Active Member
"I'm going to blow your bowels out!"
its actually... i used to do drugs, i still do but i used to too. and its mitch hedberg R.I.P
Staring at the night sky high or on acid will trip you the fuck out...
Fuck a quote this is better!
To me, its the enormousness of the whole thing. Not looking at it as dots in the sky, but that those are stars, with planets, the fact that were on a small dome, looking out. Like when your on something really high like a building, and they say don't look down, but you do. And you take in how high you are, that in reverse is what I feel. The vast emptiness, even if every one of those stars had a planet with life, the sheer distance makes us the same as someone stranded hundreds of miles from any signs of civilization. That same feeling of isolation sweeps over me. Crazy as shit, but thats the best I can describe it.