Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Hi Guys

Read through half the pages. Now i want to show you my budder. I did whip it when all the bobling stopped. This end product by far is the best and most potent soft smoking budder i ever tried:

Here's a youtube video to show the texture more:
where do u guys buy ur VECTOR?!?!?!? I just got 3 cases for 170 shipped..i used to be able to get it for 50 a case!

I get mine for like 54 a case with tax.... $50 before tax at a shop on the other side of town

I'm impressed you got it for 170 shipped :O

& thanks for everyone, for collaborating and answering peoples new questions! That's what I was hoping this thread would turn into :) 8)

Good job on restraining a little on the negative comments too :roll: I know it's hard for you guys to brush off the shit talking and continue the collaboration, but you folks are doing a damn fine job of that.

Everybody gets a star! :)
So does it take a lot longer to heat it up?

Lets assume we're talking about a normal butane torch to get the nail hot........ A dual jet Xicor or something.... ;) The borosilicate nails take aroud 15-20 seconds to get hot. The quartz ones wouldnt get hot enough, you'd need one of those black n decker or vector butane torches. And then it'd take 30-60 seconds or so to get hot. The titanium nails get hot with a Xicor dual jet lighter in about 30 seconds, just enough for your thumb to start to get really hot and then you can pull it out... Soon as it starts to turn red its ready to go.
What do you guys think are the best torches, for daily dabs?

As far as reliability, ease of use, and speed it can heat up some titanium?

I'm tempted to get a giant propane torch, tempted....but I'd rather get a small butane torch I can refill with all the vector laying around...
What do you guys think are the best torches, for daily dabs?

As far as reliability, ease of use, and speed it can heat up some titanium?

I'm tempted to get a giant propane torch, tempted....but I'd rather get a small butane torch I can refill with all the vector laying around...

haha! i used to have a 20lb propane tank with a torch attachment in my room Just for hotknifing... ah the days of being young and Extremely stupid!
yo great idea!!!! cheers!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

lol i find that the little 1lb propane tanks are ideal, i keep one beside my pc at all times! Butane torches are great for portability..... but when it comes time to gettting high at home, who wants to wait 30-60sec for a single toke?
propane ftw
Damn I just took a giant dab and I am sooooooooo fuckin happy you guys taught me about oil. wow. okeif ordered. :)

I hope you noticed my post, about the extra things you should get with your okief order ;)

Ok interesting... So just blast it in the pyrex and let it sit.... How do you determine its dry enough and ready to be scraped?

You will know when it's dry, when there is no liquidity to it... and more of a RESIN ;)...

ALSO, you can greatly speed the evap process by doing this:

Find your pyrex tray you will spray into.....
Find another container (pyrex is easy) that you can fit your FIRST dish into...... comfortably... so a dish, sitting in a dish...

Then after you run your tane into your 1st pyrex dish, fill the second dish half way with HOT HOT tap water (turn it on hot, let it run for a minute til it doesn't get any hotter).... then float your 1st dish, in the second dish.....

The warmth from the water, will help take the COLD out of your butane that your oil is suspended in... it will make the butane in your dish boil/evap more rapidly...

Personally, I find, the FASTER I can get the butane OUT of my oil, the better consistensy I get.... If I have the oil suspended in the butane for like 20-30 minutes total (repacking tubes) I find my oil gets very runny, even after purging. If I hustle real quick, have 2 tubes already packed, and I spray and evaporate the majority of the butane within like 10 minutes .... I get super duper stable, SAP... like warm CANDY ;)
he's actually a jerk to a lot of people, and his sister blew his rigs for years. so they kinda are for girls.

now thats not a surprise. but seriously, its well known that curves are for girls. Has nothing to do with lung power and everything to do with globbing. I didn't make that up, just passing it along. ask the guys at hitman, you only see them with nails.
Yeah verde I got extra screens, and yeah thats the method I used, then after it was solid I brought it inside and was working it back and forth with a nail in and out of the over at 150 and sitting on some boiling water as I worked it til i couldnt anymore. But this time I was to try Fdd's method of not doing that and just letting it sit for a week. As soon as I get the Okeif I am going to do 2 dishes, one for that day/weelk and one that will sit for a week.
Yeah verde I got extra screens, and yeah thats the method I used, then after it was solid I brought it inside and was working it back and forth with a nail in and out of the over at 150 and sitting on some boiling water as I worked it til i couldnt anymore. But this time I was to try Fdd's method of not doing that and just letting it sit for a week. As soon as I get the Okeif I am going to do 2 dishes, one for that day/weelk and one that will sit for a week.

Your a few steps ahead of my own plan then! :lol:

I feel like I need to get this bleed valve for my vacuum pump though... I really want to make some budder, and some fadedtek dried BHO ;)..... Then compare those 2 pans to my own straight vacuumtek oil....

I've had my vac purged oil, sitting out at room temperature, in a place that it gets fresh air, but dust won't collect on the oil ! I'm going to let it dry for a week or two anyway, and see how it looks. 8) Just trying everything! :)
What I like about titanium nails vs curves is that a curve is expensive as a titanium nail is for the wrap. The wrap is pretty inconvenient to unwrap and put on another curve. The titanium nail, however, can be used in any oil dome I like and I can have some selection of design and color choices to change a lot less expensive than a new curve each time. The titanium nails have a large enough pad on it where you could do a 1g dab pretty easy, I dont know the capacity of a curves pad, but at that point, 1g is way more than I'd ever do myself I think mine are about 1/4g to 1/2g each.
now thats not a surprise. but seriously, its well known that curves are for girls. Has nothing to do with lung power and everything to do with globbing. I didn't make that up, just passing it along. ask the guys at hitman, you only see them with nails.

That's because they make the titanium nails, so why wouldnt they use them. :)
I'd get a vapor curve, just because I think its cool that you vape the oil, and it falls upwards into a faucet...

Its like a reverse sink.... Pretty neat.... I think.... Even if you guys think 'it's for girls' I'd still get one ;) I don't understand why it'd be a girl thing though!
I'd get a vapor curve, just because I think its cool that you vape the oil, and it falls upwards into a faucet...

Its like a reverse sink.... Pretty neat.... I think.... Even if you guys think 'it's for girls' I'd still get one ;) I don't understand why it'd be a girl thing though!

Yeah you know.. this is the first im ever hearing its for girls.. i was at the head shop and saw one and was like woah thats cool ill take it, ive been enjoying it tho so even if it is for girls, im still gonna smoke mine :)
now thats not a surprise. but seriously, its well known that curves are for girls. Has nothing to do with lung power and everything to do with globbing. I didn't make that up, just passing it along. ask the guys at hitman, you only see them with nails.

i was dabbin with the guys from hit man crew and steve bates at hemp fest this year!...guess what we were dabb off of? mmmmmhmmmm hitman turbine with a curve! :D