happy, that's none if your business. Rather than making assumptions and showing off your sheer ignorance, help the kid out. You two are prime examples of the kind of people I've notice who frequent this forum--degenerate ignorant druggies. You guys give drug users a bad rep, some of us are users just for the experience, others are addicts who are owned by their preferred poison. I'm going to make the assumption you two are the ladder. Enough said....

To GTA... Keep your project alive by all means, you still may be able to recover something valuable from these plants: mainly seeds and swag (seedy buds). If you have noticed a plant with both parts (hermie), i.e. male bananna flowers and female buds with pistils, you may be able to recover feminized (100% female) seeds from this plant. The other plant with only female parts (buds with hairs on them) will be producing regular seeds with a 50/50 percent rate of either sex. You do not want to be smoking male plants, they're only good for making seeds. So when your girl plant is well pollinated, you ought to cut down the male plant only. It's hard to tell from you pics but if you do have a hermie, keep it for the fem seeds. Most of all, give your girl plant plenty of TLC and when most of resin glands turn amber in color, you should chop it. Then trim off the big leaflets with stems and the little leaves poking out of the buds. Later, hang it upside down till the stems make a loud crack when you bend them till they break (usually takes four days). Afterwards put those buds in a sealed jar for a another week, making sure to replace the air the the jar once a day. Before you know it you have some decent regular weed "for your friend" to smoke. Hope this helps!
your pollinating everyone's grow with that plant i heard if the conditions are right one male can pollinate a 20 mile radius so your ruining others crop man.

Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

I fail to see how this justifies him calling me a faggot? Only giving him useful info its a female/male/hermie could pollenaite others grows that NEED it asked him why he was trying to grow and why he was on this site take it how you want to but im in the right.... And dont call me names buddy
Slim and, you two are ass-holes. This noobie grower comes here for answers and you guys show him nothing but disrespect. Like the moderator said.... Weed isn't free, get real. Who cares if his main goal was to make money or make a friend happy, that's none if your business. Rather then making assumptions and showing of your sheer igorance, help the kid out. You two are prime examples of the kind of people I've notice who frequent this forum--degenerate ignorant druggies. You guys give drug users a bad rep, some of us are users just for the experience, other are addicts who are owned by thier poison. I'm going to make the assumption you two are the ladder. Enough said....

To GT... Keep your project alive by all means, you still may be able to recover something from these plants. If you notice a plant with both parts, i.e. male bananna flowers and female pistils, you may be able to recover feminized (100% female) seeds from this plant. The other plant with only female parts (buds with hairs on them) will be producing regular seeds with a 50/50 rate of either sex. You do not want to be smoking male plants, so your pretty much just having them in the mix to make you seeds.

You want to get reported for talking shit too?
ssj4jonathan - I would have left this thread a while back, but I keep checking back because it's kind of fun watching them get mad. I'm fine with aborting the project - like I said, I don't really smoke weed. Thing is, most of my friends do. When I got the offer of a couple of free plants, considering my very private balcony, I thought "Why not?". Where I live I could get a fine for growing, but it's very, very low risk. I thought it would be cool to be able to offer my friends some free smoke when they come over, but never mind...

Thanks anyway for your advice. I do, of course, retain faith that the vast majority of people on the internet are decent folks like you, despite all the noise from the "assholes".
Again your implying myself and jay why the name calling? Maybe you should have started with that intro and took what i said without the attack on myself. Calling someone a faggot in open forum is against the rules and me being the bigger man i did not even report you keep up with the name calling and i will go back and report every post of yours that is calling me such names. I did not call you any names besides a drug dealer and lazy i gave you helpful imformation and you return by calling me a faggot when you failed to do your research and failed at growing this year. Dont be made at me cuz if you would have come on here when you started the grow i would have helped you the whole way through maybe i came off like a dick to you but to anybody that grows and needs herb you did the same. Coming on here and saying you dont smoke and how do my plants look when they look the way they do is asking for someone to tell you how it is thats all i did and you freaked out cuz i was right. Stop trying to make me out to look bad cuz if anybody would take the time to read over the whole thing would see you fucked up your grow by lack of will and knownledge then when someone told you what you had and what the possible outcome was you freaked out. My first two posts in no way derserve being called a faggot i gave you the answer you wanted and some good info to go along with it thats it. Stop slandering me on open forum if you have a problem with me PM me but slandering will only get you reported.
if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man?

You keep seeming to forget that while he had done absolutely nothing wrong you decided that you were the good enough detective to tell him he wasn't welcome on the forum. You started it ;) The quote above was totally uncalled for and unnecessary and contributed absolutely nothing but negativity to the thread. We welcome all sorts to these forums :)
I'm not making you (out to) look bad, you are doing that to yourself.

From what you just wrote, it seems that you believe the following:

Hostility towards new forum members = completely OK
Name calling = worst crime ever

And like the typical bully, you now go running to teacher to tell on "those bad boys who were calling me names"

Go ahead, report me to the mods - I no longer grow weed, have no reason to be here. I'm just hanging around watching you get MAD.
You keep seeming to forget that while he had done absolutely nothing wrong you decided that you were the good enough detective to tell him he wasn't welcome on the forum. You started it ;) The quote above was totally uncalled for and unnecessary and contributed absolutely nothing but negativity to the thread. We welcome all sorts to these forums :)
I simply told him to stop fucking around with our hobbie and why was he on the forum to start with. I answered his ?'s and asked one of mine where the harm fail to see how asking someone why they are even on said forum to be a bad thing or even an insult. Telling him to stop fucking with our hobby fail to see how that is wrong would be like some jackass at the shooting range shooting the ground with assult rifles fucks things up for everyone else how would you feel if he seeded your medical crop that had to last you till next summer probably be real pissed. I was going to say do more research take what you learned this year and do things better and bigger next year but he came in with the name calling I did not. You took his side i dont care i know im in the right only told his some info told him to stop fucking around with everyone elses crops and asked him why he was even on a grow forum cuz he seemed to lack the want or will to learn so i wanted to know. You called me names and slandered me on open forum i only asked a ?'s but im the bully and asshole right....
You keep seeming to forget that while he had done absolutely nothing wrong you decided that you were the good enough detective to tell him he wasn't welcome on the forum. You started it ;) The quote above was totally uncalled for and unnecessary and contributed absolutely nothing but negativity to the thread. We welcome all sorts to these forums :)
Where did i say he wasn't welcome merely asked him what was he was here dont mix up what i said buddy:-)
this site has probably the most dicks and assholes of the all the sites ive seen.

the most number of personal insults and bullshit :)

this one, quite often barely skated away from being the bullshitting troll forum only ;)

though, to be fair, its getting alot better.
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