

Well-Known Member
The 'separation of church and state clause'. :eyesmoke: Religious morality will not be observed by Congress. Therefor all I was saying is that it's not pertinent to a discussion on abortion. :D
Morality is observed by Congress. Our whole legal system is based on some "morality" or concept of right and wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, got into a debate about this on another forum. I can't believe I read an article showing an aborted 24-week foetus, then read another about a baby safe and well after being born at 21 weeks.... *shudder*

"Ultimately, I think there's a point where humans shouldn't interfere or play god. When I look at all the people I know, I can't help but wonder how many people are 'missing' from the world. It's scary to think that because abortion is such an everyday thing now, that from the moment a baby is created the threat of being killed before it's even born exists. As if all those alive today 'escaped' abortion. Jeremiah says 'I alone know the thoughts and plans I have for you, thoughts of love to bring you to a good end', such a shame to kill something before it can fulfil its purpose. I mean, my mother had me young and we had no money, the easy thing would have been to have me aborted. We have major issues with the ageing population, because we're simply not having enough babies. I'm talking about healthy, responsible, financially stable adults, not 15 year olds on a council estate with 10 kids. If there are too many people for a country to support, then people simply need to use contraception more effectively or jusr stop getting freaky every five minutes. Now if you realise after the fact you accidentally slept with your long lost brother and/or the baby could be born severely handicapped then I'd consider it. But it depends on how far into gestation you are. Personally I think whilst it is still an EMBRYO and not a FOETUS it is still just a jumbled ball of cells, not a baby and no worse than having a period every month. I'm fine with contraception for that reason too. I have actually seen footage of an abortion at 20 weeks (considered acceptible) but It was horrific- it was definitely recognisable as a baby with fingers and a simple face etc... They had to cut it in half, rip it, to get it out. How the hell could anyone do that? What must thar woman have been thinking seeing her BABY pulled out of her in little bloody pieces? I couldn't do it. Especially if I had subsequent children, the whole 'what if' theoretical scenario would be played out in front of me. I couldn't take care of kids knowing I'd killed and taken away one of their siblings. If the woman's life is at risk then it's up to them if they want to make a selfish decision, though one could argue it'd be a greater loss to the family if the mother died. Even as a victim of multiple sexual assualts, I keep asking myself if I could do it if I had to and the answer is no. It's rediculous how work and childcare is gone about in my country, we need to sort out our priorities, living in a world where you can't have a family. I understand the inconvenience of maternity leave etc for employers, but should we need a five/six figure salary and be nearing 40 before we can consider the sensibility of something as natural as having a baby."


Well-Known Member
The med tech for safe abortion exists, . cn
That's awsome, it's about time they came out with safe abortions because the kind where the preagnant lady and the doctor murder the baby is wrong. How do a safe abortion? Do they put the baby in an incubator after they take it out? Does the baby go to an orphanage after? I'm glad to hear that they now have safe abortions, now they should ban the old fashioned ones that kill people.


Well-Known Member
I'm against it, let the debating begin. no arguing, just good debates.
daps dude, you opend your legs he droped his pants( or stuck it threw) and inserted, spooge occured, childs voice cant be heard in the belly, so why do it? i was once in the belly and was given the chance to be hurd. let the child live and wait till its of age to decide if it want to live or commite suicide.simple. there are so many programs out there for pregos i see them all the time down at the food stamp office. ppl are poppping them out left and right just to get government money. o and this kids are wearing a hundred dollar clothes no lie. yes the system is being misused but that is a kid that could in turn do alot of good. he/she could thank you one day with a house or something


Well-Known Member
Lol, some of you guys are funny. You think sex is planned out and never spontaneous, never nailed a girl in a night club bathroom or on a plane.


Well-Known Member
"abortion is wrong because that kid could grow up to be something special some day."

is this really part of the argument?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Let's not forget that the righties are trying to stop the use of some birth control pills that allow an egg to be fertilized, but not be allowed to implant. If I remember correctly they account for about 30 to 40 percent of all birth control pills. But, that might not be the correct number.

Not every ejaculation deserves a name.


Well-Known Member
just stating shit that can happen. hey if you believe in murder ill hand you a gun its in my kitchen
like i said earlier, ... maybe the baby YOU saved grows up to be a brutal killer, or worse yet, a child molester because he was never loved due to the fact that he was UNWANTED.

are we shooting fetuses?


Ursus marijanus
That's awsome, it's about time they came out with safe abortions because the kind where the preagnant lady and the doctor murder the baby is wrong. How do a safe abortion? Do they put the baby in an incubator after they take it out? Does the baby go to an orphanage after? I'm glad to hear that they now have safe abortions, now they should ban the old fashioned ones that kill people.
My other post about personhood (which went unremarked) addresses your questions. It challenges the common contortion of reason that equates all abortions with killing someone. cn


Well-Known Member
hey all im saying is if you dont want a kid..1 condom,2 pill, 3 masterbate before sex, soak nuts in hot water everday or just drink alot of mt dew something about yellow dye number5(or some #) kills sperm. and the pill that cant implant screw that,that raises alot of issues. how about a pill that kills the sperm or something. o and guys get spermicide. there are so many ways to fuck without having a kid

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
This argument is the reason I tend to lean towards Libertarians.

I do what I want with my body, you do want you want to yours. Easy.


Well-Known Member
This forum is full of potheads who scream bloody murder about the gov. not letting them do what they want with their own bodies (smoking weed), but insist that the government has legal authority over what women can do with their own bodies (get an abortion).

The government either has the legal authority to mandate how you use your body, and what you put into it - or they don't. Too many people want to have their cake, and eat it too...