difficulty of growing natural

so once i get my pc growbox built i'll be growing for the first time. i'm forced to go almost 100% chem free due to finances. how much harder is growing without chems as to with chems?


Active Member
Its cheaper to grow with chemicals, in terms of maximizing your yield and resin and those kind of things, Organics would be cheaper, But a basic lineup such as GH 3 part or other is cheaper than say the Botanicare Pro line. You can add cheap stuff too to get the most bang out of ur buck, like molasses. Also another thing I've found is ebay has anything you want in sample sized amounts. I just bought a 100 ml of voodoo juice for 10 bucks.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ If you want organic weed cheap chicken poop and a small bag of phos bat guano will get you there look at my threads in my sig. Recipies for orgainx. Now if you want the real cheapo special look up peters ferts they are cheap and work good . Google growing pot with peters ferts and you will find threads galore of recipes and plans of attack for fert schedules...


Active Member
If you want enough organic nutrients to last entire veg stage, simply pee in your soil thoroughly and let it dry up(i used 1 gallon for 5 gal. of soil), your plant will stay completely green and healthy all through flower. You can also add a box fertilizer and it would be set through flowering. To get the best product in the end you would be better off buying hydroponic nutrients, on top of the urine added. And in the end if you want quality of quantity, you should stick with organics, or at least 75%+. I forgot I used these for my last grow www.ebay.com/itm/Botanicare-Pure-Blend-Pro-Soil-Kit-Nutrients-/220814401978?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33699061ba
They are cheaper than the GH-3 part, and will last for a pc grow box.


Well-Known Member
If you want enough organic nutrients to last entire veg stage, simply pee in your soil thoroughly and let it dry up(i used 1 gallon for 5 gal. of soil), your plant will stay completely green and healthy all through flower. You can also add a box fertilizer and it would be set through flowering. To get the best product in the end you would be better off buying hydroponic nutrients, on top of the urine added. And in the end if you want quality of quantity, you should stick with organics, or at least 75%+. I forgot I used these for my last grow www.ebay.com/itm/Botanicare-Pure-Blend-Pro-Soil-Kit-Nutrients-/220814401978?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33699061ba
They are cheaper than the GH-3 part, and will last for a pc grow box.
Surely you jest, an entire GALLON of urine for a 5 gal would burn the shit out of anything.


Active Member
um dont piss in your plant...you dont wana smoke that.. i think a few of the ppl on this fourm need to lay off the ganja for a few.. if your looking for good organic advice hit up the skunk magizne fourms. www.skunkmagazine.com im a huge fan of "The Rev" a writer for skunk magazine who crafted True Living Organics or TLO a 100% all natural growing style. plants grown organicly can grow just as fast and big as any unnatural grow and also yeild just as well. another great plus is that buds taste better and burn nicer so long as a good cure and grow produce them...anyhow organics can take up a bit more time and even money depending on how you go about things. i make my own compost using egg shells banna peels coffee grounds lawn clippings ect ect.. the drraw back there is that compose takes 18 to 24 months to breakdown to a useable state in a growing enviorment. cow shit makes great fertalizer.. u wana go for the old cow pies that are dried up and look like dirt.. i live in the midwest USA so cow dung is plentiful here..compost should never exceed 20% of your soil mix most soils are premixed with compost.. compost also has a high ph arround 8 or so ideal soil for buds is 6 to sevin too much compost will cause necrosis or yellowing of the leafs... take ph readings if possable... i will not even smoke inorganic buds fertalizers are made with fermaldihide(sp?) and lots of other nasty dirty shit that nobody should smoke. do your home work on organics and youll be happy that youve chosen that cleaner pure way of growing. hope you have good luck with your gardening stick to those organics its worth it when the harvest rolls in. and agien...dont freeking pee on your plants


