At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


King Tut
really? when people are fucking stupid i call them fucking stupid because their fucking stupid.
Sounding pretty judgemental imo. i take it that you believe it is the governments job to protect and care for all the stupid people that are too ignorant to care for themselves?


Well-Known Member
Sounding pretty judgemental imo. i take it that you believe it is the governments job to protect and care for all the stupid people that are too ignorant to care for themselves?
thats what you "take?" hmmmm don't recall saying that.......... i might go ahead and call you f..............nevermind.


Well-Known Member
And our government sure protected all those victims didn't it?

because wonderful republicans.....excuse me OUR GOVERNMENT repealed certain aspects of law that allowed more power to investment banks, who don't care about people, rather money. who woulda thought?

Charlie Who?

Active Member
we are already more free than any other nation i can think of, and yet the never ending bitch-fest goes on every day.

seriously, try it somewhere else and tell me how bad things suck here.
I pretty much agree. Except.... NOBODY is "free" of profit-mad corporations like the Phatma industry, the insurence industry, the energy corps and so on. If we Americans are "slaves" to anybody, it's our own materialism and the Capitalist system.

For instance, I just learned that in my small town, the one hospital doesnt have a trauma unit. So.....anybody who has a heart attack, a stroke, a bad car wreck or sticks his arm in his wood chipper is flown via heli to the nearest teaching hospital, a 45 minute heli ride.

The charge to the patient is 80 grand. That's right----80 THOUSAND bucks just to GET TO the frickin hospital to get yer life saved.

Now, I dont know how much fuel is needed, or how much heli fuel costs....but Im pretty damn sure it aint close to 5 grand. I dont know how much a heli pilot is paid, nor the EMT who stablizes the patient on route. But Im pretty sure another 5 grand would probably cover it, 19 at most. is the REST of the 80 K for? OK, sure, helis cost money. Insurence does, too. But come on now.

Seems to me the entire medi corps pretty much has the population at ransom. They seem to come from the position of, " have had a heart Vell.....would you like to keep living? vill pay! Sign here.....and here....and here....and here...initial here.....heh heh heh....."

And whether you are healed or even or your family owes the air ambulance 80 thousand dollars.

Since most heart attack/stroke vics tend to be seniors, Im guessing Medicare pays half, maybe a little more. But how many old timers have the rest?

It's bullshit. Work all your loife, finally get your mortgage payed off.....and the fucking heli co takes your house. Or the hospital.

That aint "free". Unless you choose to stay home and die. You do have that choice, LOL. Otherwise, we're "free" to choose death for free OR save the life and pay the 80 K.

Personally, I think Id rather croak than be suddenly in debt up to my ass, have a lien put on my property or be forced into bankruptsy.

Capitalism has gotten way out of control. Laws are written to protect the rich and the corporations more than the working man.



King Tut
because wonderful republicans.....excuse me OUR GOVERNMENT repealed certain aspects of law that allowed more power to investment banks, who don't care about people, rather money. who woulda thought?
Well THAT plays right into the two-party debacle we have :rolleyes:


King Tut
I pretty much agree. Except.... NOBODY is "free" of profit-mad corporations like the Phatma industry, the insurence industry, the energy corps and so on. If we Americans are "slaves" to anybody, it's our own materialism and the Capitalist system.

For instance, I just learned that in my small town, the one hospital doesnt have a trauma unit. So.....anybody who has a heart attack, a stroke, a bad car wreck or sticks his arm in his wood chipper is flown via heli to the nearest teaching hospital, a 45 minute heli ride.

The charge to the patient is 80 grand. That's right----80 THOUSAND bucks just to GET TO the frickin hospital to get yer life saved.

Now, I dont know how much fuel is needed, or how much heli fuel costs....but Im pretty damn sure it aint close to 5 grand. I dont know how much a heli pilot is paid, nor the EMT who stablizes the patient on route. But Im pretty sure another 5 grand would probably cover it, 19 at most. is the REST of the 80 K for? OK, sure, helis cost money. Insurence does, too. But come on now.

Seems to me the entire medi corps pretty much has the population at ransom. They seem to come from the position of, " have had a heart Vell.....would you like to keep living? vill pay! Sign here.....and here....and here....and here...initial here.....heh heh heh....."

And whether you are healed or even or your family owes the air ambulance 80 thousand dollars.

Since most heart attack/stroke vics tend to be seniors, Im guessing Medicare pays half, maybe a little more. But how many old timers have the rest?

It's bullshit. Work all your loife, finally get your mortgage payed off.....and the fucking heli co takes your house. Or the hospital.

That aint "free". Unless you choose to stay home and die. You do have that choice, LOL. Otherwise, we're "free" to choose death for free OR save the life and pay the 80 K.

Personally, I think Id rather croak than be suddenly in debt up to my ass, have a lien put on my property or be forced into bankruptsy.

Capitalism has gotten way out of control. Laws are written to protect the rich and the corporations more than the working man.

My wife is involved in insurance billing for a long-term care facility and it is common knowledge that the hospitals, etc charge WAY more than what the service costs so they get a fraction to cover costs/profit. It's basically like suing someone for $10 million knowing that you will settle for $50k.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Sounding pretty judgemental imo. i take it that you believe it is the governments job to protect and care for all the stupid people that are too ignorant to care for themselves?
Yeah, as a matter of fact, it is. If we spent the money on education that we should, there wouldnt be any stupid Americans.

