this is not an argument of right and wrong, this is a contest to see who is able to devise the most complicated argument and counter those who would oppose.
what we do not realize is there is no end..... there is no victory to be had and we fight on because its what we believe in. we have no common ground on which to base our argument, we have no shared definition of right and wrong, and unless we can find some common ground we might as well be speaking in different languages. all we are able to do is twist the meanings of words or make associations to confuse our opposition.
but until then we can continue this =)
Well see heres were your logic has failed you because at this present time abortion is legal and this thread would stand as a debate between that and the idea of it being 'wrong'. So your saying we cannot debate until we set a standard for what is right and what is wrong but how can you set a standard without actually debating the topic first?