Damn I just took a giant dab and I am sooooooooo fuckin happy you guys taught me about oil. wow. okeif ordered.
I hope you noticed my post, about the extra things you should get with your okief order
Ok interesting... So just blast it in the pyrex and let it sit.... How do you determine its dry enough and ready to be scraped?
You will know when it's dry, when there is no liquidity to it... and more of a RESIN

ALSO, you can greatly speed the evap process by doing this:
Find your pyrex tray you will spray into.....
Find another container (pyrex is easy) that you can fit your FIRST dish into...... comfortably... so a dish, sitting in a dish...
Then after you run your tane into your 1st pyrex dish, fill the second dish half way with HOT HOT tap water (turn it on hot, let it run for a minute til it doesn't get any hotter).... then float your 1st dish, in the second dish.....
The warmth from the water, will help take the COLD out of your butane that your oil is suspended in... it will make the butane in your dish boil/evap more rapidly...
Personally, I find, the FASTER I can get the butane OUT of my oil, the better consistensy I get.... If I have the oil suspended in the butane for like 20-30 minutes total (repacking tubes) I find my oil gets very runny, even after purging. If I hustle real quick, have 2 tubes already packed, and I spray and evaporate the majority of the butane within like 10 minutes .... I get super duper stable, SAP... like warm CANDY