Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

- Their is a God, explain the universe
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God
- Satan is an arch-angel
- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING
- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in hell..
- I hope you guys find a God
- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaven
- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..

Atheist believe in nothing? Strange most Buddhist sects are Atheist, yet they believe in something. How can this be?
- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING

It's not a choice. Once you have information that makes you form your decision, you can't pretend to choose the alternative. That's called intellectual dishonesty, and it creates cognitive dissonance.

You have information that leads you to believe Santa doesn't exist. So, would you say you still have the choice to believe in Santa? Sure, you could try to ignore the information you have, but inside you would know that you don't believe. It's the same with Atheists, we have "information" that makes us not believe in god, so the choice isn't really ours.

You can act or not act upon your will, but you cannot will your will.
(1) Hitler and his Nazis were atheists.
(2) I don't care what the historical evidence says about their being Christians. Christians cannot be evil, and only atheists would be capable of the Holocaust.
(3) So Nazis, like all truly evil people, are atheists.
(4) Therefore, all atheists are truly evil. They must be servants of Satan.
(5) Therefore, God exists.

(1) Hitler and his Nazis were atheists.
(2) Yes, they fooled a lot of people into thinking they were Christians. That was propaganda. They were atheists.
(3) This proves that atheists are the masters of deception.
(4) Revelation says that the antichrist will deceive people.

(1) Stalin was an atheist.
(2) He murdered millions of people.
(3) Therefore, God exists.
- Their is a God, explain the universeso universe = some guy created it?
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God life can suck and thats because of god? (the dude that made us (allknowing?) is checking to see if we work the way he wanted? (to get the good ones out of the batch he baked?)
- Satan is an arch-angel thats nice, angel = messenger,so hmm arch Definitions of 'arch' [ahrch] - (Showing 2 definitions)
(used with or without object)
1. to form (into) an arch
1. curved structure spanning an opening
1. consciously playful

sooo, consciously playful messenger? but gone bad?

- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING i believe in me :) i believe in some people, why do i need to have an imaginary friend? even if there is a creator, i dont know him, dont feel any better when i try believing in it either, unless i picture it as endless love from which we all spring, thats nice enough and that will do me. well, when i think about it, mostly i dont and just enjoy my life
- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in thinking we are all under the power of a being that will burn us if we misbehave (and dont love him?) is not really funny
- I hope you guys find a Godi wonder if you should find a new one. or become your own god (why not? lol as long as you aint trying to be godding it over others, nobody cares (human gods tend to get killed horribly sooner or later(absolute authority, tends to piss people off that dont agree with you, specially when you are going around burning people for their beliefs)
- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaventhat would be nice, though depending on your definition of a good human being.
- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..and in the top ten of worst fathers/creators ever (humans are like confused children, being offended by any of their words, well,

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..

its not that im not ok with the idea of god..

its all the crap about punishment and burning in flames and a capricious and jelous god.. (utterly cruel too, have you ever burned yourself? now imagine burning your entire body, now imagine that going on for eternity and this is the Standard punishment? right?

even humans arent this cruel ;) (not in general, electrocution even is brief and merciful in comparison.)

and the horrible thing about your way of thought is that NOT long back.

people burned people alive, here on earth saying "its for your own good, better this than BURN for ALL eternity"

and if you agreed to their bullshit, they burned it wet, so ya choked.
if ya were stubborn, they burned you slow, claiming the suffering and pain Cleansed your spirit.
dude.. in most sensible homes, you are one inch away from being shot.

why? cause no one wants that craziness again, only the foolish and the one´s that dont remember history are eager to repeat it.

our understanding of god today, is infinite love. (LOVE WOULD NEVER HURT, only if you drive it batshit insane with hurt or threaten its loved one´s (and since god is all, all is and everything is its loved one´s (even the most evil person is at its core, love.) (and needs it and therefore is destroyed simply by denying it) (long process though ;) lets just say that evil people get ugly quick) (not face ugly, though they get uglier with age (time writes like a book on your face) its eye´s ugly (the windows to the soul)) (though serial killers fool most, so i wouldnt go looking and thinkin you found evil, judge them by their acts, not their appearance or words (unless they are actually inciting people to violence)

check up on that "religion" google it. i dare ya.
...or just overall sex abuse. There are 1%ers out there that rape, etc, but they, at times, occupy 'security' at concerts etc. Are they all the same? Should everyone stop going to see concerts and similar events?
you must be one hell of an athlete to make a jump like this ,and lets try more like 6% of your evil priests that molest children
America Magazine
this thread is nothing but generalizations on your part

...well, first, I'm not in this to argue with you. I was saying, in general even, that generalizations are of little value. There are members of my family that are clergy - men and women. I see them as having helped to establish hospitals etc. BUT, that's my experience with it. It's nothing in 'general', it's actual.
so hitler and stalin killed in the name of God? hmm strange! or the chinese and japanese?

so those were the only people in history that killed anyone? lets forget the crusades, constantine, the current war goin on right now in the middle east, 1864-1877 china had a holy war with the muslims, fuck japan had a holy war with china. hmmm strange!
Truth is modern Christians can't be evil. If they are then they are hypocrites to their belief. I have never seen a real Christian, not myself, my family, nor anyone in any church (which I've gone to once or twice). The thing about repentance is that you're supposed to honestly not commit that "sin" anymore, but untrue Christians make excuses to do that. When people untruthly repent they know what they're doing, but they make them selves believe they are doing the right thing by making excuses for themselves.

I'm not saying people who "follow" Christianity have never abused it, because they have always done evil and they will still do evil (not all Christians).
what happened to the people that lived before jesus? i mean eve already made sin and jesus didnt come right after them so what happened to all the people that lived before jesus that has sin in them already because of eve?