New Member
Yup, this isn't insulting at all really, just a nice warm welcome.
And i thought dickhead when i read some of the other posts, does that make it true? I'm sure you'd wish to argue that it's not true....
See what i mean about making these assumptions? All i have stated is "excited about what the yield might be like" but you're somehow telling me that this is ME stating that i think he's a drug dealer. No, this is me saying he might be excited about what the yield might be. Don't try and make an argument on an incorrect assumption.
The last sentence reads like it is heavily sarcastic and taking the piss out of you as indicated by the "....." i wrote it, i think i know what it meansIf you don't understand what someone has stated, don't try and use it against them as an arguing point
Its funny how i got you and now you turn your story around dont goota be a about it! hahaha
I gotcha and you know it! truth hurts but its all good. Hahahaha dont seem like sarcasm to me!