Public schools in poor neighborhoods deteriorate and dont get fixed. Kids get tired of fighting off rats, getting wet when the rain comes thru the holes in the roof and having to share books with three or four other kids. They drop out, sell drugs or get a job for minimum wage. Or, pop out a few kids and get on wellfare.

In other words, the school system lets them down and creates the very ignorence that will keep them poor.

Fuckin A right it's the gov's responsibility to either provide a decent education OR feed them forever.

Or, we could just round up all the poor and shoot em?



King Tut
Yeah, as a matter of fact, it is. If we spent the money on education that we should, there wouldnt be any stupid Americans.

Public schools in poor neighborhoods deteriorate and dont get fixed. Kids get tired of fighting off rats, getting wet when the rain comes thru the holes in the roof and having to share books with three or four other kids. They drop out, sell drugs or get a job for minimum wage. Or, pop out a few kids and get on wellfare.

In other words, the school system lets them down and creates the very ignorence that will keep them poor.

Fuckin A right it's the gov's responsibility to either provide a decent education OR feed them forever.

Or, we could just round up all the poor and shoot em?

i guess we have a fundamental disagreement that, imo, is a result of entitlements. If the gov't wasn't taking our money and spending it in ways i see as foolish then i might not expect them to take so much care of us.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
My wife is involved in insurance billing for a long-term care facility and it is common knowledge that the hospitals, etc charge WAY more than what the service costs so they get a fraction to cover costs/profit. It's basically like suing someone for $10 million knowing that you will settle for $50k.
Does that mean that the heli company asks for 80 K, expecting to actually get much less, say just the amount Medicare pays? and doesnt sue the patient for the rest?

I could live with that.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
i guess we have a fundamental disagreement that, imo, is a result of entitlements. If the gov't wasn't taking our money and spending it in ways i see as foolish then i might not expect them to take so much care of us.
I hear ya. But what do you suggest we do with the poor?



King Tut
Does that mean that the heli company asks for 80 K, expecting to actually get much less, say just the amount Medicare pays? and doesnt sue the patient for the rest?

That means that the heli company knows that if they simply charge for their costs and salary then they will get much less. So they inflate the charges. Might only cost $10k and they could bill and be paid for that if they would be reimbursed honestly. OR they can charge $80k and get $20k. Why wouldn't they?

Jack Fate

New Member
really? when people are fucking stupid i call them fucking stupid because their fucking stupid.
Calling people "stupid" because they have a different political view is kinda "stupid". Low taxes, small govt, accountability and constitutional govt, cutting spending, etc, doesn't make anyone "stupid". If that is true, then our founding fathers were "stupid" and I don't believe that they were.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
That means that the heli company knows that if they simply charge for their costs and salary then they will get much less. So they inflate the charges. Might only cost $10k and they could bill and be paid for that if they would be reimbursed honestly. OR they can charge $80k and get $20k. Why wouldn't they?
Well, I reckon I better start lookin for a used helicopter on ebay....looks like Im in the wrong biznez. I wanna Be Charlie Who's Quick Trip Cutrate Air Ambulance. I'll save money by dropping the patient's by parachute right into the hospital's parking lot. That way, I wont have to even set down. It's prolly all that landing and taking off that costs so much. I could pick em up the same way----just fly over their house and ask them to stand in the front yard. I'll drop em a rope.

By cutting a few corners....I believe I could provide heli ambu service for, oh......say 15 K.

Such a deal!



King Tut
Well, I reckon I better start lookin for a used helicopter on ebay....looks like Im in the wrong biznez. I wanna Be Charlie Who's Quick Trip Cutrate Air Ambulance. I'll save money by dropping the patient's by parachute right into the hospital's parking lot. That way, I wont have to even set down. It's prolly all that landing and taking off that costs so much. I could pick em up the same way----just fly over their house and ask them to stand in the front yard. I'll drop em a rope.

By cutting a few corners....I believe I could provide heli ambu service for, oh......say 15 K.

Such a deal!

You are assuming that every company will cut every corner they can. Not so imo.


Well-Known Member
Calling people "stupid" because they have a different political view is kinda "stupid". Low taxes, small govt, accountability and constitutional govt, cutting spending, etc, doesn't make anyone "stupid". If that is true, then our founding fathers were "stupid" and I don't believe that they were.
jack fate jesus fucking christ have the best selective hearing in the world.


Well-Known Member
free market is evil. america did this shit already why is it always forgotten? im pretty sure THE FOUNDERS thought free market was all fine and dandy when there was one fucking shoe shop on the corner street. ITS 2011!!! this is the educational gap between these people and whats going on today. its not 1790 anymore.........jesus christ.
Well, there are plenty of peole who believe socialism is bad. But we're not talking about pure socialism or pure free markets either. There are very few people who advocate for NO regulation or NO taxes or NO govt. Those that do advocate those things are generally not taken too seriously because most rational people understand the need for rules and laws and governments, etc. Problem is a lot of people feel like the federal government has overstepped its bounds time and again. A lot of people feel like the government isn't functioning properly and is bloated, inefficient and in some cases utterly incompetent! lol! Throwing more money at problems seldom solves the problems. A lot of people feel like regulation (in certain sectors) is stifling growth and creating and unlevel playing field. Most rational people want the same things. We just disagree on how to best accomplish these things.bongsmilie