The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Genie: I will grant you three wishes. What is your first?

Me: More wishes!

Genie: A Genie can only grant 3 wishes, this is law.

Me: More Genies!

Genie: Fuck...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i laugh inside but rarely ever laugh aloud. I tend to confuse people, just sat there watching some comedy film or whatnot in stone silence :D


Is right. I just started smoking weed again after a 15 year hiatus. I haven't drank for 3 months and I havent felt better. Yeah weed makes me a bit tired sometimes and I can't stop eating cornettos :) But like you say, it's a million times better than waking up feeling ill because of a hangover.

i have no idea how you lot drink all the time , i gave it up ages ago and most stoners i know dont drink .. drinking makes me into someone i dont like ...
most people i know who smoke dont like drinking because of how it affects them especially if smoking.. id never go back to drink id rather wake up hazy for a few minutes than hanging out my arse hung over ....


Lads, where do you get your grow equipment? DO you ever use ebay for things like FIlters and lights? I've got a good source on ebay for cfl lights but I need a good and hopefully cheap fan/filter combo and a decent grow tent. I've posted this link somewhere else so sorry if this isn't good netiquete or whatever but have any of you had any experience with these on Ebay?:



Well-Known Member
i understand the hangover avoidance point but i love alcohol because it makes me do really strange shit, like fatchicks and get up to the most incredible bad behaviour, i ended up in blackpool recently drunk in my car out my skull, ive woken up in cop shops the length of the country and fallen out bars into pure chaos for no other reason than i was smashed out my face, i fought great big bouncers and climbed 80 foot scaffolding, woken up on beaches and screwed babes that i'd never even dare try sober. i wouldnt do that stoned, i'd just sit and giggle then fall asleep. i love uppers and booze combined as its enriched my life with experiences that no other drug can compare to, but each to his own, it'd be a shit world if we were all the same.


Well-Known Member
Lads, where do you get your grow equipment? DO you ever use ebay for things like FIlters and lights? I've got a good source on ebay for cfl lights but I need a good and hopefully cheap fan/filter combo and a decent grow tent. I've posted this link somewhere else so sorry if this isn't good netiquete or whatever but have any of you had any experience with these on Ebay?:

ive bought loads from e-bay, never any problems. full grow tent set ups , the lot. i'd trust them again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahaha, i've climbed scaffolding before, always involved spirits. I ove that anti drinking ad where the guy wipes out thinking he's superman, he should been drinking rum :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah i hate it when i draw attention to myself. Im in a little cul de sac with nosey nieghbours, i once bought a fuck off grow cab which needed a forklift to unload i asked the bloke if it comes in plain packaging he said yeah no worries when it turned up it was plastered all over the sides " the producer grow box" lol. What a cunt.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is something rather satisfying about drinking from dawn till dusk, then going to the shop and buying more. I should say these are not good thoughts, do not take them in a positive manner, just putting them out there. Booze :) Weed is allg ood and fun but i've half a blunt infront of me and i'm just wanting to drink more. I guess that would peobably be the chemical addictive aspects of alcohol though :p booze? :) no more come tomorrow is the plan thouhg :/ dunno which dickhead suggested that one to me..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd say good but not big enough. You disgust me! :p Nah, looks very good, a lot more healthier than the leaves on mine generally look haha, good work.


Well-Known Member
I'd say good but not big enough. You disgust me! :p Nah, looks very good, a lot more healthier than the leaves on mine generally look haha, good work.
lol , the leaves are terrible just cant see em on these pics , you can see how bad they are on my other pics , also i agree about need to be bigger but theres 4 more weeks of flower yet sooooo :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If they worse than that, if it's a paling, feed em more, if it's a burning, water em weaker :D Ya won't get no more than that from me.