
hey all im saying is if you dont want a kid..1 condom,2 pill, 3 masterbate before sex, soak nuts in hot water everday or just drink alot of mt dew something about yellow dye number5(or some #) kills sperm. and the pill that cant implant screw that,that raises alot of issues. how about a pill that kills the sperm or something. o and guys get spermicide. there are so many ways to fuck without having a kid

Male Birthcontrol IS being developed.... I read somewhere there's a needle in development you can get that stops sperm production somehow for a few months.... then everything goes back to normal....
dude i get blood tests all the time ill take the needle so she dont get prego. though not sure where they want to stick it, im sure the nuts ouch but hay if im allowed to make love with out a rubber then fine
I wonder if pro-lifers consider jerking off genocide.... or if getting a BJ where the chick swallows is considered cannibalism? lol
I wonder if pro-lifers consider jerking off genocide.... or if getting a BJ where the chick swallows is considered cannibalism? lol

Ha, that's funny.
But no I don't think it's genocide nor a bj is cannibalism.
The sperm cell isn't a fetus, it's just a sperm cell.
This forum is full of potheads who scream bloody murder about the gov. not letting them do what they want with their own bodies (smoking weed), but insist that the government has legal authority over what women can do with their own bodies (get an abortion).

The government either has the legal authority to mandate how you use your body, and what you put into it - or they don't. Too many people want to have their cake, and eat it too...

When you smoke weed you only affect yourself, when you abort a fetus you killed a potential human.
when i don't bang your mom it's a missed opportunity to potentially create a new president. :(

wonderful logic going on here. :clap:
When you smoke weed you only affect yourself, when you abort a fetus you killed a potential human.

Ok, so at least we made a distinction between a sperm, and a fetus.

From what I've gathered so far from this discussion, is it's more about the "possibility" of a person than anything else. It's not a person, but it will be.

That doesn't make a compelling argument to me whatsoever. It's admitting, outright, that the embryo/fetus to a certain point isn't a human. We don't give animal rights to eggs, because they're not animals.... they're eggs. Just like we don't give human rights to human eggs and embryos, because they're not human.
come on its a person from the moment a sperm hits the egg. at that point its making its ways to getting a personality(in detail) getting its feet and arms planted you would take a little embro you got growing in its first week and kill it would you?
I wonder if pro-lifers consider jerking off genocide.... or if getting a BJ where the chick swallows is considered cannibalism? lol

And i will never swallow again bongsmilie

I luv how men can freely debate such a delicate subject, i guess not actualy being able to ever face this choice makes it easy to say what u think is right or wrong. But it all comes down to what she feels is appropriate for her, making the choice to have an abortion does not end when the procedure does. I've seen girls (i would not call them women :roll:) freak the fuck out after the fact, they will always think about how old the child would be, what he/she would be like, some girls even melt down and need help dealing with what they decided to do. I think birth control and condoms should be free. I have such mixed feelings on this subject, i think women should have the right to decide but only if they were responsible and used a method of birthcontrol and it failed (sexual assault victims should always have the choice ) We live in a society of finger pointers, i can only imagine how many women have blammed men when telling the doc why they need an abortion.

Well here is a solution, only husbands/long term partners can actualy penetrate the vagina, all others must use the back door :lol: Remember folks it only takes a dribble ;-)
its upto the individual wether they have an abortion or not, its there body and there life , no one should be forced to have a child if they dont want one ( yes and accidents happen ) to me a person isnt a person untill they have succsefully been born .
And i will never swallow again bongsmilie

I luv how men can freely debate such a delicate subject, i guess not actualy being able to ever face this choice makes it easy to say what u think is right or wrong. But it all comes down to what she feels is appropriate for her, making the choice to have an abortion does not end when the procedure does. I've seen girls (i would not call them women :roll:) freak the fuck out after the fact, they will always think about how old the child would be, what he/she would be like, some girls even melt down and need help dealing with what they decided to do. I think birth control and condoms should be free. I have such mixed feelings on this subject, i think women should have the right to decide but only if they were responsible and used a method of birthcontrol and it failed (sexual assault victims should always have the choice ) We live in a society of finger pointers, i can only imagine how many women have blammed men when telling the doc why they need an abortion.

Well here is a solution, only husbands/long term partners can actualy penetrate the vagina, all others must use the back door :lol: Remember folks it only takes a dribble ;-)
you go on like the woman is the only one in the equation , yes she has to give birth to the baby ( wich i would of done given the choice ) but the male has just as much responsibilty as the mother , without either the baby would never of been possible , and i happen to believe men go through just as much mental stress as the woman .
And i will never swallow again bongsmilie

I luv how men can freely debate such a delicate subject, i guess not actualy being able to ever face this choice makes it easy to say what u think is right or wrong. But it all comes down to what she feels is appropriate for her, making the choice to have an abortion does not end when the procedure does. I've seen girls (i would not call them women :roll:) freak the fuck out after the fact, they will always think about how old the child would be, what he/she would be like, some girls even melt down and need help dealing with what they decided to do. I think birth control and condoms should be free. I have such mixed feelings on this subject, i think women should have the right to decide but only if they were responsible and used a method of birthcontrol and it failed (sexual assault victims should always have the choice ) We live in a society of finger pointers, i can only imagine how many women have blammed men when telling the doc why they need an abortion.

Well here is a solution, only husbands/long term partners can actualy penetrate the vagina, all others must use the back door :lol: Remember folks it only takes a dribble ;-)

so a "couple" can't walk down this road together?

how selfish.
you go on like the woman is the only one in the equation , yes she has to give birth to the baby ( wich i would of done given the choice ) but the male has just as much responsibilty as the mother , without either the baby would never of been possible , and i happen to believe men go through just as much mental stress as the woman .

no way dude, men have no feelings. other then if the chick is hot or not. :hump:

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