The great thermite debate.


Well-Known Member
So after 5 minutes you weren't even able to answer one single question? You weren't a combat Engineer were you?

How would I Know what was used ? I wasn't there and I didn't set it up. Ignore the fact that they found evidence in the dust, just gloss over that fact, ignore it, it will go away, maybe.
you said thermite was used what changed your mind?

combat veteran?

point and laugh ladies and gentlemen point and laugh


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am a combat vet, Desert storm and Somalia, what of it?
combat vet and mr " munitions expert" who's "blown up many things with many different types of explosives"

yet you cannot explain why twin towers came down???

what happened to your thermite theory?


Well-Known Member
combat vet and mr " munitions expert" who's "blown up many things with many different types of explosives"

yet you cannot explain why twin towers came down???

what happened to your thermite theory?
Just so you know, I never demolished a SkyScraper. But this guy has...


Well-Known Member
Another thing that bothers me is the dust, the WTC towers have parts that discombobulate and turn to dust in front of your very own eyes.

Look at the spire left over, it turns to DUST!! How do you make steel turn to dust? Molecular disassociation?


Well-Known Member
Another thing that bothers me is the dust, the WTC towers have parts that discombobulate and turn to dust in front of your very own eyes.

Look at the spire left over, it turns to DUST!! How do you make steel turn to dust? Molecular disassociation?
lol thank you for making my day i saw this when i woke up today and its made me smile all day at work

have you seen this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr
or this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr

looks to be solid proof that your "Death Ray"
is actually a transporter ala startrek style

or it could just be the dust from the already collapsed wtc2 tower dislodged from the mast as it started to FALL

i would love to see you at a magic show i suspect you'd shit yourself once they start doing "tricks"


Well-Known Member
lol thank you for making my day i saw this when i woke up today and its made me smile all day at work

have you seen this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr
or this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr

looks to be solid proof that your "Death Ray"
is actually a transporter ala startrek style

or it could just be the dust from the already collapsed wtc2 tower dislodged from the mast as it started to FALL

i would love to see you at a magic show i suspect you'd shit yourself once they start doing "tricks"
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! Priceless!!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I assume you didn't read the whole post, because you only comment on what I said, not what you said. I don't have any problems with the English language, but you can try and put as much emotion and inflection into the written word as you want and it won't come through. Now go back and read it again, then prepare an apology.
I have no idea what you are even talking about now!:-?


Well-Known Member
lol thank you for making my day i saw this when i woke up today and its made me smile all day at work

have you seen this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr
or this?

WTC Antenna Mast by massmatt, on Flickr

looks to be solid proof that your "Death Ray"
is actually a transporter ala startrek style

or it could just be the dust from the already collapsed wtc2 tower dislodged from the mast as it started to FALL

i would love to see you at a magic show i suspect you'd shit yourself once they start doing "tricks"
That isn't what is shown in the video, the video shows the left over steel wall section. Antennas normally reside on the tops of buildings, not as part of the wall. Perhaps you need to go back to the Internet and keep searching because your evidence has zero to do with what I have shown. You need to be on the same page and arguing the same things. I don't pull up a picture of WTC7 and show it collapsing and say that termites did it and then show a picture of a mean dog to prove it? That is in essence what you are doing, providing evidence for an argument that doesn't exist.

Antenna mast is not the same thing as a steel column spire, How you think it is is quite beyond me. You don't think cats and dogs are the same animal do you? Sharks and trout? Sofas and green grass?

Since you have proven you can't tell the difference from one piece of metal to another it really brings into question your skills to logically debate the issues.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you cannot tell the difference between a antenna and the outer walls of a building, are you totally devoid of intelligence that you can't tell the difference? I am not going to argue with someone as stupid as you are, I am ashamed to be from the same species as you.
bwahahahahahahahaha you are a funny funny little deluded man
how did the mast survive the "deathray"? you that confused by dust coming off the falling "shard" of wtc that you cannot see the black line falling behind it?



Well-Known Member
bwahahahahahahahaha you are a funny funny little deluded man
how did the mast survive the "deathray"? you that confused by dust coming off the falling "shard" of wtc that you cannot see the black line falling behind it?

Are you still unable to tell the difference between what you posted and what I posted? What you posted has nothing to do with what I posted and disproves not one single thing. Go back to the drawing board because your argument has been totally defeated.


Well-Known Member
Yep, wasn't me though, I just brought it to your attention that it was something unexplained happening.
and you've never talked about a death ray? while using pictures of that video??? funny

What does the steel communication tower on WTC#1 look like when it turns to dust?
WTF could possibly do that?
Evidence of a Beam weapon?
Death ray? They had a prototype by 1993. neutral particle beam weapon. Part of the US Strategic Defense Initiative ( Star Wars program )

Don't say it isn't possible.

The reason you want answers FDD is becasue you know that the story being presented as the truth is a bunch of BS, you feel it don't you?
What if it was an energy beam? a "Death Ray" as you put it? "The Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive Energy through the Natural Media". may have answers. Nikola Tesla said he could create a weapon of such formidable power even back in 1930. The press dubbed it a "Peace Ray". What if?
Evidence of a Beam weapon?


Well-Known Member
Yep, the whole thing is being freed of dust , because the whole thing is made of dust.
i'f its a "spire" or a shard of building still standing it just had all the rest of the wtc falling away from it i wonder where the dust comes from.........


Well-Known Member
and you've never talked about a death ray? while using pictures of that video???

Evidence of a Beam weapon?
funny I never made the argument that it WAS a beam weapon, I only brought up the question of its possibility. I know you can't tell the difference, but thats ok, you can't tell the difference between a steel column and a antenna either.