I grew my outdoor plants in my backyard in the native soil (heavy clay) in the Bay Area of California with great results. Grew 4 varietals of OG Kush with a focus on being as organic as possible.
Soil Prep: Digging rows about 2 feet deep (used double dig method) 3 feet wide and 10 feet long.
Soil Amendments: I added a heaping layer of about 2-3 inches of HOMEMADE garden compost made from kitchen scraps and garden clipping from lawn and bushes etc. An 1-2 inch layer of cheap composted steer manure from my local super store at a single ONE dollar per 20 pound bag.
Fertilizer: Alaska Fish Emulsion from local super store. Used this during the vegging only. Miracle Grow Organic Choice ferts ramping up and down through season.
Water: I used tap water from the back yard hose. I filled garbage can with the water and let sit for 24-48 hours to help remove any chlorine. I never pH tested my water or water.
That' it folks. The plants albeit were started about a month and a half late into the season and still averaged about a quarter pound per plant. I'm not here to boast. All I want to get across is that you can be successful while using very little. I AM A TOTAL CHEAPSKATE. I was able to produce a pound and a half with a meager budget of less than a hundred dollars including the cost of the clones that were used. I've been to the hydro shop and I've seen friends spend $100 dollars on a single bottle of their fertilizer line-up.
Now I know that there are members that will tell you if you use ______ fertilizers you will produce and better yield or better product etc. Let me address you folks. I AGREE! I really do, but what is more important to the up and coming grower is to start simple so you have a base line for your future projects. I think your first grow is more educational than anything. I found my style as a grower, my own watering and feeding patterns, future garden layout and spacing and consideration for products I would like to add to feeding next year.
Most important messages to newbies, DON'T BE AFRAID TO FAIL!
If anyone has questions about my organic grow please let me know