Warning the govt is coming for your guns mmj patients!!!!!


Active Member
Feds: Medical Marijuana Patients Have No Right to Second Amendment

September 28, 2011
ATF letter sent to gun dealers.
In its continuing effort to pare down the number of Americans who can exercise their rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has sent a letter to firearms dealers informing them that medical patients “addicted” to legally dispensed medical marijuana have no right to own and possess firearms.
According to Arthur Herbert (see memo at right), Assistant Director of Enforcement Programs and Services at the ATF, “any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her State has passed legislation authorizing marijuana use of medicinal purposes, is an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance, and is prohibited by Federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition” and will be compelled to admit the prescribed use of medical marijuana on ATF forms at the point of purchase.
The ATF’s intimidating letter appears to be a direct response to an effort earlier this year by police in Oregon to deny concealed weapons permits to medical marijuana patients. In April, the Washington County Sheriff’s office argued that the 1968 U.S. Gun Control Act prohibits selling firearms to drug addicts and claim that includes medical marijuana card holders.
More significantly, the ATF’s move to deny cancer and other patients medical marijuana is part of a larger attempt to roll back the Second Amendment by color of law and also attack states’ rights as guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment.

In the recent past, the federal government has attempted to deny military veterans their Second Amendment right to own and possess firearms.
In 2009, Democrat and notorious gun-grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced The No Fly, No Buy Act (H.R. 2401), a bill that would have merged the TSA’s no-fly list with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a point-of-sale system for determining eligibility to purchase a firearm.
The current mayor of Chicago – the largest anti-Second Amendment city in the country after New York City – and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel proposed that anybody on the fed’s no-fly list (numbering in the tens of thousands) should have their Second Amendment stripped.
The feds are determined to whittle away at the Second Amendment and this under-handed effort to make gun dealers responsible for determining if their customers are marijuana “addicts” – under penalty of loosing their licenses – is part of the long term plan to disarm the American people.



check out the link


Active Member
I can't believe there isn't more comment on this issue. This is a really big deal. I haven't seen anything on the news. I am hoping the administration will correct this conflict in the law. Can I be charged with a felony for having legal firearms and being a medical marijuana patient? Scary!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I doubt very seriously that you'll draw down on them when the come for yours. Why even say that? Have you ever been raided by a task force?
That letter said nothing about "coming to get your guns" only that they will be denying anyone with a card the ability to own one. So far, to my knowledge, there is no federal registry that they can draw on, and they rely on the dealers to make the call.
They can't come and get a gun they don't know about. So if you register your gun, you invite them to take them when that time DOES come.


Well-Known Member
This is a very big deal and I'm sure there are many more threads on it, personally I don't own a gun but understand that if you're a legal users of ANY prescription drugs then you're ok but not with mmj? I have two words for ATF, fuck you.


Well-Known Member
although now I'm contemplating a marine 870 fully decked grips and all, those are so sexy.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
And that's the issue. It's the ATFs interpretation of the law. It has to apply unilaterally, right now, it discriminates against MMJ users only where a prescription drug is concerned. I don't see it standing.


Active Member
Yeah, That's sounds a little unconstitutional to me. Soon one will need to pass a drug screen prior to legally purchasing a weapon; alcohol included.


The United States government has already broken various parts of the constitution unfortunately, and they keep on pressing. Unconsitutional... the government doesn't recognize that word anymore.

It's a sad day in America anytime the government attempts to infringe on the right to bear arms. I heard about this a few days ago... what a disgrace to the orgins of this country.

This government keeps testing these gun laws and there will eventually be a blow up when one of our gun rights lines are crossed too far.
I can't believe there isn't more comment on this issue. This is a really big deal. I haven't seen anything on the news. I am hoping the administration will correct this conflict in the law. Can I be charged with a felony for having legal firearms and being a medical marijuana patient? Scary!
well since the government controls what we see/hear/do it doesnt surprise me all that much. Come get my brothers guns and mine,, try it (my whole street for that matter!). This country needs to get TAKEN back by REAL AMERICANS.


Well-Known Member
well since the government controls what we see/hear/do it doesnt surprise me all that much. Come get my brothers guns and mine,, try it (my whole street for that matter!). This country needs to get TAKEN back by REAL AMERICANS.
hells the fuck yea!


Active Member
I dont care what you think you can believe I wouldn't let them take my guns without force. After they finally take my guns then I sue them and if that doesn't restore our rights then all that is left is the ASSASSINATION of ANYONE who UPHOLDS THE FRAUD OF OUR GOVT! even George Washington and Ben Franklin and countless others would be labeled terrorist by todays standards but guess what it resulted in the freedom that the world hasn't seen since. True Freedom built upon GOD FEARING MEN. And we all know how much G.W. loved his 'hemp'.


