Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

Me and my mate driving home from a 100 mile trip to collect a batch,
me "tony , your eye is closed , dont fall asleep at the wheel"
Tony "its ok mate , he's asleep - but the other 1's on the road "!!!
Where were you going when you were coming back!Who tied my Donkey loose!..................TRUE....at school a boy named Ivan Franklyn was asked what a dozen was,im 40 so this was 27 yrs ago...Ivan replied ..................Eggs!!! I swear he said this,and i still love it!!!!................The Answers 12................just in case your related to Ivan..
priest - "Use these precious few moments left to renounce Satan."
Voltaire - "Now, now, my good man, this is not the time for making enemies."
One time I was listening to Trenchtown Rock with my brother and I suddenly said "What if I was playin' this on my pubes?"

And then another time I was buying cigs for a friend and the cashier asked me what kind I wanted and I said, "I don't care, they're not for me." The total was 5 bucks flat and I gave the cashier 3 fives.

The best one was one time I was vapeing with my friend and he suddenly said, "Dude, when I'm sober I understand things, but when I'm high, I overstand them!" It blew my mind.
"you see all that black shit in between the stars? ya its tripping me the fuck out." said by me on top of a roof really reallly fucked up, dont relly rember how i got off of there
To me, its the enormousness of the whole thing. Not looking at it as dots in the sky, but that those are stars, with planets, the fact that were on a small dome, looking out. Like when your on something really high like a building, and they say don't look down, but you do. And you take in how high you are, that in reverse is what I feel. The vast emptiness, even if every one of those stars had a planet with life, the sheer distance makes us the same as someone stranded hundreds of miles from any signs of civilization. That same feeling of isolation sweeps over me. Crazy as shit, but thats the best I can describe it.
To me, its the enormousness of the whole thing. Not looking at it as dots in the sky, but that those are stars, with planets, the fact that were on a small dome, looking out. Like when your on something really high like a building, and they say don't look down, but you do. And you take in how high you are, that in reverse is what I feel. The vast emptiness, even if every one of those stars had a planet with life, the sheer distance makes us the same as someone stranded hundreds of miles from any signs of civilization. That same feeling of isolation sweeps over me. Crazy as shit, but thats the best I can describe it.

That's exactly what I think.
"I didn't think I would be running forever, I was just gonna ride till the wheels fall off..."

"So yea, I'm on the run, they don't know that, they don't need to know that." - Robert Spencer

I watched that boys story, he had me laughing my ass off.