Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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A year yeah? Might wanna whip out the calendar there bro...and it still doesnt give you the right to speak to people the way you do. And I'd have called you much worse if you'd disrespected me like that, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

By the way I don't see you jumping on veteran members who openly admit selling their products. It's funny how you're not telling them to get off the site. Did ya think that when you started whipping a new member that everyone would join in like Jayy's did? I don't think this is even an issue you have with the guy's alleged practises (and your reasoning behind accusing him is just hilarious, without any shred of evidence). I think you had a bad day and decided to rip someone open.

Everyone interprits shit diffrently buddy and the simple fact that you all seem to fail to inturpit what i said correctly is proof. Do i need to explain myself again maybe i will just copy and paste this when another troll comes in or you that are already in here attack me.

Thats a Hermie=FACT
They look seeded out=FACT
Thats Thrash and cut them down=FACT
Get beat down for selling bunk like that=FACT
He could be seeding others grows=FACT
Stop fucking with our hobby=If your interested in growing make it your own read up on your shit before you jump into something=FACT
Why are you even on this site=Are you even interested in growing do you want to learn or am i wasting my time=FACT

Everything else is assumption just like you trolls keep burning me for but i stopped calling him a drug dealer pages ago=FACT

Your all a bunch of trolls you should read what you have posted and said about me after you assumed my meaning to my second post im not the problem its you guys simple i already said maybe i came off short or slightly dick but calling someone a faggot like i said is no different then nigger and from what i know of the rules not ok being short and slightly dick is not against any riu rule. Take it how you want but you all are a bunch of trolls with only hateful things to ever say. You keep making it seem like the personal attacks from the OP and yourself are justifeid but they are not your all a joke to me im on here all the time dont see your asses on forum helping so shut your mouths until you take your heads out of your asses. Hahahahahah your all a bunch of jokes.

Stop fucking with our hobby=If your interested in growing make it your own read up on your shit before you jump into something=FACT
Why are you even on this site=Are you even interested in growing do you want to learn or am i wasting my time=FACT

A. it's attitude, B. The newbie section is FOR people who need their questions answered (regardless of experience or how well read they are in marijuana horticulture, which shouldn't even be an issue) and if you're going to be a dick to people that need help in practical growing it's YOU who should get out because you're wasting EVERYONE'S time
We're being hateful?! We're making personal attacks?!

I didn't actually think weed damaged peoples brains till I met you Slim...

By the way I don't see you jumping on veteran members who openly admit selling their products. It's funny how you're not telling them to get off the site. Did ya think that when you started whipping a new member that everyone would join in like Jayy's did? I don't think this is even an issue you have with the guy's alleged practises (and your reasoning behind accusing him is just hilarious, without any shred of evidence). I think you had a bad day and decided to rip someone open.
Didnt tell anyone one to get off another assumption
And let me just point out again,SlimJim the super polite mega-expert is talking down someone else's grow when his best so far is 2 ounces from 12 plants...
Assumptions are like ASSHOLES everyone has one you sir have no right to keep attacking me. Bugger off

I have every right to keep posting as long as you keep being a dick to new members. You realise we lost a potential grower because of your attitude towards him?
wow i know everyones been calling names but really? common this is the first thread on here i have read like this im disappointed. just chill he just got some plants from his friend who couldnt grow them and he just wanted some info on how to grow because he became interested. dont push him away accept him and teach him the true way to grow and keep up this websites good name for being helpful and supporting new growers. also how was he to know it was male he has never studied the art of growing.
meh whatevs...I'm agreeing more and more with the guy who posted a thread earlier today talking about how assholish people on here have became instead of intelligently rebutting their claims...this is suppose to be a place of peace, love and's marijuana for fucks sake...take another bong hit...
Everyone interprits shit diffrently buddy and the simple fact that you all seem to fail to inturpit what i said correctly is proof. ....

Perhaps the fact that several people have objected to what and how you said things is proof that your communication skills need some polishing.

It's not a matter of interpretation. The things you said in that first post were nasty and their meaning was nasty.

Thats a Hermie=FACT

They look seeded out=FACT

Thats Thrash and cut them down=FACT

Get beat down for selling bunk like that=FACT
True. Although there is absolutely no reason to assume that he planned to sell anything.

