The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd personally just rent your own place away from the folk and grow indoors. I think that growing in a garage in the winter is gonna be tricky, and the best method would be a big light for lots of heat for the grow cab, but lots of heat means lots of heat and well, the police have been known to turn up at homes for a simple hamster heater in the garage.


Well-Known Member
Luck plays a big factor lol, I managed 3 weeks veg and full 8 weeks flowering pulled 52oz, so it can be done. Depends on your area and how busy it is with choppers


Well-Known Member
Jesus you guys are up early. I can confirm Scotty boy has no pics of his Trainwreck coz hes a stoner who got all paranoid and deleted everything off his

But I can confirm the trainwreck was the talk of the town. Aqua farms are the business if you have enough space


RIU Bulldog
when i was younger i used to swgger intae court, totally full of myself. ide shave the side of my head so my mohican looked better and i'd have the full punk look going; bondage trousers, bleached jeans, painted bikers jacket , the fuckin lot....after a few government sponsored holidays though i kinda changed all that....suit and tie, glasses and a shop-bought haircut.
You fuckin sell-out


RIU Bulldog
Well to pull 15oz per plant u would need about 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m. The aqua farms seem to grow monsters for some reason. Fuck that though, I would rather put 16 small plants in that space and pull the same. Im finished with trees
Hey billy, while your up and active, can I ask you about your hydro experience? I'm considering greatly moving toward hydroponics, and I was thinking of doing a ebb and flow style. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hey billy, while your up and active, can I ask you about your hydro experience? I'm considering greatly moving toward hydroponics, and I was thinking of doing a ebb and flow style. What do you think?
Never tried ebb and flow but my m8 has tried NFT which is similar and got great results. My fav hydro system is without a doubt DWC. Excellent results. Ive never had less than 5oz per plant. The Wilma drippers are real easy and a lazy mans hydro. With NFT and DWC your root system is in constant supply of what it needs. With DWC it has a mass amount of oxygen and the growth and bud development is explosive to say the least. All in all beanz, if your going to go hydro I would go DWC. U can make it yourself or you can buy oxypots for about $35 each. The aquafarms grow trees, they are a passive hydro system that doesnt need pumps but I would put an airstone in the bucket just for good measure


RIU Bulldog
Never tried ebb and flow but my m8 has tried NFT which is similar and got great results. My fav hydro system is without a doubt DWC. Excellent results. Ive never had less than 5oz per plant. The Wilma drippers are real easy and a lazy mans hydro. With NFT and DWC your root system is in constant supply of what it needs. With DWC it has a mass amount of oxygen and the growth and bud development is explosive to say the least. All in all beanz, if your going to go hydro I would go DWC. U can make it yourself or you can buy oxypots for about $35 each. The aquafarms grow trees, they are a passive hydro system that doesnt need pumps but I would put an airstone in the bucket just for good measure
Have you ever grown soil? How would you compare it to growing in soil? Hydro I mean.


Well-Known Member
Ive never grown in soil but I have friends who have. DWC will blow you away with the growth in veg and bud production in flower. The only reason I don't do DWC is because I like to do alot of plants. I looked into it though. I was going to get a 750l tank and put plastic on top and put 50 net pots spaced out 1ft squared but the practicality of it wouldnt work for me. ie 750l of water is a hell of a lot and if we needed to dump it would cause problems. Also we would have needed a big ass air pump which would make alot of noise and our new location we just cannot have that.

How many plants do u grow Beanz???? If your buy 5 oxypots and grow something like Northern Lights or AK48 you will defo pull about 25 zips. U have growing skills and they will be enhanced by using this method. TTT was a DWC man and he has switched to autopots and I bet he wished he hasn't. Everyone likes a change though but Im pretty sure he will go back. The mad Dura on here is doing DWC now and he used to be soil only. Try it m8 and I promise you will never look back and any questions or help u need, just ask


Well-Known Member
Mornin lads!.................Ive seen some wicked water farm grows on ere, 1 guy pullin 10oz off 1 plant in a tiny medicine cab scog'd and a few others i was thinkin about havin a try myself, till i got that 8+oz off the g13 in coco now im hucked on that, and cocos kinda hydro anyways.

Been thinkin of maybe doin 6 little plants in coco in small airpots with some kind of dripper system feedin twice a day, see how that goes!........any thoughts?