The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
never tryed 47 yet shot one lol,im a big big ak48 fan infact i just made 4 joints of it for a wee walk up ti BQ+HOMEBASE with the dug lol
ive not grown the AK47 yet but i have grown pyramid seeds tuthankhamon which is a AK47 hybrid and it was a fucking belter, 4oz 21grams off the plant dry and it was a lovely smooth full of taste smoke but very strong with it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck you and your journal get thhose pics in here for some easy viewing :D

My black rose has started doing it's funk, seeds before too long :)

Why the cock are you al so quiet?


Well-Known Member
Fuck you and your journal get thhose pics in here for some easy viewing :D

My black rose has started doing it's funk, seeds before too long :)

Why the cock are you al so quiet?

oooh excited bout the black rose ! ... i dont think my 2 Calizhar x Caseyband seeds are going to germ :(
give em a few more days but no sign yet , its been 4 or so days .

heres some pics .. ya lazy git , least you can do is stick a comment in my journal lol , its abit dead there lately :P

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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Make them bigger with embiginify.

I don't post comments nowhere because i'm fucking useless and fucking proud :)

Del needs his own team of cheerleaders, he's the man.


Anyone in UK grown in the garage at winter? Thinking of a grow cabinet in the garage but not sure if the plants would be too cold when the lights went out. Also worried about security. Was thinking of using a carbon filter to eliminate odour but the noise of it would have fambo members asking questions. How loud are those bitches?

Any advice would be much appreciated chaps.


Well-Known Member
my filter doesn't make any noise... my fan on the other hand....

you can get silent fans though but they cost... i would think garage would be cold in winter.. you could try insulate though..?

Anyone in UK grown in the garage at winter? Thinking of a grow cabinet in the garage but not sure if the plants would be too cold when the lights went out. Also worried about security. Was thinking of using a carbon filter to eliminate odour but the noise of it would have fambo members asking questions. How loud are those bitches?

Any advice would be much appreciated chaps.


Cheers man. Hopefully someone who's tried it might see this. Do you use a PC fan?
my filter doesn't make any noise... my fan on the other hand....

you can get silent fans though but they cost... i would think garage would be cold in winter.. you could try insulate though..?


Well-Known Member
Anyone in UK grown in the garage at winter? Thinking of a grow cabinet in the garage but not sure if the plants would be too cold when the lights went out. Also worried about security. Was thinking of using a carbon filter to eliminate odour but the noise of it would have fambo members asking questions. How loud are those bitches?

Any advice would be much appreciated chaps.
I grew Trainwreck & Skywalker last Christmas in a garage cropped on New Years Eve.... Temps where I am plummeted to below -10 at night. My advice would be to have your lights on at night to combat any adverse temperature dips and possibly a small heater during the day. I was using NFT's and an Aquafarm, in them I used heaters from a tropical fish tank to stop them from going too cold also. Hope this is of some help to you.... Oh yeah defo a Carb, some fans are pretty silent nowadays