Well-Known Member
um dont piss in your plant...you dont wana smoke that.. i think a few of the ppl on this fourm need to lay off the ganja for a few.. if your looking for good organic advice hit up the skunk magizne fourms. www.skunkmagazine.com im a huge fan of "The Rev" a writer for skunk magazine who crafted True Living Organics or TLO a 100% all natural growing style. plants grown organicly can grow just as fast and big as any unnatural grow and also yeild just as well. another great plus is that buds taste better and burn nicer so long as a good cure and grow produce them...anyhow organics can take up a bit more time and even money depending on how you go about things. i make my own compost using egg shells banna peels coffee grounds lawn clippings ect ect.. the drraw back there is that compose takes 18 to 24 months to breakdown to a useable state in a growing enviorment. cow shit makes great fertalizer.. u wana go for the old cow pies that are dried up and look like dirt.. i live in the midwest USA so cow dung is plentiful here..compost should never exceed 20% of your soil mix most soils are premixed with compost.. compost also has a high ph arround 8 or so ideal soil for buds is 6 to sevin too much compost will cause necrosis or yellowing of the leafs... take ph readings if possable... i will not even smoke inorganic buds fertalizers are made with fermaldihide(sp?) and lots of other nasty dirty shit that nobody should smoke. do your home work on organics and youll be happy that youve chosen that cleaner pure way of growing. hope you have good luck with your gardening stick to those organics its worth it when the harvest rolls in. and agien...dont freeking pee on your plants
You'll put cow shit on your plants, but you're knocking urine? Why?


Well-Known Member
so once i get my pc growbox built i'll be growing for the first time. i'm forced to go almost 100% chem free due to finances. how much harder is growing without chems as to with chems?
If you’re on a budget consider Alaska Fish emulations they have a Vegetative and Flowering formulas for under $10 a bottle at Home Depot. There are some nice dry mix fertilizers you can get that are reasonably priced too


Active Member
sorry OP do you wanna grow without any nutrients, chemical or organic?

cos if so modern cannabis plants have been breed to be heavy on nutes, you could get away with it, but would need a big as pot so for your pc grow, no you cant grow without some kinds of nutrients, chemical or organic


Well-Known Member
pissing on plants is perfectly fine dude. it's organic. think about it. why do you think animal shit works so well. plants are much more efficient at processing nutrients than people and animals. the plants simply absorb whatever you or your cow didn't the first time. it's the cycle of life man. they grow from both the remains of their dead leaves and fruit as well as the organically processed remains after animals eat them!


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine once went around the neighborhood asking people with composters for compost. worth a shot for the true cheapo


Well-Known Member
Guanos and poo are used all the time so whats wrong with piss lol some people don't think....2lbs of bat poo cost around 7 bucks,molasses cost 3-4 bucks should last you a few grows....get some good soil and you wont have to feed until your plants have consumed everything in the soil....I recommend using a really wide and short container to grow in a small space like that (doesn't have to be a pot).....like that you can have more soil without taking up head space.... that way you wont have to feed so soon......making things a lot simpler.....
sorry OP do you wanna grow without any nutrients, chemical or organic?

cos if so modern cannabis plants have been breed to be heavy on nutes, you could get away with it, but would need a big as pot so for your pc grow, no you cant grow without some kinds of nutrients, chemical or organic
as bad as it sounds i'm looking for the cheapest way to grow pot in general. just to start out


Well-Known Member
Oh man, some of you guys (first page mostly) really need to stop giving advice when you have no clue what you're talking about.

"tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"


Well-Known Member
If you’re on a budget consider Alaska Fish emulations they have a Vegetative and Flowering formulas for under $10 a bottle at Home Depot. There are some nice dry mix fertilizers you can get that are reasonably priced too
for cheap organic nutes.......this is it!! works fantastic and is cheap.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Wolverine, you are the SHIT, man!! I wasn't even gonna post here until I saw yours. Urine will work, no doubt, but only as a last resort guys!! Go down to a local nursery or garden center and get a bag of Espoma BioTone Plus, a bag of their Bone Meal and some Kelp. Mix the BioTone and Bone meal into the soil at the beginning, from then on you only water them. Use the Kelp (or high P guano, if you prefer) as a supplemental tea. That will get you thru the entire grow, and easy as that. You should be into it for under $30.


Well-Known Member
Wolverine, you are the SHIT, man!! I wasn't even gonna post here until I saw yours. Urine will work, no doubt, but only as a last resort guys!! Go down to a local nursery or garden center and get a bag of Espoma BioTone Plus, a bag of their Bone Meal and some Kelp. Mix the BioTone and Bone meal into the soil at the beginning, from then on you only water them. Use the Kelp (or high P guano, if you prefer) as a supplemental tea. That will get you thru the entire grow, and easy as that. You should be into it for under $30.
I appreciate the kind words, brother. The guy who said to just piss in the pot and let it dry out was my main target there, as that will burn a plant crispy. Urine can work very well (if you don't mind using it), but people just spout off whatever they're thinking whether they actually know or not. It bugs me, because noob's don't know any better.