
LMFAO hey if a man accepts that his wife sits on her ass and does not earn money or do her share, he is a fool lol Oh FDD see women are allowed to get jobs and earn money, silly men just pamper the wrong women who don't deserve the priviledge of being a stay a home wife/mother !! Stupid fools get what they deserver if a partner is picked for looks and status ;)

this girl gets it, you must be my sister from another mother, cuase this is how i was brought up
This argument is the reason I tend to lean towards Libertarians.

I do what I want with my body, you do want you want to yours. Easy.

Not getting into this topic, but Im pretty sure Libertarians also respect the rights of the unborn child as much as the rights of the parent. At least Ron Paul says so,and didn't he basically start the Libertarian thing?

Anyways I'm out.
Not getting into this topic, but Im pretty sure Libertarians also respect the rights of the unborn child as much as the rights of the parent. At least Ron Paul says so,and didn't he basically start the Libertarian thing?

Anyways I'm out.

LOL - No, Ron Paul didn't start the libertarian thing.

Look up John Stuart Mill "On Liberty"

Minimalist government? Fewer gov restrictions? And you think most libertarians would make a law against abortions? You're off your rocker.
Actually, I think IIRC, Paul said that he is against abortion but also against the SCOTUS decision to create a brand new fundemental right that overrides the 10th Amendment and believes that it should be up to the states. Paul is a libertarian or classic liberal. The Libertarian Party (big "L") holds no official stance as even amongst libertarians it is a divisive issue. I personally think that it should be allowed up until a certain point without exigent circumstances. That gives plenty of time for the woman to know she's pregnant and make a decision. At some point we are obligated to protect the rights of the unborn as if it was a neonate. I think when the brain develops consciousness should be a deciding factor and we need to err on the side of protecting the innocent, if it is determined that developmentally that can vary among individuals.
"The fetus is not a human being with rights until it is born (based on a number of rationales) and/or only the mother confers rights on the fetus; even if the fetus has rights, and abortion is murder, the rights of the mother to evict trespassers – for whatever reasons – through abortion are greater (based on a number of rationales); the government is the problem, not the solution, including in this issue; it's my body and the government should keep its laws off it; people can decide this issue in their private, contractual communities; only voluntary means of convincing a woman to have a child are libertarian; the decision on whether it is murder is based on political power and adult women have more power; it is wrong to force a deformed baby or unwanted child to come into the world."

From Pro-choice libertarians.net
i have 2 friends that have had abortions. one was with a total dirt bag that treated her like shit, so having a baby with him would have ruined her and the baby's lives. the second friend was totally not prepared for a baby. she wouldve had to quit college and all that.

i dont think abortion should be used as a contraceptive, but i do think it should be legal to make the choice. sometime people get drunk at a bar and end up goin home with someone and havin sex. shit happens and people get pregnant. the brain doesnt always think about the consequences 9 months down the road when it is in a sexually charged state.

i also agree with what ganjames said about population. if i ever got a girl pregnant, id probably try to talk her into an abortion, to be honest(although i always use condoms). if i ever wanted a kid, i would definitely adopt. there are TONS of kids that have nobody. my dad was adopted too, so thats another reason why.
i have 2 friends that have had abortions. one was with a total dirt bag that treated her like shit, so having a baby with him would have ruined her and the baby's lives. the second friend was totally not prepared for a baby. she wouldve had to quit college and all that.

i dont think abortion should be used as a contraceptive, but i do think it should be legal to make the choice. sometime people get drunk at a bar and end up goin home with someone and havin sex. shit happens and people get pregnant. the brain doesnt always think about the consequences 9 months down the road when it is in a sexually charged state.

i also agree with what ganjames said about population. if i ever got a girl pregnant, id probably try to talk her into an abortion, to be honest(although i always use condoms). if i ever wanted a kid, i would definitely adopt. there are TONS of kids that have nobody. my dad was adopted too, so thats another reason why.

Condoms are for sailors! lol
Condoms are for sailors! lol

and internet connections!
LOL Ron Paul can be personally against Abortion, but the last thing he'd be for, is government interference in the issue.

Actually one of the fundamental beliefs of the nearly all Libertarians whether extreme or moderate is that one of Governments sole duties is to protect it's citizens from harm. Also Ron Paul being a doctor believes in protecting the civil rights of the unborn the same as "born people".

Read up before making assumptions ;)
i have 2 friends that have had abortions. one was with a total dirt bag that treated her like shit, so having a baby with him would have ruined her and the baby's lives. the second friend was totally not prepared for a baby. she wouldve had to quit college and all that.

i dont think abortion should be used as a contraceptive, but i do think it should be legal to make the choice. sometime people get drunk at a bar and end up goin home with someone and havin sex. shit happens and people get pregnant. the brain doesnt always think about the consequences 9 months down the road when it is in a sexually charged state.

i also agree with what ganjames said about population. if i ever got a girl pregnant, id probably try to talk her into an abortion, to be honest(although i always use condoms). if i ever wanted a kid, i would definitely adopt. there are TONS of kids that have nobody. my dad was adopted too, so thats another reason why.
To be truthful and no offense to you personally, but anybody who hasnt been in the situation really hasn't a right to opinions on the subject.

"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, oh what a world it would be" ;)
To be truthful and no offense to you personally, but anybody who hasnt been in the situation really hasn't a right to opinions on the subject.

"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, oh what a world it would be" ;)

To be truthful and no offense to you personally, but anybody who hasnt been in the situation really hasn't a right to opinions on the subject.

"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, oh what a world it would be" ;)

That's bullshit dude, anyone who hasn't been in the situation doesn't have the RIGHT to an OPINION? Last time I checked bud, everyone has the right to any opinion.
As I said I'm not getting into this,my opinions are my own, but anyone who thinks they've made up their mind about it is CLUELESS until they're in the situation.

Iv seen many people who were pro-choice choose to keep the baby and people who were pro-life have an abortion, so as I said before, you can state your opinion on here over and over till youve carpal tunnel syndrome but it means nothing until you actually have to choose yourself.

And everyone has the right to a private opinion, but to claim it is correct to other people is a fallacy.
As I said I'm not getting into this,my opinions are my own, but anyone who thinks they've made up their mind about it is CLUELESS until they're in the situation.

Iv seen many people who were pro-choice choose to keep the baby and people who were pro-life have an abortion, so as I said before, you can state your opinion on here over and over till youve carpal tunnel syndrome but it means nothing until you actually have to choose yourself.

And everyone has the right to a private opinion, but to claim it is correct to other people is a fallacy.
Pro-choice doesn't mean you'd have an abortion everytime. :lol: It just means that you have the right to choose it if you will. Pro-lifers are terrible hypocrites tho if they have an abortion. :)
Well people tend to radically alter their opinions when theyre in the situation, doesn't make them hypocrites, it makes them human ;)
Well people tend to radically alter their opinions when theyre in the situation, doesn't make them hypocrites, it makes them human ;)
Uhhh ya, it does. lol That's like the definition of 'hypocrite'. But yes. I'm not going berate a person for it, but I can't deny that they're hypocrites.
Uhhh ya, it does. lol That's like the definition of 'hypocrite'. But yes. I'm not going berate a person for it, but I can't deny that they're hypocrites.

Who are you to judge someone else because they changed their views on something because of their acquisition of real life experience. It's real easy for someone to judge the singer until their asked to get up and do it themselves.