He could be seeding others grows=FACT
True. And he was too inexperienced to know that.

Stop fucking with our hobby=If your interested in growing make it your own read up on your shit before you jump into something=FACT
You dont own this 'hobby' no one does. Anyone can fool around with it any time he chooses. Somebody handed him an MJ plant and he thought 'cool, I'll play around with it' It was a casual interest. What's the crime in that?

Why are you even on this site=Are you even interested in growing do you want to learn or am i wasting my time=FACT
He was interested in growing that plant. That's enough to entitle him to ask questions in RIU. If you can't be bothered with his elementary questions, then don't answer. There were others who were quite willing.

Everything else is assumption just like you trolls keep burning me for but i stopped calling him a drug dealer pages ago=FACT.

'Drug dealer' was a totally unwarranted 'assumption'. By the time you stopped the damage had been done.
I have every right to keep posting as long as you keep being a dick to new members. You realise we lost a potential grower because of your attitude towards him?
Do you realize that is not the problem here its your personal attacks....? I only started in on him after he attacked me read what mod posted good seed harvest his was more harsh then mine you all make assumptions on my meaning behind my post i have told you all what it was now bugger offffffff.
Do you realize that is not the problem here its your personal attacks....? I only started in on him after he attacked me read what mod posted good seed harvest his was more harsh then mine you all make assumptions on my meaning behind my post i have told you all what it was now bugger offffffff.

You've been the first and last to make a personal attack

Didnt tell anyone one to get off another assumption

Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

Sound like you telling someone to get off the site to me, we can be damn sure that's a rhetorical "GTFO" question

Also you'll find I back up all of my posts with quotes for evidence, and an assumption does not use evidence.
"Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition" (dictionary definition) There's a little evidence to show that too, just in case you still want to argue.

As for being a dick to someone not being against RIU's rules, it is, that's why part of the report system is for members who abuse others. (That should have been obvious)
Finally I'll leave you with this before giving up completely on spending more time on a hopeless case like you:

YOU made the assumptions, right from post #2 when you accused him of being a drug dealer. And were just plain disrespectful over a troubled first grow
Telling him he will get beat up selling that shit is trying to save soemone a ass whooping you know its called good advice knowledge he seemed to lack so everything i said was true whats you beef cuz he assumed i was talking thrash but as you just stated i spoke truth gave him all the answers he asked for and more helpful ones.
You realise NOONE agrees with you?

Again,like I said earlier,if it seems like everyone else is being a dick to you,you should probably look in the mirror to find the real dick.

Just outta interest tho...nothing Iv said about you is false either,thus making it fact... so by your logic it's ok for me to say it,right?
Did not accuse anyone in post two of drug dealing read gave him correct info.......He took it wrongly and attacked me so i stood up for myself then you all come in and take the side of OP not even knowing wtf is going on. Dont even PM me and ask me wtf man seeing how i've been here awhile thats something i would do to others member out of respect something you all see to lack. Drop it leave me the fuck alone and stop attacking me unless you fucking know facts about me stop slandering me period
You realise NOONE agrees with you?

Again,like I said earlier,if it seems like everyone else is being a dick to you,you should probably look in the mirror to find the real dick.

Just outta interest tho...nothing Iv said about you is false either,thus making it fact... so by your logic it's ok for me to say it,right?
You fail to understand your own actions so i dont blame you for failing to understand mine now leave it alone
Again slander is SPOKEN, libel is written.

And it's only libellous if it's false btw, and you being a dick is in plain sight for all to see,nothing we've said about you is false or libel.

Dude, noone wants to attack,flame or troll you. Just stop being a dick to people,simple as that.

And we read the thread before replying,so no assumptions were made by anyone except you.

I'm pretty sure like 4-5 people have reported your posts anyways....
Cool beans buddy this thread need to be closed and removed so you guys cant attack me personally anymore im glad others are taking action to get this hate of RIU
To get back on
You might have a hermie. Hermies arn't so bad. Look at it this way, If you were able to get the seeds to grow properly you have a lot of Female seeds. Female seeds are great to have. Less crap to worry about when planting your next cycle.
Hermies produce = Female seeds = which produce 100% of the time female plants.
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