actually if you breed them in your area several generations, they WILL evolve to grow through a couple minor frosts... OR they will learn to flower earlier... it's not if, it's when.
this is knowledge I got from my buddy/grow friend he's an older dude but mad cool, together we bring new and traditional knowledge together, climatization was one of those things that came from his traditional knowledge from growing in humboldt county from the 70s to the 90s, then he moved over to just down the road from me.
if you expose the male and female to the climate, allow them to make some seeds (you can of course control this whole process if you want to, keep the male separate, collect the pollen in a jar, seal it get a paint brush and paint it on to one of the buds.)
when you grow those next seeds, you will notice they handle the weather in general better, they will be less stressed in general. its possible they will flower earlier the first generation, I don't think you will see frost resistance for atleast 4 or 5 generations, but it will happen eventually.
I feel like this is almost lost knowledge, because when I try to talk to people about it they look at me like I'm an idiot.
and it's getting really old
I mean I've seen climatization do major things after just ONE generation, just think about what it could do after 4? just some food for thought here. I don't want this knowledge to be lost...
also the main reason people don't know about this now is because climatization doesn't really happen indoors, you might notice a strain grows better and better each year you breed it under a hPS, this is climatization, but most don't call it that, they just call it the strain getting better, selective breeding, to an extent it definitely is that... but people forget that cannabis is incredibly polymorphic, which means it evolves ridiculously faster than most other plants, each generation matters a lot.
and it's also quite possible that the climatization outdoors is not only more effective because of the insane amount of dynamics happening that are unmatchable indoors, but the plant must stay outdoors 3-4x longer than indoor plants usually.
all things to think about, kind of going beyond the throttle here for a frost thread but hey might as well.