Active Member
I doubt very seriously that you'll draw down on them when the come for yours. Why even say that? Have you ever been raided by a task force?
That letter said nothing about "coming to get your guns" only that they will be denying anyone with a card the ability to own one. So far, to my knowledge, there is no federal registry that they can draw on, and they rely on the dealers to make the call.
They can't come and get a gun they don't know about. So if you register your gun, you invite them to take them when that time DOES come.
Here's the thing the CDPHE which issues our red cards in CO has already broken the patient confidentiality. It's proven they have linked our registry with the ATF DHS and who knows what other agencies. So that leads to the possibility that they now have a list of registered patients that they can cross reference the registered guns list. On top of that they look at how much medicine you purchase and how frequent and then they determine if you are an addict! On top of that if you check the pdf of the ATF letter it states Cannabis has no medicinal value which is total bullshit. Considering that Univ of Miss produces Cannabis for valid federal marijuana patients that have been receiving medicine since 1976 that the doctors have documented TO BE WORKING!!!!!!! SO IT"S REALLY ABOUT THE DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS!!!! ESPECIALLY OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!!! HOW CAN YOU CLOSE AN OPEN SOCIETY THAT IS ARMED?!


Active Member
and one more thing....the language states an "addict" cannot own firearms or even ammunition! What about coffee addicts or porn, fast food, nicotine or my favorite example alcoholics. If mmj patients and users can be restricted then so should every other addiction out there. It's all or nothing and a slippery slope at that!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% on all counts except drawing down on a task force. I can guarantee you that if you did that, there would be no law suit on your part. Your family MIGHT sue for wrongful death, but since you drew down on THEM......

I believe that one day, they'll just come for the guns like they did in Canada. That's why I never have had a registered gun. Even that point is immaterial now, as I have a felony record. But I promise you that I will stay armed and armed well enough to hold off a pretty determined effort, should the need arise. I worry more about the street gangs and home invasions more than anything else. I believe we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg there. They are about to come out in force.
The government is gonna do what they are gonna do. No individual can change that. And our society is too fragmented to form any kind of a real coherent insurrection. So I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do, and let the chips fall where they may. But I can assure you that I will not draw down on a task force. They have the license to kill you even if you aint armed without fear of repercussion.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should have a buried gun cache. The more guns buried , the better, when the day comes that gun round ups start happening , there will likely be a media black-out on them and it'll be sneak'n'sweep tactics right when the Feds start. I too believe we are too fragmented of a nation to band together in big patriot groups to stop the gun round ups when they start. I see it as an every-man-for-himself type of survival.We don't have the unity anymore like we had in the 1960's and before then. Get guns anyway you can, preferably of calibers in which ammo can be bought in bulk cases or reloaded in bulk CHEAPLY. Such as 223 caliber or 7.62x39 for rifles such as AR-15 and AK47 variants , and 9mm or 45 caliber for handguns. Also , old Russian bolt-action rifles like the Mosin Nagant that shoot the 7.62x54 are dirt cheap and tough as nails, and a spam can of 7.62x54 FMJ ammo can be had for $89 for 440 rounds. Stock up now while you still can. Do not keep all of your guns and ammo in your house. Even when burying them in PVC caches , do not bury them on your property. Between the economy sinking further down, inflation rising by the weak dollar, riots and violent crime will go up greatly in the near future.As a result of the rising violent crimes when flash mobs and riots start, the Feds will just throw gas on the fire and increase more gun laws. This will likely begin the gun sweeps.

You will not see an announcement on the news saying the 2nd amendment has been banned, the Feds are not fools, they know an announcement like that would trigger patriotic reactions and get people interested in banding together. Even with a declaration of nationwide martial law, they would never announce gun confiscations. When gun round ups start, there will be no warning, they will just happen. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. The Feds aim to get rid of the 2nd amendment by chipping away at it.

A nation void of guns, ends up like this >



Well-Known Member
well since the government controls what we see/hear/do it doesnt surprise me all that much. Come get my brothers guns and mine,, try it (my whole street for that matter!). This country needs to get TAKEN back by REAL AMERICANS.

If ever there comes a time when the government wants your guns, I assure you you will give them up voluntarily (if they are registered). This action, if persued is clearly unconstitutional and will be shown as such after it is tested. This government is not nearly as sinister as many make it out to be. They will have a choice of banning anyone with a prescriptions for any pain meds or banning no one.


Active Member
An individual can change it! MLK Jr or What about Mohammed Bouazizi the man that started a revolution in Tunisia which set off a chain reaction in the middle east?! I know they didn't do it by themselves but one man can change things, I mean other end of the spectrum would be rodney king or even adolf hitler. I do agree if a swat team stormed the house I would probably be killed. IMO They wont send the swat team initially. At first it would be "voluntary" meaning they will take by force but will start by asking and give the illusion that it's the law when really it's an agenda.


Well-Known Member
I will wager it will be imposed on gun dealers and they will enforce it haphazardly until more pressure is brought to bear on them. Sort of like how the DEA threatens landlords when they rent to dispensaries.

I do get a kick out of all of the "cold dead hands" out there who actually have this movie image of columns of jack boots going door to door collecting fire arms while they are exchanging fire with the more reluctant. It is never going to happen, what will happen is those of you with registered weapons will go on down to the police station or the local armory and surrender your weapons one by one.


Active Member
"is it really going to happen"


who knows but that's the ATF's official statement is just that. I won't be surprised when there is a staged event or they use someone as an example as a scare tactic. But very real to the person they use and abuse.

This letter applies to gun dealers so you can still purchase privately but be cautious if you are going to make a purchase from the gun stores if you have your red card. As many know the CDPHE has already been caught on several occasions where our personal info was at risk or reportedly 'accidently' given away. I cite how a boulder newspaper released the names and addresses of every dispense and caregiver grow op within city and county limits on 'accident'